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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    California Democrats Threaten Tyranny with Cache of Bills

    by Naomi Fisher 

    The California Dems have bills before the State Senate to continue vaccinations for all California State residents in every way possible. Forget mandates, if not defeated, these bills will become State Law! The same Dems have written, sponsored or presented seven bills targeting children, adults, law enforcement, doctors and business owners.

    Speedynews on Rumble and Speedy News on youtube

    CA Dems Move to Make Covid Restrictions Permanent

    The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton Podcast 4/3/22  – Time Stamp: 31:19…These are real bills, a chilling parody of the worst covid bills…most extreme authoritarian package of covid law after pandemic…Time Stamp: 32:53, CA Assem. Kevin Kiley quoted Gavin Newsome saying over 2 years ago, “‘Covid is an opportunity for a new progressive era, an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern…we are road map to success for Biden administration…proceeded to impose the most extreme covid orders of any state in the Country…CA is not a model for our Nation it is a warning for the Nation.”

    My summary of each bill is below as these bills are too lengthy to copy here. Occasionally a link to California Government Legislature Senate Bill does not show the text and summary. In that case, use this link to bring up Senate Bills. Then you only have to request the bill number:

    Senate Bill 866 – Bill Title: Minors: vaccine consent. – “Section 1. Section 6931 is added to the Family Code, to read: 6931. (a) A minor 12 years of age or older may consent to a vaccine that is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and meets the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ACIP) without the consent of the parent or guardian of the minor….”

    [My comment: They are blocking parental control on children’s health!] › faces › billTextClient › bill_id=202120220SB866

    Article Links:

    On behalf of hundreds of physician and surgeon members of Physicians for Informed Consent and thousands of our health-freedom members, we oppose SB 866. SB 866 proposes both immoral and illegal actions….Article Link: ;

    “So that you may understand the true INSANITY of Cali, take a look here, Jan. 20, 2022″:

    [Footnote: This RFK Jr’s site has articles on Bill 866 and other bills listed below.]

    Senate Bill 871 – Bill title: Public health: immunizations. “…prohibit the governing authority of a school or other institution from unconditionally admitting any person as a pupil of any public or private elementary or secondary school, childcare center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center, unless prior to their admission to that institution they have been fully immunized against Covid-19. To the extent that the bill would create new duties for school districts, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program…This bill…removing the personal belief exemption from any additional immunization requirements deemed appropriate by the department. Referred to Committees on Health and Education. Recinded from Judicial.”

    [Did you see: Remove any religious/personal beliefs exemptions from current or any future vaccines? Or, a child passed 4th grade cannot enter 5th unless the jab?] Link: › faces › billNavClient › bill_id=202120220SB871 – shows voting record

    Article Link:

    Senate Bill 1390 – Bill Title: Social media platforms: amplification of harmful content.

    “This bill would prohibit a social media platform, as defined, from amplifying harmful content…provide that harmful content includes libel or slander, as specified, threats of imminent violence against governmental entities…including, but not limited to, false or misleading information regarding medicine or vaccinations, false or misleading information regarding elections, and conspiracy theories….”

    [The question is: Who deems the content harmful or misinformation? The same ones who are banning/trying to ban PBS stations, on Twitter, etc?] Link: › faces › billNavClient › bill_id=202120220SB1390

    Article Link: ;

    Senate Bill 1464 – Bill Title: Law enforcement: public health orders. “CHAPTER  5.5. Prohibitions On Use of State Funds 16644. Notwithstanding any other law, no state funds shall be provided to any law enforcement agency that publicly announces that they will oppose, or adopts a policy to oppose, a public health order. If state funds are withheld from a law enforcement agency…those funds shall instead be reallocated to the county public health department…The sheriff of each county, or city and county, shall enforce…all orders of the local health officer issued for the purpose of preventing the spread of any contagious, infectious, or communicable disease….”

    [Sounds like this bill is targeting law enforcement that refused to close churches that defied the lockdown. Those churches kept checking with congregants, did not spread covid.] Link: ;

    Senate Bill 1797 –Bill Title:  Immunization registry. “Existing law authorizes health care providers and other agencies, including, among others, schools, childcare facilities, family childcare homes, and county human services agencies, to disclose specified immunization information with local health departments and the State Department of Public Health, and authorizes local health departments and the department to disclose that same information to each other and to health care providers…This bill would instead require…and would add the patient’s or client’s race or ethnicity to the list of information that shall or may be disclosed. By imposing new duties on schools and county human services agencies, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program….”

    [This is scary for adults. Compiling, monitoring, tracking of statewide vaccination/unvaccinated records…including everyone’s race and ethnicity…a state-mandated local program.] Link:

    Article Link:

    Senate Bill 2098 – Bill Title: Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct. “Existing law provides for the licensure and regulation of physicians and surgeons by the Medical Board of California and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California. Existing law requires the applicable board to take action against…unprofessional conduct, as provided. This bill would designate the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or “Covid-19,” as unprofessional conduct. The bill would require the board to consider specified factors prior to bringing a disciplinary action against a physician and surgeon. The bill would also make findings and declarations in this regard….”

    [Targeting the license of doctors that consider your health more important than the jab.] Link:

    Article Link: ;

    Article Link:

    CA Lawmakers Propose Bill to Punish Doctors Who Speak Against COVID Treatment ‘Consensus’

    Senate Bill 1993 – Bill Title: Employment: COVID-19 vaccination requirements. Revised April 08, 2022. “…This bill would require an employer to require each person who is an employee or independent contractor, and who is eligible to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, to show proof to the employer, or an authorized agent thereof, that the person has been vaccinated against Covid-19…would establish an exception from this vaccination requirement for a person who is ineligible to receive a Covid-19 vaccine due to a medical condition or disability or because of a sincerely held religious belief, as specified, and would require compliance with various other state and federal laws…This bill would require, on January 1, 2023, each employer to affirm…The bill would require the department to impose a penalty of an unspecified amount on an employer for any violation of these provisions…This bill would repeal these provisions when the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices determines that Covid-19 vaccinations are no longer necessary for the health and safety of individuals.” Status: Active Bill. In Committee process.

    [Ouch! Tyranny.] Link:

    Good Article Links: ;

    ttps://  ;

    First of all, no recognition of Natural Immunity for those that had covid. Second, do you see where these bills are going? New York is close to California Governor’s attitude on vaccinations. N.Y. hospitals are already admitting other races/ethnicities before whites, regardless of the severity of the white’s condition. Some N.Y. hospitals will not accept unvaccinated in ER!

    So what then will be the fate of the unvaccinated in CA? Definitely not being able to find a job. Possibly not allowed to go to ER or be treated by doctors? What about eventually not being able to buy food?

    True information on the reality of vaccines is starting to be uncovered. Thanks to law suits with the Freedom of Information Act against Pfizer, Pfizer is having to release its records – thousands of pages per month. — Records that Pfizer tried to suppress for 55-75 years!

    Dr. Malone sent out a request for volunteers to review Pfizer documents. Volunteers are assigned specific sections. The volunteers send their comments, including the passages in question to Dr. Naomi Wolf. She will be fielding the docs. Volunteers are still needed! Links:

    The Daily Clout.

    The Hill Rising Podcast:

    Kim Iversen: Latest Pfizer Vax Data Dump Shows Natural Immunity Works. ADE, Fertility

    Apr 4, 2022.

    [Pfizer notes revealed Natural Immunity is as good or better than the jab, never announced it.]

    Video Link:

    Yet – Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has doubled down on his allegations that those who question his company’s vaccines are “criminals…they literally cost lives”. Frank Bergman, April 1, 2022.

    [Bourla obviously did not read Pfizer’s reports.] Article and Video Link: ;

    Chillingly, Fauci said children younger than 4 will get three doses of COVID vaccines.

    By Natalie O’Neill, January 26, 2022. Video Link:

    Baby Monitor. Pfizer is testing Covid vaccine in babies as young as six months old

    Britta Zeltmann, Mar 25 2021

    Dr. Robert Malone who co-invented the MRNA that makes the vaccine work has repeatedly stated the vaccine was never intended for anyone under 50 unless co-morbidity – and definitely not children. In June of last year he announced:

    Dr. Robert Malone…two studies that show that spike proteins concentrate in places where they shouldn’t be found.

    [One place was human liver.]

    Here he is referring to California:

    COVID Legislative News From: “Robert W Malone MD, MS from Who is Robert Malone”

    Date: 4/9/22, It is a hot mess, with a number of draconian bills pending…allow yourself to get unnerved and outraged. California is heading towards being a police state. BTW- The Unity Project is the best place to go to get information on these bills and to get to the links.

    [The bill links did not come through for me but you have them in above descriptions.]

    <[email protected]>

    A general search for: Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Judy Mikovitch, Dr. Simone Gold and Dr. Naomi Wolf will bring up many links to interviews and web sites and important information.

    This is urgent! Some of the bills are now before committees. We must let the California Senate know these bills are unacceptable! We must call our State Senators, call again and again and demand they vote no! It is our duty as citizens to ensure the State Senate acts in our behalf and not to control us nor make us third-world “subjects” in our own country – not enslave us.

    If you have any concerns regarding the bills, also contact the Senate Rules Committee:

    (916) 651-4120 . Calling is best, but if you are not able to call, then please email:

    [email protected]

    Naomi Fisher is a resident of Ventura County

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    Michael A...
    Michael A...
    2 years ago

    Who do these politicians think we are??? Peasants, fresh from the border and ignorant as hell???
    Well YES, they do.

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