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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    America: The End and Our Hope

    By Michael Hernandez


    By Nicole Wells (Sept. 8) NewsMax

    Queen Elizabeth II’s death on Thursday ended the longest reign of any British monarch and set into motion a contingency plan known as Operation London Bridge.

    The death of the monarch in Scotland has also triggered a part of the contingency plan known as Operation Unicorn, which sets in motion additional ceremonial events in Edinburgh ahead of the logistics of moving the queen’s coffin back to London.

    According to the plan, the first person outside of the queen’s Scottish residence Balmoral and Buckingham Palace to be informed of her death was the prime minister in a phone call.

    It has been rumored since the plan was first prepared that the code “London Bridge has fallen” would be used to communicate her death, but it has not been confirmed if that took place Thursday.

    A number of institutions are set to take part in the operation, including the media, the Metropolitan Police Service, the Church of England, the British Armed Forces, Transport for London, the Royal Parks, the Greater London Authority and London boroughs.

    Prime Minister Liz Truss commented shortly after the death, and other officials waited to speak until after the prime minister delivered her remarks.

    The Commonwealth countries where Elizabeth served as queen will receive the news from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s Global Response Centre and the British, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish parliaments will convene for emergency meetings. Truss will also address the House of Commons.

    Elizabeth’s heir, Charles, Prince of Wales, effectively became king, though protocol dictates he will be declared the new monarch the day after her death. He will have a ceremony in a separate operation known as Operation Spring Tide.

    Prince William ascended to the Duke of Cornwall and became next in the line of succession, followed by his children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

    Government buildings lowered their flags to half-staff. The day after the queen’s death, the Accession Council will recognize the new king at St. James’ Palace. Parliament will be suspended for 10 days and will swear allegiance to King Charles III, and the governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will recognize the new monarch within two days after Elizabeth’s death.

    According to the plan, King Charles will begin a tour of the United Kingdom three days after the queen’s death. It is expected that the queen will be laid to rest on a Sunday, 10 days after her death.


    Conservatives react to Biden’s “threat” to “the very soul of this nation” speech

    ALANA MASTRANGELO (Sept 4) Breitbart News


    Conservatives on social media reacted to President Joe Biden’s recent divisive political speech, in which he referred to “MAGA Republicans” as a “threat” to “the very soul of this nation,” by sarcastically explaining how they are threats to the nation as well.


    “I go to work. I work hard. I go to the gym. I hunt. I fish. I spend time with friends and family. I pay my taxes and don’t break the law. I play disc golf. I am a threat to the very soul of this nation,” one Twitter user wrote.


    “I’m a registered nurse nearing retirement,” another explained. “I like taking walks and reading mystery novels. I adopted a baby and she’s now an engineering student with a scholarship. I pay my taxes. I don’t break the law. I am a threat to the very soul of this nation.”


    “I work hard, garden, cook, bake, spin, knit weave and throw pots. I’ve been married 33 years and have two grown kids. I’ve owned businesses and pay taxes. I am a threat to the very soul of this nation,” a third said.


    “I’m a mom, I take care of my sick mother, who can’t live on her own. I love my dogs and I cook ‘real food’ for them twice a day, everyday. I just bought my first house, and I love to decorate and bake goodies for my neighbors. I am a threat to the very soul of this nation,” another echoed.


    “I work 40 hours per week. Watch my grandsons after work while my daughter goes to trade school. Pay taxes. Work part time for a charity. Cook and clean for my grandkids and love my dogs! I am a threat to the very soul if this nation,” another Twitter user wrote.


    Another said, “I’m a middle-aged mom. I raised two children whom I taught to love Christ and be kind to others. I bake casseroles. I listen to 80’s pop music. I pay my taxes and don’t break the law. I’m also now considered a threat to the soul of the nation.”


    “I’m a 63-year-old single grandmother. I take care of disabled seniors, my 21 year-old blind deaf and dying cat, I don’t drink or do drugs. I spend quality time with my kids/grandkids. I’m a threat to the soul of this very nation,” another tweeted.



    Trump:  Biden is an “enemy of the state” not Republicans or conservatives

    By Cassandra Fairbanks (Sept. 4) The Gateway Pundit


    Former President Donald Trump called Joe Biden an “enemy of the state” during his massive rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on Saturday. Trump also asserted that Biden’s “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” primetime speech on Thursday was the “most vicious, hateful, and divisive speech ever delivered by a president.”

    During Biden’s speech on Thursday, he said that the over 74 million Americans who voted for Trump “present a “clear and present danger to our democracy” and “threat to this country…Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” Biden said.

    Trump had previously responded to Biden’s speech in a series of posts on Truth Social, speculating that Biden “must be insane or suffering from late stage dementia…Someone should explain to Joe Biden, slowly but passionately, that MAGA means, as powerfully as mere words can get, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

    Trump wrote in one of the posts. “If he doesn’t want to Make America Great Again, which through words, action, and thought, he doesn’t, then he certainly should not be representing the United States of America!…If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech…he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force. He must be insane, or suffering from late-stage dementia!” Trump continued in another post.

    Trump: Justice Department raided “hopes and dreams” of America-loving citizens

    By Eric Mack (Sept. 3) NewsMax

    The Justice Department raided not only the home of a former president, but also the “hopes and dreams” of America-loving citizens, according to former President Donald Trump in his first Save America rally since the raid.

    “It was not just my home that was raided last month — it was the hopes and dreams of every citizen who I have been fighting for since the moment I came down the golden escalator in 2015, wanting to represent the people, wanting to stop the massive corruption in this country,” Trump told the Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania rally, which aired lived on Newsmax.

    “The radical Democrats are engaging in a desperate attempt to keep me from returning to the White House, where they know I will clean this mess up again,” Trump added. “They want to stop us from completing our mission to bring back American values.”

    Trump noted the raid was conducted “on a phony pretext” in order to deflect from Biden’s struggles and the impending midterm elections.

    “The Biden administration invaded the home of their chief political opponent, who is absolutely destroying him and everyone else in the polls — I hate to say it — even including the Republicans, but we love the Republicans,” Trump said, noting the raid began only after “getting permission from a highly political magistrate, who they handpicked late in the evening, just days before the break in and trampled upon my rights and civil liberties.”

    Senator Rubio: DOJ, FBI “leaks” are “deliberate effort to influence US politics”

    One American News (Sept. 8)

    Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) says reports of “leaks” from the DOJ and FBI about documents seized from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home appear to be a deliberate effort to influence US politics.

    In an interview Wednesday, Rubio said the DOJ and FBI do not comment on ongoing investigations and they don’t usually leak any information. He stressed, if the probe into Trump were an unbiased investigation, then the FBI would have consulted with lawmakers, but it didn’t.

    “Why didn’t they come to the Gang of Eight or the Intelligence Committee heads and say, ‘we’ve got this major problem on our hands’?” asked the Florida lawmaker. “Instead, what we get is these constant leaks and the only reason to leak to the media is to influence the narrative. Which tells you this is being politicized, which is doing damage to the FBI, the Justice Department, to important institutions, to our country.”




    Zuckerberg money pays Michigan election officials

    Solange Reyner  (Sept. 2) Newsmax

    Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson allowed Mark Zuckerberg-funded organizations to pay local election officials millions of dollars in exchange for directing how the election officials conduct Michigan elections, a group of Michigan voters said.

    A reply brief was filed earlier this week by the Thomas More Society challenging Benson’s failure to follow Michigan’s Election Code of Constitution.

    The group was addressing Benson’s claim that she was not responsible for the funding because “she did not personally hand out the money,” the Thomas More Foundation said in a press release.

    “Secretary Benson is wrong,” Thomas More Society special counsel Thor Hearne said in a press release. “This lawsuit does not seek to relitigate the results of the 2020 general election. Rather, it is about how future Michigan elections are conducted and Secretary Benson’s responsibility to conduct elections according to Michigan’s Constitution and Election Code so that every Michigan voter has equal access to the ballot.”

    The Thomas More Foundation first filed the lawsuit against Benson in October 2020 in the Michigan Court of Claims, claiming that Zuckerberg paid almost $20 million to local election officials through a third-party charitable organization, the Center for Tech and Civic Life.

    Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, contributed $400 million nationwide into the 2020 presidential election through their Chicago-based nonprofit.

    The lawsuit also claims that Benson allowed organizations funded by Zuckerberg to pay local election officials millions of dollars in exchange for directing how the election officials conduct Michigan elections and that at least $17 million of unreported payments were made to Michigan election officials.

    “Evidence confirms that Benson was aware of this private funding scheme and even encouraged election officials to participate,” the group said in a press release.



    The Left Is Terrified of ‘My Son Hunter’

    ALEXANDER MARLOW (Sept. 7) Breitbart News

    My Son Hunter is…about the current President of the United States… is available at Sept. 7, for streaming and downloading and focuses on:

    1. ‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families
    2. Hunter Biden Committed a Possible Felony While Buying a Handgun and Needed the Secret Service to Help Bail Him Out
    3. White House Refuses to Provide Transparency on Hunter Biden’s Artwork
    4. Treasury Filings Confirm Concerns About Hunter Biden’s Foreign Deals
    5. Hunter Biden Was Given a 2.8 Karat Diamond by a Now-Jailed Chinese Businessman
    6. Hunter Biden Took at Least 23 Flights Through Joint Base Andrews, Home of Air Force One and Two
    7. Senior DOJ Official Confirms Hunter Biden Investigation: ‘I’m Not Going to Talk About Any Ongoing Investigation’
    8. Twitter Censors New York PostBombshell Stories About Hunter Biden



    Our Hope

    “Drought in the Promise Land”

    By Prophet Lovy L. Elias (Sept. 4)

    Key Bible Verse:

    “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit.” (NKJV: Jeremiah 17:7-8)


    (Note: Lovy L. Elias is founding pastor of Revelation Church LA located in Simi Valley, CA which started as a prayer group in his living room and focuses on revelatory teaching, the prophetic, deliverance, healing and manifestations of miracles, signs and wonders. The church mission is: “to build a people of fire.”  Watch his message on:

    ACLJ Action seeks petitions to Department of Education protecting pro-life speech

    (ACLJ Action Statement/Sept 8):

    “The Biden Administration’s Department of Education has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to amend current regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (Title IX).


    “The NPRM changes the definition of discrimination to include “termination of pregnancy,” placing abortion legally and morally on par with pregnancy and childbirth.


    “These changes are unconstitutional and could:

    – Prohibit pro-life speech and pro-life activism at schools.

    – Punish pro-life speech as “discrimination.”

    – Ban pro-life instruction in a medical or moral context.

    – Force schools to provide access to or support for abortion services.


    (Editor’s Note: “The Biden Administration must provide an individualized response to each unique submission. Please use the module to comment by September 12. You can be most effective by adding 3-4 sentences of your own personal thoughts, concerns, or stories related to this important issue. To send your comment to the U.S. Department of Education go to:


    Message Template:

    “I write to oppose this rule redefining sex discrimination in Title IX to include “termination of pregnancy.”


    “As you know, Title IX is an important statute for the prevention of sex discrimination and the protection of women.


    “I am saddened and disturbed that the Department of Education is undermining this purpose and instead using Title IX to undermine the rights of women and others whose conscience leads them to oppose abortion.


    “I am particularly concerned that the proposed rule would lead schools to:


    1) Prohibit pro-life speech and pro-life activism at schools;


    2) Punish pro-life speech as “discrimination”;


    3) Ban pro-life instruction in a medical or moral context; and


    4) Force schools to provide access to or support for abortion services.


    “I am further concerned that this new regulation is unconstitutional. As recently noted by the Supreme Court in Dobbs, citing previous precedent: “…the ‘goal of preventing abortion’ does not constitute ‘invidiously discriminatory animus’ against women.” Bray v. Alexandria Women’s Health Clinic, 506 U. S. 263, 273–274 (1993)


    “I therefore submit that this NPRM is an extreme and unjustified overreach by the Executive Branch. The Department of Education does not have the authority to unilaterally alter federal law and restrict fundamental rights to free speech and conscience.”


    (Michael Hernandez, co-founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted at [email protected] and is editor of “America: The End and Our Hope”.)


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