Thursday, July 11, 2024
72.2 F

    American Freedom Alliance Reporting on the UN’s 9th World Urban Forum

    American Freedom Alliance Reporting on the UN’s 9th World Urban Forum

    Earlier this month, American Freedom Alliance’s (AFA) own Michael Greer did something remarkable – she went to the UN’s 9th session of their World Urban Forum.  From their site:

    “At WUF9, a lot of action oriented work for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda was done.

    The New Urban Agenda is a truly universal agenda, concerning people from very different walks of life. 22.000 participants from 165 countries, among them more than 100 Ministers and Deputy Ministers, debated concrete implementation steps and how to work together building the Cities 2030, the Cities for All.”

    Does that give you chills?  “Cities 2030, Cities for All,” that reveres Shanghai as the optimal way for us to live?  All of us?

    My guess is, you didn’t hear about this on the news, and there’s an obvious reason why: because this is exactly the kind of thing they do all that they can to conceal.

    But, as we say, knowledge is power, and Michael is reporting back what she found, bringing you the knowledge, giving you the power.

    Come learn about their plans for us, Sunday, March 4th from 2-4 at the Luxe.  Yes, it’s short notice, but we didn’t want to wait to share this with you

    Buy tickets here – or donate so someone else can go!

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