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    CAN WE SAVE OUR REPUBLIC?- self-governance course

    CAN WE SAVE OUR REPUBLIC?- self-governance course

    Event Announcement

    San Fernando Valley Republican Club
    It’s time to ride, and we need a thousand Paul Reveres! ~Charlie Daniels
    CSG Logo
    Tuesday, February 17, 2014 and
    Wednesday, February 18, 2014
    4:00 PM to 8:30 PM
    Galpin Ford, 15555 Roscoe Blvd, North Hills, CA 
    The team from The Center for Self-Governance (CSG), will present a special program to explain how the average citizen can effectively influence lawmakers and policy, using the instructions outlined by our founding fathers in the Constitution. CSG is a non-profit, non-partisan educational organization that has been proven extremely effective, using methods that emphasize the importance of working smart to make the most of your time and energy.
    Center for Self Governance
    Center for Self Governance
    By pledging “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor”, our founding fathers gave us a Republic. Now we must pledge to our children and our grandchildren that we will keep it!
    Will you come join those who have already taken on the challenge to save our Republic?
    If you had the opportunity to learn how to win the issues and elect your candidates … WOULD YOU take it?
    Center for Self Governance says, “We will show you how”
    Join us for two successive evenings from 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 17th and 18th at Galpin Ford for the Level 1 Class presented by the Center for Self Government.  For more information, contact Gary Aminoff.
    The Level 1 course introduces the concepts of self governance and civic authority. It is designed to bring the student to a common understanding of their role in leveraging self-governance and exercising civic authority.
    This course is foundational and lays the groundwork necessary to successfully implement lessons learned in future classes. Your workbook is included in the $50 registration fee.
    For the past several decades, citizens have NOT been taught basic civics, let alone the responsibilities of citizenship. They have not been taught HOW to keep government
    balanced, so that we could have enough government to provide safety and
    transportation, while not giving up all our rights and liberty.
    Today and for the past 3 years, the Center For Self Governance is teaching us the
    HOW; the critical ideas, assumptions, responsibilities, strategies and tactics needed to put the control of government back in the hand of our citizens. We invite you to take
    critical step forward …… Participate with us in the training to make a real difference in
    our governments.
    There are a limited number of spaces.  Classes are limited to a maximum of 20 people.  Please go to the Center for Self Governance website and sign up to be one of the 20 people who will get to participate in the February 17-18 class.
    For more information, contact Gary Aminoff on (310)387-6900 or [email protected]
    The San Fernando Valley Republican Club is proud to co-sponsor this special presentation, along with Alliance for Liberty.


    SFVRC Logo
    David Benning, President
    San Fernando Valley Republican ClubGary Aminoff Alliance for Liberty logoGary Aminoff, Founder
    Alliance for Liberty



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