Saturday, July 13, 2024
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    ‘The Godmother of Thanksgiving’ Living History at Oxnard’s Heritage Square on Nov.10th and Nov. 15th!



    sick arial, case sans-serif;”>A Thanksgiving Treat
    A Living History Interview with Sarah Josepha Hale: “The Godmother of Thanksgiving”


    Did you ever wonder how this uniquely American holiday got started? Most people in the USA never even heard of Thanksgiving until Sarah Hale introduced it in 1827. Sarah shares her passionate and unrelenting 40 year campaign to create a national day of Thanksgiving while the country was in the midst of a Civil War. Using direct quotes from her editorials as the Editor of the first American magazine for women, and letters to and from 5 Presidents, Sarah’s story is an authentic representation of how a woman on a mission can get the job done!

    Reenacted by Connie Korenstein as Sarah Josepha Hale for the benefit of the Friends of Heritage Square. Two performances: Tuesday, November 10 at 5:30PM and Sunday, November 15 at 2:00PM. Heritage Square Hall 731 South A Street, Oxnard. Donation: $5. On November 15, tours available at 1:00 and 3:00, $5 additional donation.

    Call for reservations 483-7960.














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