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    Move To Amend Ojai presents “When Money Talks” author Derek Cressman — May 29th


    no rx arial,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;”>Public talk and Q&A- 2:00 to 4:00 pm
    Bell Arts Factory 432 N. Ventura Ave., Ventura, CA 93001

    After party – 5:30 to 7:00
    home of Kris and Joanne Young
    407 Del Norte Road, Ojai, CA 93023

    The movement to amend the Constitution to end the corrupting influence of money grows stronger every day. Now author/activist Derek Cressman has written a book called “When Money Talks – The High Price of ‘Free’ Speech and the Selling of Democracy,” outlining steps activists can take to make democratic reform a reality. Derek’s broad understanding of politics and his commitment to transformative change make his book a must-read, both for members of the general public seeking to better understand these issues and for organizers looking for the best path forward.

    Move To Amend Ojai will host author Derek Cressman at 2 events on Sunday May 29th. Derek will speak at the Bell Arts Factory community center in Ventura at 2:00, then share food and conversation at the home of Kris and Joanne Young in Ojai at 5:30. Come to either event, or come to both!

    Derek Cressman has worked professionally to strengthen campaign finance laws since 1995, as Director of the State PIRG’s Democracy Program, and as Vice President for States with Common Cause. He ran for California Secretary of State in the June 2014 primary, championing the cause of democratic reform during that run.



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