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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Fauci joins Xi At Davos, Complains U.S. Plagued By COVID ‘Disinformation’

    Dr. Anthony Fauci (Video screenshot)

    Speaking at the globalist World Economic Forum’s virtual Davos summit after it commenced with a speech by “his excellency” Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping, White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci complained the United States is plagued by “disinformation” regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “We have disinformation that is entirely destructive to a comprehensive public health endeavor,” Fauci said.

    Fauci, in his published writings, has called for “radical changes” in the “infrastructures of human existence,” echoing the “Great Reset” plan promoted by the World Economic Forum and its founder and executive chairman, Klaus Schwab. Early in the pandemic, Schwab wrote that “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions” and bring out a “‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

    Words of Xi

    Schwab introduced Xi on Monday, saying the world “must narrow the gap between the rich and the poor to achieve more sustainable global development.”

    As WND reported, Xi also kicked off the 2021 World Economic Forum conference one year ago, which featured WEF’s Great Reset initiative.

    Schwab introduced Xi at the 2021 event by commending China for its “many initiatives” undertaken “in the spirit of creating a world where all actors assume a responsible and responsive role.”

    “Mr. President, I believe this is the time to reset our policies and to work jointly for a peaceful and prosperous world,” Schwab said to Xi.


    Fauci’s “disinformation” charge comes as many top health officials and scientists continue to walk back their stances on masks, lockdowns, vaccines and other efforts to combat COVID-19, confirming the claims of esteemed scientists they have dismissed as “fringe” and conspiracy theorists.”

    One “former conspiracy theory” is the lab-leak origin of the pandemic, which is now seen as the most plausible theory by leadings scientists. The idea that it should be dismissed as mere “conspiracy” was planted by the Fauci-funded scientist Peter Daszak in a letter published in The Lancet, which has now been rescinded by the prestigious British medical journal.

    In November, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla charged people are spreading “misinformation” about the vaccines, calling them “criminals” who have cost “millions of lives.”

    However, this month Bourla acknowledged that two doses of his vaccine “offer very limited protection, if any” against the dominant omicron variant.

    And he said the mRNA vaccines “don’t have the safety profile that we hoped we can achieve with this technology.”

    Is it Safe For Children?

    The FDA approved the Pfizer shot for kids one week after an FDA advisory panel voted to recommended it for young children, despite acknowledging the lack of safety data and the nearly 100% survival rate for children from infection.

    Three Pfizer scientists were captured on hidden camera in a Project Veritas investigation admitting, contrary to the claims of Fauci and other public health officials, that natural immunity is superior to the immunity afforded from COVID vaccines.

    Last week, Dr. Peter McCullough – a renowned cardiologist and highly published medical scientist whose confrontation of the government’s COVID-19 policies has drawn more than 40 million views on Joe Rogan’s podcast – told WND in a video interview the official pandemic narrative is “completely crumbling.”

    That narrative, he said, included “false statements regarding asymptomatic spread, reliance on lockdown and masks – which obviously didn’t work – the suppression of early treatment, the mass promotion of vaccines that failed.”

    “And now here we are, almost in complete free fall,” McCullough said, referring to the record number of COVID-19 cases as officials acknowledge the vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission.

    McCullough noted that in California, with the more contagious but much milder omicron variant now dominant, health care workers who tested positive for COVID-19 and had symptoms were told to go back to work.

    “With that, I think that’s it. I think that’s the end. The narrative has crumbled. People don’t want these vaccines,” McCullough said.

    “The vaccines should be pulled off the market. They clearly are not solving the problem.”



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