Monday, July 15, 2024
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    “Steelhead Trout Among 23 Million People”


    ‘Steelhead Life History; Water Talk’ on February 27 at 6:30pm at the WAV (Working Artists Ventura) Community Room, 175 S Ventura Ave (street parking). 

    Southern steelhead are an ocean going form of rainbow trout, which continues to survive in Southern California despite great environmental stress and being federally endangered.  Learn how steelhead live, where they are found, and what is being done to recover their population at ‘Steelhead Life History; Water Talk’ on February 27 at 6:30pm at the WAV (Working Artists Ventura) Community Room, 175 S Ventura Ave (street parking).   Hosted by the Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition whose mission is to protect and restore wild Southern steelhead and its habitat in the Santa Clara River watershed. The Coalition is chaired and coordinated by California Trout, a nonprofit organization dedicated to seeking workable solutions for fish, water and people throughout California. The Water Talk Series goal is to increase informed participation in water policy through interaction between community members and experts.

    “These fish need access to local streams to complete their life cycle. Juveniles rear in freshwater before migrating to the ocean to grow and sexually mature before returning as adults to reproduce in freshwater.” notes Candice Meneghin, CalTrout Southern California Conservation Manager. , “but their numbers have declined precipitously.”  Studies by expert scientists show that the major causes of the species reduction are dams, diversions, agriculture and urban development, groundwater extraction and invasive species.  “Steelhead trout are an important indicator species of our watershed health,” Ms. Meneghin emphasized, “and our coalition is committed to multi-benefit projects that help address local need, but simultaneously recover this species.” 

    After maturing in the ocean environment, adult steelhead attempt to return to their original freshwater streams to lay eggs.  Physical obstacles that prevent stream passage result in decreased spawning.  Inadequate stream flows is another impairment to survival and population resilience.  The Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition has proposed several strategies for increasing spawning and rearing success by addressing priority fish passage, water conservation, and habitat restoration projects throughout the watershed.

    The “Steelhead Life History; Water Talk ”program will also feature presentations from:

    • Mark Capelli, South-Central/Southern California Steelhead Recovery Coordinator National Marine Fisheries Service, West Coast Region
    • Ethan Bell, Fisheries Biologist, Stillwater Sciences and Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition participant
    • Rosi Dagit, Senior Conservation Biologist, Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains

    Program attendees can expect to come away with a better understanding of the steelhead trout lifecycle, essential elements of their habitat, and strategies being used to increase their population.   Water Talk programs are free and open to the public.

    Water Talks are an ongoing series of informational and educational presentations with local and regional experts sharing their knowledge with the public on a range of water related topics. The purpose of Water Talks is to provide a place to learn about water related topics. Water Talks is a project of California Trout. For more information contact Nina Danza, California Trout Project Coordinator at 805-605-6211 or [email protected].


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