Thursday, July 11, 2024
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    “The Globalization of California” conference in LA (Note change of venue)

    “The Globalization of California”  conference in LA (Note change of venue)

    Event announcement






    Featured Speakers:  Patrick Wood, Debbie Baccigalupi, Heather Gass, Michael Shaw, Matt Grocott, Mike Munzing

    AFA Lecture and Conference Series

    American Freedom Alliance


    Oslo: Twenty Years later

    The Globalization of California:
    Will an Unelected, Unaccountable  Bureaucracy Soon Be Running Our Lives?

    Sunday, January 12, 2014
    10:00 am – 4:00 pm

    Location:  Please note the new location: Veterans Memorial Bldg., 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City

    Admission: $60.00

    Parking: $6.00 all day by valet.

    About the Conference:

    In 2011, AFA presented its first major conference on the Green Movement and its radical agenda to transform life in the United States and the world as we know it. As a follow up to that important event, The Globalization of California Conference will examine in depth the vast changes that are being planned for California as it marches towards the enactment of a global environmental agenda. At this conference you will learn in detail what is being planned for you as the structure of American life and government is reinvented under the umbrella of the United Nations’ Agenda 21. You will discover government plans to remake metropolitan areas with massively increased high rise residential development; the creation of a monitoring system which will be in effect a form of human control; the creation of vast off limit zones in rural area – and the disfavor into which urban development will be cast; the creation of a new system of public transportation which will focus on the expansion of metro trains, bike lanes and buses to the exclusion of private vehicles. You will hear about the Bay Area’s plan to accomplish all these ends in fulfillment of recent state law enactments, and how the Bay Area is a model for what is planned for the Los Angeles basin.

    Astonishing as it all might sound, this is happening now, right under our very noses, and those who are concerned by the threats it poses to democracy and individual liberty must arm themselves with information to combat it.

    Come to this conference to find out how.


    Website with location is:

    The hotel is at the 405 and Sunset Blvd. It will be a good venue

    Admission is $60 for the whole day conference

    To Register for the West Coast Globalization Conference on January 12th in Los Angeles contact:

    American Freedom Alliance
    11500 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 400
    Los Angeles, CA 90064, USA
    Phone: (310) 444 3085 | Fax: (310) 444 3086
    Email: [email protected]



    Karen Bracken


    “If education has become – as Common Core openly declares – preparation for work in a global economy, then this situation is far worse than Common Core critics ever anticipated. And the concerns about cost, and quality, and yes, even the constitutionality of Common Core, pale in comparison to the concerns for the hearts, minds, and souls of American children.” Dr. Daniel Copeland – Hillsdale College Jun 2013.


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