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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Biden Press Conference Blasted As Failing ‘Horribly’

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    President Joe Biden signs the Further Surface Transportation Extension Act, Sunday, Oct. 31, 2021, at Villa Taverna in Rome. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

    President Joe Biden signs the Further Surface Transportation Extension Act, Sunday, Oct. 31, 2021, at Villa Taverna in Rome. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

    The New York Post editorial board has described Joe Biden’s press conference this week as a disaster.

    “If President Biden’s press conference Wednesday was supposed to inspire confidence, it failed – horribly,” the board concluded.

    “Even though he spent most of it clearly calling on reporters from a list of ‘safe’ questioners provided by his staff, he stumbled and bumbled and all too often made no sense at all. Plus, he repeated his bizarre ‘whisper shout’ gimmick to emphasize certain points — when what it actually emphasizes is his age.

    “On that note, he kept walking down memory lane, reminiscing about how ‘in my day’ cable news was like that, the Republican Party was like this, and so on. He’s fighting old wars in his head, or maybe he’s just confused about the modern world.”

    It continued, “Yet he couldn’t remember what he said last week, insisting he hadn’t compared opponents of end-running the Senate filibuster rules to pass the nationalize-election-law bill to Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis. Yet minutes later, he warned those same (Democratic!) senators that their supposedly infamous position will stick with them all the rest of their days.”

    The Post’s comments were far from the only criticisms of Biden’s performance, which, according to multiple polls questioning Americans in recent weeks, is failing the nation entirely, leading it down the wrong path.

    Fox News explained while the White House had “high hopes” for the event, “hoping to paint the administration as a less-cloistered outfit that embraces the public and transparency,” but ended up with a “debacle.”

    What happened was Biden, with “strikingly low popularity numbers,” made “long remarks on issues related to Russian aggression towards Ukraine,” claimed he “outperformed expectations,” and unleashed an “outburst” toward a reporter.

    Fox reported, “Perhaps the most startling comment of the evening was Biden’s response to a question about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Biden said that while he believes an invasion is imminent, the United States is prepared to impose significant economic consequences should Russia move forward. But, he clarified, a ‘minor incursion’ by the Russians would elicit a softer response from the U.S. than that of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.”

    That prompted National Review senior writer Dan McLaughlin to comment, “Biden is attacking the legitimacy of American elections while signaling Putin to try a ‘minor incursion’ in Ukraine. None of this is normal. None of this is OK.”

    Commentator Andrew Malcolm added, “Biden just appeared to okay a ‘minor’ Russian incursion of Ukraine. So, invasion of an independent neighbor nation is bad. An incursion is OK with this president.”

    Peter Baker, of the New York Times, pointed out Biden’s statements “will trigger a lot of angst in the region.”

    Then Biden quickly claimed he had “outperformed” during his first year in office.

    Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., openly wondered, “I’m not sure what planet he’s inhabiting but on planet earth his record is a record of failure.” And Buck Sexton summarized it as “Sheer lunacy.”

    The fact that he lost his cool responding to Real Clear Politics correspondent Phillip Wegmann also said a lot.

    “Go back and read what I said” Biden shouted at Wegman, after being asked about his speech in Atlanta regarding Democrats’ dislike for elections integrity efforts.

    “Biden is now yelling at Philp Wegmann over his own usage of Bull Connor and George Wallace,” commentator Stephen L. Miller pointed out.

    Those reporters who openly advocate for Biden and his agenda defended him, of course.

    “Pres Biden, in the longest news conference in presidential history, made news, pushed back on critics, called out lies, took responsibility for mistakes he believes he made, expressed surprise at GOP, talked foreign policy and didn’t lash out on reporters. Quite the change,” came from Yamiche Alcindor, of NBC.

    The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin gave the press a “C-” with Biden scoring an “A-,” Fox News reported.

    But Daily Wire reporter Ryan Saavedra concluded, “Biden is the worst president in history. A total disaster.”

    “This rambling press conference is so awful. Am I actually beginning to feel sorry for President PawPaw?” FOX Business host Dagen McDowell wrote. “No.”

    Fox News also documented the response from a pollster, who said Biden seemed “out of touch” and earned “D” and “F” grades from many respondents.

    “They said he seems so out of touch – what he said is simply untrue,” Carter told Ainsley Earhardt.

    “They’re just simply not buying his message.”

    Carter continued, “He made a promise of unity. He said he was going to govern by bringing people together, by making compromise. He has failed here.”

    Further, he said, “Independents were really concerned that he’s calling into question the legitimacy of elections. But Republicans were really, really concerned. They’re saying this is a threat to democracy, much like Democrats said about Donald Trump.”

    The Hill pointed out Biden’s legislative plans have stalled and he’s facing threats from inflation to Russia.

    The report said he got himself into trouble commenting on Russia, seemingly giving a green light to a minor incursion.

    “White House aides immediately scrambled to try to clear up the confusion. They had little success,” the report said.

    The Daily Mail, in its typically understated fashion, exclaimed: “Critics crucify Biden over his ‘rambling’ first press conference in 78 days in which he claimed to have ‘over-performed’ during first year despite 7% inflation, taking approval, COVID chaos and woeful Afghan withdrawal.”

    His attempt to “reset” his presidency was denounced, the report said, by his critics as “rambling and incoherent.”

    He complained he didn’t “anticipate” the ferocity of Republican opposition to his agenda in Congress, an agenda that has included such extremism as having the federal government take over all elections and impose rules on states that are favorable to his own political party.

    The report noted, “Among the strongest criticism came from Tucker Carlson, the top-rated Fox News host, who used his 8pm show to excoriate the speech. ‘Outperformed. Well, it’s true, actually. Outperform – meaning more Americans have died from coronavirus on my watch than under evil anti-science Cheeto man; which isn’t easy you dog-faced, pony soldier. Stick that in your hat and smoke it,’ Carlson said.”

    Carlson continued, “Biden went on to boast under his steady, wise leadership, peasants in this country have gotten ‘raises.’ Now, he didn’t mention that inflation has already eaten those raises in a single bite, and next year’s raises too. But no one in the press corps bothered to ask anyway.”

    The Daily Mail added, “On one of the most traumatic episodes of his presidency – the chaotic and rushed final withdrawal from the 20-year long Afghanistan war – Biden said flatly: ‘I make no apologies.'”

    Multitudes of Americans and America-supporting nationals, along with billions of dollars worth of war machinery – were left behind in the hands of the terrorists of the Taliban by Biden’s actions.

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