Saturday, August 31, 2024
65 F

    Earth Charter Community Summit And Awards Ceremony

    Earth Charter Community Summit And Awards Ceremony



    Every year Citizens for Peaceful Resolutions presents Earth Charter Awards to those community activists who best embody the Earth Charter’s core values. Our event is co-sponsored by Ventura College’s Global and International Studies Program.




    Please join us on this joyous occasion to honor this year’s Ventura County ambassadors of the Earth Charter Principles:

    Respect and Care for the Community of Life
    National Disaster Search Dog Foundation

    Ecological Integrity
    Food & Water Watch
    and Citizens for Responsible Oil & Gas (CFROG)

    Social and Economic Justice (Richard Weinstock Memorial Award)
    La Hermandad Hank Lacayo Youth & Family Center

    Democracy, Nonviolence and Peace (Betty Eagle and Bill Hammaker Memorial Award)
    Ventura County Peace & Justice Network

    Youth Education and Outreach
    Jena Branstetter – Ventura Unified School District

    Earth Charter and the Arts
    Sharon Coughran

    There is no charge to attend.
    Refreshments will be served.   

    Guthrie Hall is marked GH on the map 

    The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century.  Various UN agencies and visionary thinkers developed the Earth Charter over a ten-year period.  The final version was approved at UNESCO headquarters in Paris in the year 2000.  The Charter has been endorsed by countless nongovernmental organizations, including the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica.

    Learn about the Earth Charter at:

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