Thursday, July 11, 2024
76.5 F

    Simi Valley-Moorpark Conservative Alliance


    Event Announcement

    Dear Constitutional Conservative:

    The last election proved the need for an activist organization on behalf of Constitutional conservatives.  Our candidate for Assembly was harmed by those that prefer politics to principle, prefer “moderation” to values.  In 2016 there will be numerous city council, school board and legislative races.  Are we going to sit back and watch the compromisers and those without values control the political process?  Or are we going to take it back, support limited government, lower taxes and less regulations, along with support for the free market?

    US Constitution

    Yes, this is a time consuming process–but it is for our families, jobs and community.  We should not be complaining about the problems, we should own them and fix the over bearing government.

    If we don’t, who will?

    We will be organizing the Simi Valley-Moorpark Conservative Alliance on March 16.  It will be held at the First Street Cafe, corner of Los Angeles Ave. and First Street in Simi Valley.  Dinner, optional, starts at 6:00pm–meeting starts at 7:00pm.

    We will have Randall Jordan, chairman of the Tea Party Caucus of California, as our speaker.  He will be explaining the Statewide Tea Party movement, what is being done to take back the Republican Party in California and how we can make a difference on the local level.

    Please let me know if you can attend–bring friends.  Our community and County need conservatives to be organized and trained for political action–that is how victories are made.

    See you on March 16.

    Don Otto


    [email protected]


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