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    San Fernando Valley Republican Club: Featured Speaker – Laura Crockett


    Tuesday, July 7, 2015 at 7:00pm

    Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor Meeting Room
    15555 Roscoe Blvd (just east of the 405)
    North Hills.

    There is a $5.00 event fee, except for first time visitors, and students who may attend at no cost.

    Featured Speaker – Laura Crockett – Writer, philosopher, storyteller
    Writers love words. Words are their tools to entertain, to persuade and to reveal truths. Politicians love words as well. They too use words to persuade, however, more often than not, they don’t reveal truth, but lie to us to gain power. When they lie to us, we are not entertained. We are disgusted.

    As a writer, a philosopher and a storyteller, Laura Crockett knows only too well how words can be used. Words form sentences, then paragraphs which then form conversations. In political America, in California, the public conversations have been formed by leftists. They use certain words and platitudes to gain and hold office. The Democrats hold office by defining the issues. Republicans are out in the cold because they must defend their positions regarding the issues established by the Democrats.
    Laura thinks, she knows, it is time to change that conversation. With Patton’s attitude of, “We’re not defending anything. We’re attacking…” she has stepped up to the front lines to help facilitate a more aggressive Republican conversation, one that redefines the public’s perception of who and what the GOP is. She knows it is time to stop defending ourselves using the language of the Democrats. She knows we must change the words in order to change the conversation; to form a conversation that tells the voters who and what the GOP truly is. It is up to us to show that huge population of Independent voters that liberty, a free market and our Constitution is the way to a better life for all.

    Laura’s mission is to help us help ourselves speak to voters in a clear, concise and assertive way. To do this she speaks to Republican clubs whenever she can. She, and Stephen Smith, formed and established the James Madison Toastmasters Club, a club for Republicans only. She has produced videos; of Gary Johnson, of the History of the Republican Liberty Caucus, and of her own mission.Her most recent documentary is about private life in France before and after the French Revolution, titled The Age of Napoleon. She also coaches and works in candidate development. She has written many books, novels and non fiction both. Her book, Getting Noticed, a training manual for first time candidates, is available on Amazon and directly from Laura. You can like her political page on Facebook at

    Her presentation is titled Stop, Listen, and Then Say Something Else.


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