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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Family Launches Billboard Campaign Questioning COVID Death Of 19-Year-Old

    The family of a 19-year-old girl who died in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Appleton, Wisconsin, purportedly of COVID, has launched a billboard campaign raising questions about the hospital’s treatment of Grace Schara.

    “Was Grace labeled DO NOT RESUSCITATE without family consent at St. E’s?” the dozen billboards that have been erected in the region openly question.

    Schara, who had Down syndrome, was given three “contraindicated” medicines on the last day of her life, and given by a doctor a DNR designation, meaning she was not to be resuscitated, an order her family explains they never approved.

    According to a statement released about the situation, “Dr. Gavin Shokar, M.D., apparently found it so likely she would die from his administration of Precedex – a powerful sedative used in surgery – that he wrote his own do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order on her a mere eight minutes after giving her the maximum dose.”

    The family’s complaint continues, “When Grace was still alive Shokar then combined Precedex with Lorazepam (another powerful sedative) and a Morphine push within minutes of one another on Grace’s last day to finish her off. A 14-year ICU nurse, Hollee McInnis, delivered the lethal dosage.”

    A doctor cited by the family explained, “Each of these medicines, on their own, have an increased risk of serious or life-threatening breathing problems and cardiac arrest. There’s an additive effect when used in combination. To use them like they did in a person with a diagnosis of acute respiratory distress is beyond believable as to intention.”

    The hospital declined to respond to a request from WND for comment, but a previous report from broadcaster WBAY in the region said the hospital declined comment to the station, and the Department of Health and Human Services claimed the hospital did nothing wrong.

    There recently was a rally outside the hospital in support of Grace.

    She was brought to the hospital with symptoms of COVID-19, but her parents contend her death was not from COVID, but rather from the medication she was given and the doctor’s DNR designation for her.

    Scott Schara, Grace’s father, has created a website to honor his daughter, and has explained the family did not authorize the DNR, nor was Grace wearing a required DNR bracelet when she died.

    In fact, he said he and his wife were hollering at the nurses to “Please save our daughter: as her condition deteriorated.

    Schara told WBAY, “We think there will probably be a justice phase of this. We don’t know what that looks like exactly. If there is, we would participate in it. We already said publicly we’re not going to take any money. All we would like to have happen is the death certificate changed to the truth.”

    According to a report in the Epoch Times legally a DNR order must be discussed with family, and “consented to in writing, neither of which occurred in Grace’s case.”

    Grace’s father told WND that he’s investigated his daughter’s death, on Oct. 13, 2021, for hundreds of hours and it appears to him that the “narrative” that is prompting societies around the world to encourage abortion for anyone with Down syndrome now has “infiltrated” the American hospital system.

    He explained, “Our family wants the word to get out, so other parents protect their disabled children.”

    At Lifesite News a report explained the family suspects there could have been a profit motive in the drug cocktail, because of the way to government reimburses hospitals for COVID patients, those on ventilators, and more.

    The report said the “smoking gun” is the record of those medications.

    The report explained, “Schara said hospital staff have refused to meet with them to discuss their assessment of Grace’s death. ‘Before going public, the family submitted a detailed summary, with supporting research, to the hospital with a request to meet with the CEO and the doctor involved…The hospital response was a refusal to meet.’”

    The Epoch Times explained Grace’s father said his daughter’s unvaccinated status “was the subject of scorn.”



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