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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    ‘People Wonder What Planet He Is On’: Steve Forbes Torches Biden’s Finger-Pointing On Bad US Economy

    daily caller

    By Harold Hutchison

    Former presidential candidate Steve Forbes slammed President Joe Biden’s finger-pointing about the state of the American economy Friday, saying Biden was not on “planet Earth.”

    “People wonder what planet he’s on,” Forbes said on “The Story” on Fox News Channel. “It’s not planet Earth right now and he needs to be brought down to earth and sadly it’s going to take an election to do it.”

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the Consumer Price Index went up by 8.6% in the month of May, the highest in 40 years. Gas prices surged to over $5 a gallon according to GasBuddy.

    “Today’s inflation report is a reminder that Americans’ budgets are being stretched by price increases and families are starting to feel the impacts of Putin’s price hike,” Biden said in March. The term has since been repeated in the media.

    “Let’s be absolutely clear about why prices are high right now: COVID and Vladimir Putin,” Biden said in an April tweet.


    Experts have argued that the Biden administration’s hostility to fossil fuel production is responsible for the increase in energy prices across the board. The Biden administration canceled the sale of oil and gas leases in May and revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline in January 2021.

    “The president can complain and point the finger at Vladimir Putin or Covid or what he calls greedy companies, but poll after poll shows the American people overwhelmingly point the finger at this president and his administration,” Forbes said.

    “You have an administration where you have nonmonetary factors causing inflation and making them worse,” Forbes said. “You have a Federal Reserve that is over $2 trillion overhanging the economy of excess money that they created last year. And so they’re like doctors 300 years ago. How did they treat patients? They bled them. They thought that cured the patient. Well, it got rid of the pain and suffering because it got rid of the patient.”

    The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.



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    Jennifer Believer
    Jennifer Believer
    2 years ago

    Biden is 100 percent to blame for this mess we are in. No one else, Biden.

    2 years ago

    200 percent !

    Miguel A.
    Miguel A.
    2 years ago

    …..and……his puppet master Susan Rice

    Rocco Jerome
    Rocco Jerome
    2 years ago

    I have to say, he is so devoid of any common sense. He allowed the Obama Lackey’s and the others on the Far Left to push him into positions and making decisions that very few in charge would have gone along with, imo. This, to me, says why they wanted him in office, for they knew he could be manipulated into this mess for their agenda.

    2 years ago

    Forbes is a Biden supporter and part of the “81 million” idiots.

    2 years ago

    Just remember all of this in the election coming up in another 2 years.
    Granted, there probably won’t be a lot of people that vote in the other important elections which occur every couple of years for the local representatives (mid-term elections).

    Gerardo Ferrer
    Gerardo Ferrer
    2 years ago

    well why didn’t they impeach biden over his mess

    Elias Bigio
    Elias Bigio
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Gerardo Ferrer

    Are you saying that Biden is guilty of the inflation? Who is to blame for the inflation in other Nations? BIDEN? We are not the only country with this problem of inflation. We are not the only country on Gods Earth with increased in gasoline prices. I guess Biden is to blame for all of the world’s problem with inflation. Let’s get real.

    Alan Ligameri
    Alan Ligameri
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Wake up! Biden is to blame for all that he did. Did you not read what Forbes said? We only get 3% of our oil from Russia! You need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid! The man has not clue what he’s doing!

    Jennifer Believer
    Jennifer Believer
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Alan Ligameri

    You have really consumed too much koolaid.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Biden is the cause for inflation in the US. Stop bringing work economies into it. Biden is the problem. We have record breaking gas price increases b/c of Biden, not Russia

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Come on, wake up. On what planet you’re living. Read this report one more time.

    Michael A…
    Michael A…
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Gerardo Ferrer

    Because they’re too busy cleaning up the shit show trump left behind.

    Sean Cagney
    Sean Cagney
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A…

    Cleaning it up? He has made it worse since he has been in so he isn’t cleaning up anything..

    Larry Hineline
    Larry Hineline
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A…

    Everything and everybody was in better shape under Trump. No one in their right mind can say things are better under this administration.People are so blinded by their hate for Trump the man that they choose to ignore how his policies made this nation and its people thrive. Those of us with half a brain knew this administration would be bad, but not in our wildest dreams did we ever believe it could possibly be as bad as it is

    Michael A…
    Michael A…
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Larry Hineline

    Looks like we outed the white supremacist. Way to be a racist dick, Larry!

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Michael A…

    low inflation, low unemployment and gas at about 2 bucks per gallon? That’s what Trump left us with. Times have changed a lot since Biden took over.

    Bob Swivel
    Bob Swivel
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Gerardo Ferrer

    The House of Representatives is the entity to take-up such an effort, and the house is majority Democrat, so…

    2 years ago

    Does anyone in the entire country believe the lines out of the white house?

    Miguel A.
    Miguel A.
    2 years ago

    Mi Madre used to tell me, THINK THROUGH your decisions. What will be the ramifications of this decision? Biden’s decisions do not seem to be ‘thought through’. They seem to be knee jerked, spur of the moment rubbish decisions. He is a terrible president. The country really needs to clean house. Too many swamppies running things.

    Stanley r mcqueen
    Stanley r mcqueen
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Miguel A.

    It’s a shame that the American people are being robbed by our government . wait till another election see what America does to the Democrats , they will vote them out, this is hurting everyone in our country

    Elias Bigio
    Elias Bigio
    2 years ago

    How are the American people being robbed by the government? What is the government stealing from the people? Please be specific. If you are talking about inflation. Many countries worldwide are also suffering from inflation. Is Biden the cause of other countries’ inflation?

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    yes, inflation was caused by this moron spending tax dollars on stupid covid

    Groov Busta
    Groov Busta
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Biden’s executive orders and his canceling of a future pipeline, costly regulations on fossil fuel, refusal to sell oil leases even though legally bound to. OPEC sets price based on current and forward-looking supply of oil. When Biden takes these actions OPEC sets the oil higher because he knows supply will decrease especially over time. Biden has had as much influence on the direct price of oil as Putin maybe more, but I understand a lot of people don’t understand business and the simple concept of supply and demand. The oil and gas production of US Energy declined 14.41% in January 2022 from January 2021. Why would our production of oil and gas be getting cut when we need it the most? Not only is Biden affecting Americans he is also affecting the world economy with these policies that affect prices on oil.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Robbery comes in the form of taxes, and inflation is a tax of sorts, Inflation reduces the value of money and therefore reduces the real income of households.
    When governments create inflation by printing money, they usually benefit from the inflation as they get more nominal revenue and can reduce the real value of the government debt. Oil prices are the US economic driver. And Biden has thwarted any and all energy growth in the US, Solar has proven to be a bust, Electric cars are dependent on electricity and electricity comes from…. OIL and COAL. So, Biden IS absolutely responsible for the economic situation, and it reverberates around the world because the US dollar is the benchmark currency globally. The rest of the world is not experiencing inflation arbitrarily or independently, they are experiencing inflation BECAUSE of US inflation.
    The TRUMP / PUTIN connection has been debunked a thousand times over so much so, they have now moved on to Another sham hearing (Jan 6). The “hearings” have zero legal merit and will have no legal consequences. This is pure political theater. And all this is to deflect the real news every night. one Biden failure after another. Case in point… Anyone heard what a complete embarrassing debacle the ” The Summitt of the Americas ” was?

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Damn! Your ignorance is stunning! Read ANY reputable econ 101 textbook and learn why our President is either a liar or a fool.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Not the cause of other country’s inflation, but definitely the cause of the US inflation.

    Elias Bigio
    Elias Bigio
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Miguel A.

    Mi padre use to tell me, get all the facts before you reach a conclusion. Without all the facts, you may reach a conclusion that will make a person look stupid. The biggest alligator in the swampy, Putin’s friend was fired during the 2020 election.

    Sean Cagney
    Sean Cagney
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Now we have in China Joe! What a replacement…

    Bob Swivel
    Bob Swivel
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Elias, you’re obviously oblivious to the well documented judicial findings that the Russian hoax was financed by Hillary Clinton, and taken-up by media outlets, (*NY Times & Wapo), who have since acknowledged their reckessness. Where have you been?

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    I don’t think so, that would have been the 2016 election that Hillary lost.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Elias Bigio

    Nah, Hillary was just thankfully never let into the office as a President.

    Miguel A.
    Miguel A.
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Myself

    Re: BOTH Clintons. Remember this: WHATEVER Bill and Hill get involved in, will turn to shit or someone will die mysteriously. Guaranteed. It’s like magic.

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