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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    The Dark History Of Pfizer’s Paxlovid & What You Need To Know About Its Dangers

    In the first of the three part series, Pfizer’s PAXLOVID May Prove Dangerous, Buyer Beware, a brief look was taken at the Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization letter, what PAXLOVID is, and some issues surrounding the regime. This will focus on the historical context of how PAXLOVID may have come into play.

    A display shows items that will be provided with COVID 19 vaccines at Operation Warp Speed headquarters in Washington DC Nov 13 2020 Operation Warp Speed is an effort by several US government components and public partnerships to facilitate the development manufacturing and distribution of COVID 19 vaccines therapeutics and diagnostics DoD photo by EJ Hersom

    In April of 2020, Nature published a study out of China titled, “Structure of Mpro from SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of its inhibitors”. The study appeared in June of 2020 at Pub Med. According to the study, the authors/scientists were looking at identifying drugs that could inhibit the main protease (Mpro) of the “virus”. It was concluded that six compounds could inhibit SARS-CoV-2 main protease that would slow/cease viral replication. The study admits it used a “combination of structure-based virtual and high throughput screening” of 10,000 compounds. Six were shown to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 main protease. One, ebselen, looked particularly promising. In December 2020, Pub Med published this study, “Ebselen, a new candidate therapeutic against SARS-CoV-2”. The key in both of these studies is the use of “in silico” and in vitro studies.

    However, the December study found ebselen has anti-inflammatory properties, is capable of limiting liver injury induced by chemical and microbial stimuli, and has antiviral properties against other viruses such as influenza A, Zika, HIV-1, and Hepatitis C, making it a good candidate as a therapeutic for SARS-CoV-2. But, what was failed to be mentioned in the December study is the potential toxicity for ebselen, as indicated at PubChem.

    In the study out of China published by Nature, several of the authors were associated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. One author was associated with the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, and one with the University of Queensland, Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.

    If you recall, one supplement that demonstrated antioxidant effects because it is beneficial to restoring intracellular levels of glutathione is NAC 9N acetyl cysteine. From the website of Dr. Lee Merritt, “Decades of research has demonstrated the benefits of NAC 9N-acetyl Cysteine) in restoring intracellular levels of
    one of the body’s most powerful antioxidant defenses, glutathione (GSH). As reviewed by Life Extension, NAC can protect against avian influenza and more common seasonal flu symptoms. NAC reduces the frequency and duration of attacks of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and may slow the clinical course of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). NAC protects tissues from the effects of exercise-induced oxidative stress, adding value and safety to your workout. NAC improves insulin sensitivity in people with some of the most difficult-to-treat metabolic disorders. NAC blocks cancer development at virtually every step in the process, and through multiple mechanisms, making it an important cancer chemopreventive agent. But we have learned that NAC is particularly beneficial in treating Covid—especially those people who have the variety with gastrointestinal symptoms.” In fact, Sally Fallon Morrell talked about raw milk as a good source of glutathione when on the Sons of Liberty Media Radio morning show with Tim Brown, along with Dr. Thomas Cowan.

    In April of 2021, a study out of India, done in silico, examined 177 natural products as RdRP and main protease inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2. The study found that “Total four natural chemical entities with promising inhibition of RdRp along with twelve of these natural products inhibiting Mpro protein were identified …. The dual targeting inhibitors including dieckol, theaflavin-3,3′-digallate and phlorofucofuroeckol A were found to inhibit both RdRp and Mpro significantly. Additionally, rutin derived from Ruta graveolens, Tephrosia purpurea and Eucalyptus sp. and 7-phloroeckol derived from Ecklonia bicyclis have immense potential to inhibit Mpro with sufficiently higher stability, suggesting their candidature as promising SARS CoV-2 inhibitors.”

    It appears studies were being conducted to find current therapeutics on the market as well as natural compounds that would inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Mpro and RdRP. This means these studies were looking for “off label” uses for currently available therapeutics to treat and prevent SARS-CoV-2. Yet, it has been Pfizer, with a new medication, nirmatrelvir, and protocol with existing ritonavir, along with its mRNA injection, that has received an EUA from the FDA. Moreover, the Zelenko protocol has been out for quite some time showing effectiveness against COVID-19. Likewise, America’s Frontline Doctors have a protocol for treatment as well, which has been shown effective. If you will recall, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Bill Smith and Dr. Michael Roth, who have been guests on the Sons of Liberty Radio Morning Show with Tim Brown, are members of America’s Frontline Doctors. And, one cannot fail to mention that “Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P” (Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Lawrence Palevsky) have conveyed many natural products to combat COVID-19 as well as their episodes called “The Five Docs”, which includes Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, and Dr. Lee Merritt. Dr. Andreas Kalcker, another guest on the morning Sons of Liberty Radio Show with Tim Brown, has had excellent results with Chlorine Dioxide for COVID-19. As always, tune to SoL radio every Saturday morning with Tim Brown and health and wellness expert Kate Shemirani to receive information that will be beneficial to aiding you toward health and measures that can stave off illness.

    While the public was being told the only way to end the COVID-19 pandemic was through a “vaccine”, PubMed studies and other medical professionals indicate that this was not true and other sources also confirm a “vaccine” was not the only option.

    Once again, the people have not been given all available information from those at the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), or individuals like Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Deborah Birx, and the Operation Mockingbird media.

    The next part of the series will cover PAXLOVID itself and what information Pfizer presented and omitted to its stakeholders. In the meantime, review in-depth all the sources provided, the websites for the doctors, and previous Sons of Liberty Radio Shows for information regarding alternatives such as Chlorine Dioxide and truthful COVID-19 information.

    When it comes to EUA therapeutics, remember the buyer beware as none have been proven safe and effective.

    Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

    Suzanne Hamner

    Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.

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    Heartset Punker
    Heartset Punker
    8 months ago

    Truth is: determine if you’re one of Satan’s descendants or one of Eve’s descendants.
    Then govern yourself accordingly

    11 months ago

    Most of us aren’t equipped to read this kind of article and determine its accuracy; it’s written in a language we have little ability to understand.

    Other than we can understand the lies given to the world about the mRNA shot that became obvious with the failure of the shot to achieve the “promise” of an end to SARS COV-2, what are we now to believe?

    I believe the general public would be better provided with truth if more general terms were used in future articles.

    Heartset Punker
    Heartset Punker
    8 months ago
    Reply to  Bill

    Truth is: determine if you’re one of Satan’s descendants or one of Eve’s descendants.

    Then govern yourself accordingly

    Last edited 8 months ago by Heartset Punker
    1 year ago

    Don’t trust the medical establishment today. Scary but the world we live in. It’s all about the money.

    1 year ago

    Remember azt?

    Liz Marsh
    Liz Marsh
    2 years ago

    I have been following the online doctors and have taken ivermectin for COVID but my question is is paxlovid a better alternative to ivermectin

    Michelle for Life
    Michelle for Life
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Liz Marsh

    I sure wouldn’t trust it !

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Liz Marsh

    It is my understanding Paxlovid is for HIV just like Remdesivir. Remdesivir is known for causing organ failure. I would not take either drug personally. I’ve also red a ton of Reddit posts from people who took Paxlovid and developed the “Paxlovid rebound” which essentially made them more sick than if they had just not taken it.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Kris

    I agree, From what I had read, Paxlovid had never been tested on vaccinated or boosted people only the unvaxxed…

    11 months ago
    Reply to  Kris

    It would be interesting to know if Fauci, after having two shots and who knows how many boosters, would be willing to take paxlovid?

    11 months ago
    Reply to  Liz Marsh

    Can you really trust Pfizer after the failure of their shot to stop COVID?

    2 years ago

    You Republicans are very, very scared little people.

    Wayne Swanson
    Wayne Swanson
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Caitlyn

    Really? Seems like it’s the blue states and cities where everyone is obsessively wearing a mask (even though trying to stop a virus with a cloth mask is like trying to stop mosquitos with a chain-link fence). Funny how it was that Democrats who made two drugs from the WHO’s list of essential medicines -ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, almost impossible to obtain in the US. Uttar Pradesh State (in India) proved that distributing Ivermectin to their 200 million inhabitants, stops COVID in its tracks…but that is too logical for Democrats…too much truth. Why so much fear of these proven therapies? Why so much fear, eh Democrats?

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Caitlyn

    Scared? Questioning why the government is trying to forcefeed a gene therapy dressed up as a vaccine, while hiding results and injuries. Have you thought about what effects micro clots are having on healthy people? Or perhaps the suppressing of our immune system and rise in cancers? Would you vaccinate those not at risk from covid, without knowing long term effects? Or perhaps the problems life insurance companies are having with the rise in deaths in generally healthy young people? You are aware of the censoring going on?

    Mason Skinner
    Mason Skinner
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Caitlyn

    I emit digestive gases in your general direction.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Caitlyn

    Weird. The people who aren’t scared of the virus and are doing their research to learn more about it and how to treat it are the scared ones?? You probably also think companies like 23 and Me dont actually DNA harvest and it’s just conspiracy too…

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Caitlyn

    Caitlyn, you are a sad case if you think that this is a “Republican “ issue. Haha!

    Floyd Shane Crosby
    Floyd Shane Crosby
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Caitlyn

    It must be difficult being a liberal. Knowing that your own presidential nominee lied to her own party, creating the entire Russiagate scandal, then, liberals trusted news sources backed Hillary’s claim, deceiving the people that trusted them most. And now, realizing that your own party leaders once again haven’t been honest to their own party, convincing liberals to roll up their sleeves & get jabbed by dangerous & potentially deadly ‘vaccines’. And yet liberals refuse to entertain the idea that any of this is true, pretending that Trump did collude, trusting the lying news sources despite their lack of credibility and history of dishonesty, ignoring any information suggesting the ‘vaccines’ were not the best option and yet again liberals own party leaders fooled their own party with a barrage of claims that the ‘vaccines’ were completely safe. I guess liberals believe that denial is easier than accepting the truth. That the people liberals elected to take care of them, the people liberals trusted to have their best interests in mind did the exact opposite, placing them in harm’s way, feeding liberals lies designed to shape their views & opinions, leading liberals to hate others beyond reason so that liberals would believe every ridiculous claim their party leaders made, so that when the truth about the Democrats ongoing campaign of corruption began to be revealed, liberals would refuse to consider it, denying actual facts that don’t support their ‘reality’ while believing the unbelievable. They tell you MAGA is evil & racist, and with no questions asked liberals immediately accept it as truth. A reasonable person would understand that this claim, without documented proof directly tying the campaign slogan to racism is impossible to prove, unless liberals can read the mind of others. But even as liberals read this, they immediately dismiss it, choosing to believe MAGA is inherently racist solely because this is what they want the truth to be. No consideration, no objectivity, no question, just instant belief. THAT IS BEYOND REASON. But liberals are too far beyond reason to realize they’re beyond reason. They were nothing more than pawns to their party leaders, and they still follow the very people that have been lying to them from the start. Sanctimonious hypocrites.

    11 months ago
    Reply to  Caitlyn

    Politics aside Caitlyn, after the failed promise of the end of COVID if you take the first two shots, who do you trust? Fauci?

    Lance Kuan
    Lance Kuan
    2 years ago

    The Singapore govt is going to prescibe Paxlovid under emergency authorisation. This is very disconcerting given that such new drugs are being rushed out without proper long-term evaluation.

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