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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    New Wrinkle In Blue State’s Attacks On Undercover Journalism

    A new wrinkle has come up in California’s war against undercover journalists who exposed a long list of suspect behaviors among abortionists in the nation’s lucrative abortion industry.

    That included abortionists wanting higher pay for baby body parts, and other questionable and possibly illegal behaviors.

    Liberty Counsel, which is representing undercover journalist Sandra Merritt, was scheduled to begin defending her in a “criminal” trial this week on counts leveled by the state of California.

    However, Liberty Counsel confirmed that it has been delayed now until next year.

    “When this case began in 2015, the State of California filed 15 felony charges against Sandra Merritt — the first undercover journalist in California history to be criminally charged for undercover reporting,” the legal team explained.

    “Liberty Counsel managed to get seven of those charges dismissed. However, the remaining eight charges could still land Sandra in prison for years. But a delay in this trial’s timing allowed a breaking development to come to fruition — one that might end this case for Sandra once and for all.”

    The report said, “The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled in Project Veritas v. Schmidt that Oregon’s ban on recording of conversations violates the First Amendment right to free speech and is invalid.”

    The report noted that California’s recording law, under which Merritt is charged, is “substantially similar to the Oregon law that was struck down. California’s law should suffer the same fate as Oregon’s unconstitutional statute. Sandra’s case should, therefore, be dismissed.”

    The case against David Daleiden runs along the same lines as Merritt’s, but his appeals are being handled separately.

    Liberty Counsel said because of the court precedent, it will ask “the San Francisco state court to dismiss ALL remaining charges against Sandra on the grounds that California’s recording law also violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”

    The charges were filed by Kamala Harris and Xavier Beccera, both now in Joe Biden’s hierarchy in Washington, when they were California officials.

    WND has reported on the videos that expose the abortionists multiple times, including a year ago when Liberty Counsel reported all sorts of problems with the state’s criminal case.

    Including the biased nature of Becerra’s charges.

    At the time, Liberty Counsel explained, “The undercover videos, some of which were recorded at the National Abortion Federation’s (NAF) 2014 and 2015 abortion convention and trade shows, exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal involvement in harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts to companies such as StemExpress. The recordings capture Planned Parenthood executives haggling over the prices of baby body parts, picking through bloodied arms and legs of aborted babies in a pie tray, and discussing how to alter abortion methods to obtain better body parts for sale.”

    One result of the undercover reporting was evidence that hearts were cut from the unborn babies’ bodies while they still were beating.

    Among those appearing in the interviews was Mary Gatter, formerly a “medical director” of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles. She is a former business partner of the DaVinci companies that were shut down for illegally selling fetal organs and tissues from Planned Parenthood.

    Liberty Counsel explained, “Gatter admitted that undercover videos of her negotiating prices that Planned Parenthood would charge for baby body parts took place at a cocktail reception at an outdoor hotel pool, another reception in a hotel mezzanine, and at a restaurant, among other places of public accommodation. Gatter also admitted cocktail lounges, restaurants, and elevators are all public places, as recognized by PPFA-issued conference security guidelines.”

    However, the judge banned that evidence from court, including Gatter’s recorded statement that, “I want a Lamborghini” while negotiating prices for human livers, brains, hearts and lungs.

    The rulings to date in the cases often have gone against the undercover reporters, largely because they were made by a federal judge who helped promote a Planned Parenthood abortion business, then refused to recuse himself from the Planned Parenthood-related case.

    Here are two of the videos released by CMP:

    See a CMP video about Planned Parenthood skirting federal law:


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