Friday, July 19, 2024
61.8 F

    From Gold to Dust: The Destruction of California


    Event Announcement

    Invites You To Our August 2017 Conference

    If you live in California, you’re acutely aware of the damage being wrought on this once-Golden state by those in Sacramento, from the Governor on down through the one-party legislature that rubber-stamps anything that advances their “utopian” agenda.

    Crushing taxation and regulation; a defiant resistance to sane energy and environmental polices; the spreading of sanctuary cities and continued policies that favor those here illegally over those very citizens our politicians are sworn to represent and protect; schools that have long ago eschewed their charter to educate, and instead are turning out indoctrinated social justice warriors with no understanding of their great good fortune to be living in this exceptional, flourishing nation and instead have only shame and a desire to destroy it; and finally, how California has become a one-party state to the detriment of all of us:  each of these contributes to how California has gone from Gold to dust.

    If you don’t live in California, this is still relevant for the simple reason that, all too often, as goes California, so goes the nation.  We here are not only on the temporal leading edge of what tends to spread throughout the nation, but we also are an ideological proving ground for Leftist ideologies.  

    To shed light on the how, they why and the “what can we do about it” regarding these various tentacles of destruction, the American Freedom Alliance is hosting our August 20th Conference on this ever-so-important issue.  Our top-notch panels will be sharing their knowledge on each of these topics:  “Killing the Golden Goose” with crushing taxation and regulation; “Immigration Ground Zero,” “Our Failing Schools,”  “Radical Environmentalism” and finally, the destruction of the political system itself with our “One Party Rule.”  

    The fact is, this conference will be a far more legitimate “state of the state” discussion than any had outside of it, and for this reason we hope you bring a friend or two who only “knows” what he or she sees on television.  

    Join us, get the truth, and help spread the word.  Most importantly, help fight back,  

    Sunday, August 20th 
    Luxe Hotel, Westwood
    9AM  – 4 PM
    Registration begins at 8AM 
    Our speakers
             Ben Boychuk                      John Cox                           Tim Donnelly 
             Katy Grimes                       Christopher Harris              Mike Hoskinson
             Robin Hvidston                   Lance Izumi                       Mike Munzing
             Jesse Lee Peterson           Raul Rodriguez                  Larry Sand 
             Susan Shelley                    Lisa Snell                           Arnold Steinberg 
             Greg Walcher                     Peter Wood 


    With Keynote Speaker

    Victor Davis Hanson

    Conference Admission: $150
    $100 Early Bird tickets until August 1st

    VIP tickets and sponsorship opportunities also available


    The conference includes lunch
    (Kosher Lunch available on request at RSVP)

    Whatever you already know about how this great state is being destroyed, we are confident that this event will inform, and empower you on this crucial topic whose consequences are being felt every single day.   This is a phenomenal opportunity to hear from these world-class experts and we hope as many as possible to take advantage of it, so please join us – and bring a friend.


    If you can’t attend, your sponsorship donation can help someone else attend.  We look forward to seeing you August 20th.

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