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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    Palestinian 8-year-old congratulates cousin for ‘martyrdom-death’

    It is the Palestinian Media Watch organization that has reported for years on little Palestinian girls singing their promises to die for Palestine.

    The lyrics, documented by PMW, which monitors reports from the Middle East, and comments on them, included:

    In the name of freedom we’ll sacrifice our lives
    In the name of freedom we’ll sacrifice our lives
    Palestine is Arab, Palestine is Arab, O land of struggle
    We don’t forget your land, O Palestine
    And whoever attacks, their life is in my hands, their life is in my hands

    The organization reported at that time, “For decades, Palestinian Media Watch has documented the PA policy to encourage children to become ‘Martyrs’ and sacrifice themselves for Palestine. One striking example of this PA child abuse is the following poem recited by a young girl, in which a mother tells her son that he is ‘meant for Martyrdom,’ and that ‘Our weapon is our Islam, and our ammunition is our children.’”

    The mother tells her son, in that poem, “Jerusalem is ours, our weapon is our Islam, and our ammunition is our children. And you, O my son, are meant for Martyrdom.”

    Explained PMW, “What could be more damaging than the PA’s constant brainwashing of Palestinian children and adults that ‘Martyrdom’ is good, prestigious and what Allah desires?”

    The PMW later bluntly condemned the Palestinian Authority for “literally murdering its own children for political gain.”

    “They are not murdering them by shooting bullets into their heads; they are murdering them by putting their heads in front of bullets.”
    The strategy, the report said, is for the PA to “demonize Israel” around the world for killing children, “even though the PA sent the children to be killed.”

    Now, if anything, the situation is getting worse.

    PMW reports it has found video from Fatah TV that shows an 8-year-old girl congratulating her 15-year-old cousins for being dead.

    For her “martyrdom-death.”

    The report explained, “PA education never fails: In 2002 and now, more than 20 years later, young Palestinian girls still see ‘Martyrdom-death’ as an ideal.

    It was 15-year-old Sadil Ghassan Naghnaghiya Turkeman – a female Palestinian terrorist and member of the Islamic Jihad terror organization – who was killed recently during an Israeli counterterror operation in Jenin, PMW reported.

    She apparently was filming gunfire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian terrorists when she was shot.

    “Israeli army officials said it was unlikely she was shot by Israeli forces,” the report said.

    Then two days later, “her 8-year-old cousin Jana ‘congratulated her 1,000 times on her Martyrdom’ on Fatah TV, and expressed how ‘happy’ she is for her dead cousin.”

    The child said, “Sadil was very beloved by the people, very very much, by the children and adults… Now, she is- congratulations on the Martyrdom, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. I want to tell you congratulations with my whole heart, 1,000 times congratulations…Today I was happy for her, I was very very happy. Congratulations on the Martyrdom.”

    Explained PMW, “The fact that 8-year-old and 15-year-old girls hold the view that ‘Martyrdom-death’ is something to be happy about is the result of decades of PA brainwashing of Palestinian children to seek death in violent confrontations against Israel.”

    The organization noted it reported in 2002 that two 11-year-old girls, Walla and Yussra, told PA TV that “Martyrdom-death” is “a very, very beautiful thing” and “sweet,” and that what they desired was “not this world but the Afterlife.”

    The report said that now, the comments from 8-year-old Jana “proves only too clearly that it is sadly still the norm and, as PMW has exposed, is one of the fundamental messages of PA children’s education in 2023.”


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