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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Now Even White House Spends Its Time Fixing Joe Biden’s Statements

    WND, biden, gay sex, monkeypox

    Bob UnruhBy Bob Unruh

    Political critics – often Republican – of Joe Biden have been correcting his statements for months and years.

    That’s expected. After all, they’re critics because they don’t agree with the president’s agenda of running the nation off a spending cliff, taking over elections, giving billions of dollars in war machinery to the Taliban, opening the nation’s southern border and more.

    The move came in a series of statements after Biden went on a binge during a town hall meeting and conjured up comments that, well, weren’t right.

    “So, THIS was embarrassing: Biden’s CNN Town Hall was SUCH a train wreck his own staff had to fact-check HIM in real time,” explained Twitchy.

    The Daily Mail characterizes the retreat as the White House walking “back Biden’s town hall words,” and explaining he doesn’t have the power to mobilize the National Guard, and he “overstepped the mark with vow to defend Taiwan from China.”

    For example, Biden affirmed he would send the Guard to alleviate supply chain issues.

    But the White House in a fact check of its own resident noted that was a function of states, “under the purview of governors.”

    Biden, however, believed he could set the Guard to drive trucks to address the supply chain issues, and more.

    The Daily Mail explained, “The walk-back comes as the White House seeks to drum up Biden’s sinking poll numbers – Biden lost a whopping 11. 3 percentage points from his first quarter approval of 56 percent to an average of 44.7 percent at the end of the three months spanning late July through October, according to a new Gallup poll.”

    White House officials also had to clarify a comment Biden made that the U.S. would defend Taiwan in the event of an attack by China.

    The Daily Mail reported, “Biden’s statement was at odds with the long-held US policy known as ‘strategic ambiguity,’ where Washington helps build Taiwan’s defenses but does not explicitly promise to come to the island’s help in the event of an attack.”

    The White House jumped in with a denial that Biden was announcing a formal change in U.S. policy. Officials cited the Taiwan Relations Acts and said those provisions would be followed.

    Fox News explained the clarifications to what Biden meant when he said something else were during a CNN town hall with Anderson Cooper.

    The question about dispatching the Guard came during a discussion about the supply chain issues that have developed under Biden’s tenure in office. Dozens of container ships are waiting access to American ports to unload their cargoes, and economists have warned that during the coming Christmas shopping season, stores will have empty shelves and consumers will be unable to get some products.

    The Taiwan issues came up when he answered a questions about the commitment of the U.S. to defend Taiwan in Beijing would attack.

    He said, “China, Russia, and the rest of the world knows we have the most powerful military in the history of the world. Don’t worry about whether we’re going to – they’re going to be more powerful,” Biden said. “What you do have to worry about is whether or not they’re going to engage in activities that will put them in a position where they may make a serious mistake.”

    Specifically on the issue of Taiwan, Biden said American would defend it.

    “Yes, we have a commitment to do that.”

    Within hours, Chinese officials issued a statement, “No one should underestimate the strong resolve, determination and capability of the Chinese people to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. China has no room for compromise.”

    Twitchy described Biden’s performance as “a hot dumpster of cringe, awful, and embarrassing as he stumbled and bumbled through the pre-scripted questions from Dem-sympathetic CNN hosts.”

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