Thursday, July 18, 2024
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    Channel Islands Maritime Museum announces a new Volunteer Training Class


    doctor arial, viagra sale sans-serif;”>Event Announcement

    Sep 14, Mon. 10 am to noon

    Channel Islands Maritime Museum 
    announces a new Volunteer Training Class!
    Starting Date : Monday, September 14
    Time : 10:00 a.m. to noon
    Duration : Every Monday at those hours through November 9, with Monday, October 19 off for Columbus Day. 
    • The training class and all materials are free.
    • Each student is required to become a member of the Museum. 
    • The special  membership fee for volunteers is $35. 
    • The class work will cover the gallery collection and all Museum activities with emphasis on conducting tours. 
    • Come and join a great group of Volunteers!
    • Welcome Aboard to a vibrant and active Museum!

    Check us out at 

    Prospects please call Jerry Leckie at 805-217-8363 
    to be put on the class list.  


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