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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Coming Your Way, Last-Man-Standing Donald Trump Being Led Away In Shackles


    Commentary by

    Last-Man-Standing Donald Trump being led away in shackles—a horrific, nightmarish image that will last more than a lifetime

    The shocking FBI raid on President Donald Trump’s private residence at Mar-a-Lago was not only historically unprecedented, it was delivered straight out of the murky blue with the draw-dropping bully message: “Do not question the narrative!”

    Make ready for what’s inexorably coming, which will happen even as civil society is still reeling in shock: What’s coming next is Donald Trump being led away in shackles because that’s the image that the Democrats and their Great Reset oligarch masters not only want but desperately need.

    The image of a shackled Trump being led away, signed, sealed and delivered is necessary to portray him as “a forever criminal”.

    Trump’s Biggest Crime is his unflinching love of America

    That’s the message they want delivered to world masses—a message that comes from their knowing how well propaganda really works.

    Trump’s Biggest Crime that led to a reported over 30 FBI operatives forcing their way into his home far away from corrupt Washington, D.C., had nothing to do with the Jan. 6 so called Insurrection that is,  in reality, their 3rd Impeachment attempt.  Trump’s Biggest Crime is his unflinching love of America—an independent America in a world where unelected power brokers now work feverishly to deny nation sovereignty.

    Their blunt and unfurled message to all patriots and truth seekers?

    If you love America, you are an insurrectionist that must be thrown into the same jail where all Jan. 6 political prisoners are still detained while embittered Liz Cheney toys with their fate.

    It’s taking place in an era where life became cheap with Covid.

    Bitter beyond belief, that they couldn’t Impeach Trump after two tries,  the Democrats shifted priorities to drive their Enemy Number 1 into eternal Pariah-Hood instead.

    With a compliant media on board, propaganda not only works, it works like a charm

    More than alarmingly, it was a shift went directly from hating Trump to hating his supporters.

    How many know that the concept of reining in supporters of ‘government enemies’ started with Canada’s Klaus Schwab faithful follower Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who went from freezing the bank accounts of truckers in the Freedom Convoy to freezing the bank accounts of their known supporters?

    With a compliant media on board, propaganda not only works, it works like a charm.

    For me, my first encounter of how propaganda works came shortly after Trump was elected when I went to a Goderich, Ontario hair salon to get the frizzies washed of my hair.

    As I sat with wet hair waiting for a blow-dry, the stylist said, out of-the-blue, “Donald Trump is a pig.”  When I asked why she would say that, she said, “I saw it on T.V.”

    “And I just came here to get my hair washed”, I thought to myself.

    Cable television made Trump haters out of the masses in every country, where it’s easier to complain about Trump than complain about the weather.

    Demonizing Trump for loving America

    While demonizing Trump for loving America, faceless bureaucrats are out there bringing on a Great Reset whose main mantra is “You will have nothing, and you will be happy”.

    Being happy NEVER comes in takeovers by faceless bureaucrats!

    How can the masses be happy when their countries have no sovereignty anymore?

    Yes, count on the last image the world will see is Last-Man-Standing Donald Trump being led away in shackles—a horrific, nightmarish image that will last more than a lifetime.

    It’s coming and only unceasing fervent prayers to God Almighty has any chance of stopping it.


    Opinions and Commentary Published By Citizens Journal do not necessarily reflect the official positions of Citizens Journal.  You are invited to get involved!  Author and submit your editorial piece to [email protected]



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    11 months ago

    Even DeSantis admits the truth, “I’ve said many times, the election is what it is. All those theories that were put out, did not prove to be true”

    Fuzzy Logic
    Fuzzy Logic
    11 months ago
    Reply to  Allison

    Thinking people still want to know why mainstream media and ALL social media platforms ACTIVELY stymied ANY discussion of the election and the POSSIBILITY of drop boxes, mail-in voting, illegals voting, and ALL the other POSSIBLE ways an election could be altered and/or stolen. Gov. DeSantis’s reaction is to be expected as he is running against Trump. In addition and VERY importantly: why did Zuckerberg put HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars into the hands of groups that had access to ballots, counting and election confirmation? Answer these questions, and answer them well before THINKING people give up and say “Yeah Allison, you’re right there IS nothing here after all.

    Clear Logic
    Clear Logic
    10 months ago
    Reply to  Fuzzy Logic

    I’ve thought long and hard about it as you requested and concluded as follows.

    Allison is right.
    DeSantis is right.
    Barr is right.

    Jose Torres is a criminal.
    Sidney Powell is a criminal.
    Rudy Giuliani is a criminal.
    Donald J. Trump is a criminal.

    Logic is Purity
    Logic is Purity
    10 months ago
    Reply to  Clear Logic

    Well Queer Logic, you need to flip the channel from MSNBC. You are queerly suffering from too much of that shit.

    10 months ago

    DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1 year ago

    Sure looks like Trump screwed us. Now we’re gonna get stuck with Braden for another four years.

    Will y’all turn your brains on? Trump took our battle plans and gave them to CCP. He screwed us over. Move on to DeSantis or Elder or even RFK Jr but DON’T AGAIN VOTE EVER AGAIN FOR TRUMP THE TRAITOR.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Dolly

    go away troll-bot. No one is buying what you are selling.

    11 months ago
    Reply to  Tom

    Tom the troll again has nothing to add to the discussion. It’s just a CCP comrade trying to get more of the USA top secret battle plans for there own crooked purpose by putting there stooge in office again. DON’T BE FOOLED

    Michael A…
    Michael A…
    1 year ago

    Trump’s biggest crime is NOT “loving America.” First of all, that’s not a crime. Second, Trump only loves himself you idiot. Third, read all the indictments against the crook to come up with at least a dozen crimes bigger than “loving America.”

    I mean can you at least make shit up that isn’t stupid??

    Michael A...
    Michael A...
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Michael A…

    I should not have drunk that 5th of Kamchatka last night, look how I embarrassed myself. Honestly this horseshit stuff done by our Justic Dept. is just that, horseshit.
    The idea Merrick Garland is actually doing all this because of actual crimes is so much horseshit is laughable. Sorry, I got drunk and mouthed off. My apologies.

    Guv. Hairdo
    Guv. Hairdo
    1 year ago

    Read the book “The Devils Chessboard” by David Talbot. It concerns JFK, The CIA’s Allen Dulles and other Swamp creatures from WW 2 through Kennedy’s assassination. It’s like a mirror to what Trump has gone through. Remarkable. The only real difference is that today’s media actively works with swamp creatures to further the narrative that swamp creatures want to project.
    Remember this: JFK fired Allen Dulles from the CIA. After JFK was murdered, LBJ put Allen Dulles on the Warren Commission DC is a dark pit of a city. The dark secrets run long and deep. If Trump stays as a national figure or POTUS again, we should all fear for his well being.

    Last edited 1 year ago by Guv. Hairdo
    1 year ago

    Trump 20…to life.

    Angela Barden
    Angela Barden
    1 year ago

    I think that EVERYONE IS BEING TOO Rough on Donald Trump!! He’s the best man for the job period … and he doesn’t insist everyone have the MARK OF THE beast.. unfortunately Biden insists

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Angela Barden

    You give Christians a bad name with your idiotic statements.
    Trump had multiple affairs, multiple wives, even slept with a porn star, so he should not be considered a person that does not have the mark of the beast.

    Michael A…
    Michael A…
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Henry

    Christians are deserving of a bad name with their idiotic statements.

    Dena Kirkpatrick
    Dena Kirkpatrick
    1 year ago


    1 year ago

    I believe Jesus and the Holy Spirit guided Ms. McLeod to write this beautiful piece. God Bless Her.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Goldberg

    I love how “so called” Christians are able to set aside the fact that Trump, has 4 failed marriages, slept with a porn star, likes to grab women by the *****, and still think he’s a great man. I love the way you throw all your morals out the door, as long as he gets more of you laws enacted.

    1 year ago

    You know, it’s funny how quickly the narrative has been literally white washed and tailored to fit your false reality. Let’s look at the actual narrative that was on display for the world to see on J6. Now let’s imagine that the “peaceful protesters” on J6 were Black??? I guess eventually the J6 event will be relegated to the same alternative facts as “Critical Race Theory?? Wow!! It must be amazing to be whyte….

    Dave Schliep
    Dave Schliep
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Conflik

    Are you serious???? Why don’t we imagine them burning, looting, and vandalizing 151 cities in all 50 states for six months behind BLM? Wait, we don’t have to because it happened! Pay attention! Jan 6th is a joke in comparison and it was initiated by the FBI. The height of stupidity is most clearly demonstrated when an individual ridicules something he knows nothing about ~ Albert Einstein The racism crap is getting old! Want racism to end? Stop being racist. You’re angry that whites don’t have it as rough as you but you don’t know what they have lived through, so you don’t really know that to be true. It’s just an excuse you use to dismiss the reasons you fail and reason to not even try. Man up! Stop blaming strangers for your issues.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Dave Schliep

    Tell me you’re a traitor who hates the United Stated, without telling me you’re a traitor of the United States.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Jessie

    When did it become fashionable for lefties like you to suddenly become ‘super patriots’? Hmmmm You blame people of being ‘traitors’ when it suits you. Look in the mirror bud, you will see a traitor..

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Heisenberg

    I’ve never tried to overthrow the government. I’ve never tried to regulate women’s health. I’ve never wanted to burn books, or have them censored. I’ve never supported any person who wanted to be dictator of the United States. So, you have no room to speak you fascist POS.

    Guv. Hairdo
    Guv. Hairdo
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Jessie

    Well….you’re a nobody. Who cares what you believe. Honestly, you are pretty much a tool of the left. Fodder for when the hammer comes down.

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