Friday, July 12, 2024
62.3 F

    Islam and Western Civilization Can they Coexist

    viagra 60mg arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;”>It’s eerie, sending this out the day after the horror of what just happened in Nice.   But every day, the need for this conference seems ever greater.Events relating to the clash between Islam and Western cultures continually fill our news. We see horrific, even inhuman, acts of violent jihadists, such as Islamic State, Al Queda, Boko Haram, and others. We see the slaughter in our streets, in our towns  We watch the mass influx of Muslim immigrants to Europe, resulting in rapes and assaults on Western women and changes in the local culture that Islamic immigration brings about in the host country. We hear about honor killings and beheadings occurring in the U.S. We experience the conflicts between Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution.
    What we are witnessing is nothing less than a  collision between two diverse cultures and ideologies, each with its unique set of values.

    Can those different cultures, different values, coexist? Is Islam compatible with democracy and freedom in the West?

    Many of us know the answer to these questions, but far too many don’t.  So we will answer these, and other questions, at our Conference on Islam on August 21. Our panels of experts will be sharing their knowledge on the topics of “Islam in the Culture,” “Islam on the Move,” and “Islam as a Security Threat” – both nationally and globally.  We promise: this will be an extraordinary experience and a day well spent.  
    Sunday, August 21st
    Luxe Hotel, Westwood
    9AM  – 4 PM
    Registration begins at 8AM 
    Our speakers

     With Keynote Speaker

    Ambassador John Bolton
    Conference Admission: $190
    VIP tickets and sponsorship opportunities also available

    The conference includes lunch
    Whatever your familiarity with issues related to Islam,  – even if you know with complete certainty the answer to the question about coexistence – we are confident that this event will inform you on this all-important topic.   This is a phenomenal opportunity to hear from these world-class experts and we hope as many as possible to take advantage of it, so please join us – and bring a friend.



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