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    Setting Brushfires of Freedom by Don Jans

    America: The End/ Our Hope

    By Michael Hernandez

    The End (September 18-23)

    (Editor’s Note: this is part of a weekly compendium of recent significant events, culled from world news and curated by Michael Hernandez.)


    Newsom Billboard Campaign Promotes CA Abortion for Red States

    Michael Hernandez (Sept. 20) CitizensJournal.net

    SACRAMENTO—California Governor Gavin Newsom has launched a billboard campaign and a one-million-dollar state-run website promoting abortions in seven red states. The billboard campaign which states: “Need an abortion? California is ready to help” was launched in Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota and Texas with the website: https://abortion.ca.gov/ which also lists 169 California in-person abortion providers as well as six virtual providers.

    The advertising campaign also includes a scripture verse (Mark 12:31): “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.” “This invokes (that) trying to protect a baby from being killed is not loving your neighbor,” said CeCe Heil, Senior Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), one of the most prestigious law firms in the nation. “This is using a bible verse to justify killing of a baby…There always has to be a justification or you can’t kill a baby.” “Gruesome Newsom invokes Christ for evil law” is the name of the Sept. 20 ACLJ broadcast with Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow calling the campaign “evil…using the words of Jesus is a heck of a gusty move in a horrible way.” (Editor: To hear the ACLJ broadcast go to: https://aclj.org/radical-left/gruesome-newsom-invokes-christ-for-evil-law.)

    In a Sept. 13 news release from the Office of Governor, Newsom states: “Abortion is legal, safe and accessible here in California – whether or not you live here, know that we have your back. As Republican states continue rolling back fundamental civil rights and even try to prevent people from accessing information online or crossing state lines for care, you’re welcome here in California and we’ll continue to fight like hell for you.”

    (Editor: Read release at: https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/09/13/california-launches-abortion-ca-gov/ or watch 45-second message from Gavin Newsom: https://twitter.com/cagovernor/status/1569717602104274945).

    The bottom of the abortion billboard, states: “Paid for by Newsom for California Governor 2022.” Newsom tagged several Republican governors, including Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves and Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott with the billboard image.

    Joy Stockbauer, a policy analyst for the Center for Human Dignity, told The Christian Post: “Governor Newsom’s disrespect for the sincerely held religious convictions of Bible-believing Americans is disturbing, but sadly nothing new from far-left extremists within the Democratic Party. “Perhaps Newsom wouldn’t be so desperate to draw vulnerable women to California if his actual constituents weren’t fleeing the state in droves due to his unwillingness to address the rampant violent crime problem.”

    The abortion website received funding through a $200 million budget package funded by taxpayers as California seeks to be a sanctuary for abortions. The website states that California law allows minors to “independently consent to their own abortion care” despite any objections from their parents. The website links to http://www.teenhealthrights.org/ which tells minors they do not need your parents’ or caregivers’ permission to get an abortion if you are under 18.”

    The Christian Post reported on Sept. 2 about California’s “historic” bill package of nearly a dozen bills that “erases the idea of an illegal abortion” passed by California lawmakers. They include:

    • AB 1242: Blocks California law enforcement and other individuals from cooperating with other states’ investigations into abortion procedures deemed lawful under California law.
    • AB 2091: Aims to ensure that out-of-state subpoenas seeking information on a woman who has had an abortion are not granted and gives the Department of Insurance ability to enforce violations on healthcare providers that release certain medical records.
    • AB 1666: Prevents civil or financial penalties from being brough against women or abortions who had or committed a legal abortion in California.
    • AB 2626: Professional boards cannot revoke the license of an abortionist who commits a legal abortion in California or another state.
    • AB 2223:  Removes the requirement for a state coroner to investigate deaths related to self-induced or criminal abortions.
    • SB 1375 :Makes additions to exist law, allowing for nurse practitioners who complete board-recognized training to conduct first-trimester abortions.
    • SB 1245: Supports funding for the Los Angeles County Abortion Access Safe Haven Pilot Program, which aims to advance “comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services” supporting Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California and other abortion advocacy groups.
    • AB 2320: Establishes a pilot program that supports building community health centers that offer abortions in five California counties.
    • AB 2586: Intends to “address the reproductive and sexual health disparities that Black, indigenous and other communities of color face.
    • SB 1142: Create a “one-stop-shop internet webpage” linking individuals to places where they can access abortion, post-abortion care and financial assistance for obtaining an abortion. The webpage will be overseen by California’s Health and Human Service department.
    • AB 1918: The California Reproductive Health Service Corps in the Department of Health Care Access and Information will recruit and train healthcare professionals who will be part of the “reproductive health care teams” working in underprivileged communities.

    “Newsom is looking past a Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump matchup to a Gavin Newsom vs. Ron DeSantis matchup for President,” said ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow.



    Poll: Majority of Democrats Believe There Are ‘Tens of Millions of Dangerous MAGA Republicans’

    HANNAH BLEAU (Sept. 19) Breitbart News

    Most Democrats believe that there are “tens of millions” of “dangerous MAGA Republicans,” a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll released in September found.

    The survey followed President Biden’s angry speech in which he demonized millions of Americans, deeming “MAGA Republicans” a great threat to the very “foundations of our republic.”  The poll asked voters, “Do you think there are tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans backing violence and trying to overthrow the constitution or is that a gross exaggeration and distortion?”


    While a majority across the board, 54 percent, said that characterization is a “gross exaggeration,” 46 percent believe that there are, in fact, “tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans.”


    But what is more, nearly three-quarters of Democrats, 73 percent, tend to believe Biden’s divisive rhetoric, concluding that there are literally “tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans” who are overtly “backing violence and trying to overthrow the constitution.” Forty-two percent of independents agree with the majority of Democrats, as do 20 percent of Republicans.


    The survey was taken September 7-8, 2022, among 1,885 registered voters and follows Biden’s angry Sept. 1 speech, in which he stated that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

    “And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.  They do not believe in the rule of law.  They do not recognize the will of the people,” Biden said, quoting Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig, who, according to Biden, called Trump “and the extreme MAGA Republicans, quote, a ‘clear and present danger’ to our democracy.”


    “Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans: We must be stronger, more determined, and more committed to saving American democracy than MAGA Republicans are to — to destroying American democracy,” Biden said, striking a very different tone from the pitch for “unity” he touted during his presidential campaign.

    The survey also found that most Americans overall, 59 percent, believe Biden is raising these issues about MAGA Republicans to “avoid talking about inflation, immigration, crime, and other issues.” However, the vast majority of Democrats, 70 percent, believe he is “fairly raising MAGA Republican issues.”

    Notably, a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released last week found 58.7 percent of voters expressed the belief that Biden has, in fact, divided the country.




    Texas Attorney General secures win for First Amendment rights

    Summer Lane Sept. 20 RSBN

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) revealed on Twitter that he had secured a huge win for free speech in federal court, hitting back against the tyranny of Big Tech’s rampant online censorship. “BREAKING: I just secured a MASSIVE VICTORY for the Constitution & Free Speech in fed court,” Paxton wrote.

    He continued, “#BigTech CANNOT censor the political voices of ANY Texan! The 5th Circuit ‘reject[s] the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say.”


    Paxton attached two images of court documents to his tweet, highlighting a ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. The ruling took overturned a decision made in a lower court that stonewalled Texans from being able to sue Big Tech companies for censoring their political viewpoints, per Just the News.


    According to the ruling: “The implications of the platforms’ argument are staggering. On the platforms’ view, email providers, mobile phone companies, and banks could cancel the accounts of anyone who sends an email, makes a phone call, or spends money in support of a disfavored political party, candidate, or business. What’s worse, the platforms argue that a business can acquire the dominant market position by holding itself out as open to everyone – as Twitter did in championing itself as ‘the free speech wing of the free speech party.’”

    According to Just the News, the federal court’s new decision will uphold the law allowing both Texas residents and the Office of the Texas Attorney General to file lawsuits against social media giants like Twitter or Instagram if they engage in censorship.

    “Today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say. Because the district court held otherwise, we reverse its injunction and remand for further proceedings,” the ruling concluded.

    The Lone Star State’s legal win against the suppression tactics of social media platforms comes on the heels of widespread suspicion and distrust of sites like Facebook.

    In early September, a Louisiana judge ordered key members of the Biden administration to hand over communications between themselves and Big Tech companies, per RSBN.


    The lawsuit, spearheaded by Missouri state Attorney General Eric Schmitt (R), specifically took aim at censorship that was coming top-down from the current administration’s alleged partnership with social media platforms.



    Trump Laments Mar-a-Lago Home ‘ransacked” by FBI home

    Fran Beyer (Sept 19) NewsMax

    Former President Trump is back at his Mar-a-Lago residence — lamenting on Monday his Palm Beach, Fla., home had been “ransacked” by the FBI’s seizure of White House documents and would “never be the same.”

    Dozens of supporters lined a bridge waving flags and cheering as his limousine crossed a bridge near the estate, video footage of the caravan showed.

    Writing on his Truth Social platform, Trump said he had “a long and detailed chance” on Sunday night to look around the property.

    “Arrived in Florida last night and had a long and detailed chance to check out the scene of yet another government “crime,” the FBI’s Raid and Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago,” he wrote. “I guess they don’t think there is a Fourth Amendment anymore, and to them, there isn’t. In any event, after what they have done, the place will never be the same. It was ‘ransacked,’ and in far different condition than the way I left it. Many Agents – And they didn’t even take off their shoes in my bedroom. Nice!!!”



    Biden gains power over U.S. dollar with executive order

    The following content is sponsored by Paradigm Press.

    On March 9, 2022, President Biden quietly signed Executive Order 14067.

    In fact, this provision sets the stage for:

    • Legal government surveillance of all U.S. citizens
    • Total control over your bank accounts and purchases
    • And the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good

    It’s no wonder Fox News recently called this “a deeply troubling development.” Still, most Americans have never even heard of Executive Order 14067.

    That’s why today, Jim Rickards – a world-renowned economist and former advisor to both the CIA and the Pentagon – has just sounded the alarm on this troubling new development. In fact, according to Mr. Rickards, this order could mean the end of the U.S. dollar as we know it.

    “We’re in for a major upheaval of the U.S. dollar,” he says. “In fact, I predict the 3rd Great Dollar Earthquake has already started…“The first was Roosevelt confiscating private gold in 1934…“The second was Nixon abandoning the gold standard in 1971…“Now,” he says, “Biden’s plan could pave the way for ‘retiring’ the U.S. dollar – and replacing it with this disturbing new alternative.”



    Senator Cassidy: Medicare will be “insolvent” in six years

    Nick Koutsobinas   (Sept. 21) NewsMax

    Medicare will be “insolvent” in six years, Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., a physician, told Newsmax on Wednesday. “When I say insolvent, it means the amount of money coming in, that’s already there, will be completely exhausted,” Cassidy told “Eric Bolling: The Balance.” “Now, doctors [and] hospitals will still be paid, but it’ll be just the amount that’s coming in that goes out.”

    Concerns about the fund, Medicare, to cover hospitals running out have happened before and contribute to a cycle that starts generating noise about four years out from the insolvency deadline, according to Politico.

    Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee grilled Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra about President Joe Biden’s plan to keep the program from running out of cash by 2026, Politico reported in April.

    The senator added, in addition to Medicare going insolvent, the program also burdens doctors with its amount of paperwork and low compensation, driving many of them to retire early from burnout.



    Larry Elder: ‘Uncle Tom II’ Exposes How BLM Is ‘Destroying What Made America Great and Using Blacks as a Means to Do So’

    ROBERT KRAYCHIK (Sept. 22) Breitbart News

    The Black Lives Matter campaign and enterprise is “destroying what made America great and using blacks as a means to do so,” Larry Elder, writer and executive producer of Uncle Tom II, remarked on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

    Elder said his latest film details the political weaponization of race-based grievance — including “white guilt” — as a tool to undermine America by advancing communist ideology. “The co-founders [of Black Lives Matter] are self-described ‘trained Marxists’ who do not believe in capitalism,” Elder recalled. “They want to bring down the American system as we know it. They want to bring down capitalism. They want government ownership of property, even as they’re out buying mansions with the money that Patrice Cullors described as ‘white guilt money.’”

    Elder maintained that black Americans benefited “a strong belief in the values of America” following the American Civil War, including high rates of marriage and commensurate low rates of divorce, entrepreneurship, Christian faith, and patriotism. The Black Lives Matter operation, he added, amounts to “a very assault on what made black people survive and thrive after slavery.”


    Elder warned that high rates of single-parenthood among blacks in recent decades relative to earlier American history is predictive of a broader national trend of increasing familial collapse.

    “Women have been incentivized to marry the government, and men have been incentivized to abandon their financial and moral responsibility, and that’s not just affecting the black community,” he observed. “Now, 25 percent of white kids are born outside of wedlock. Forty percent of all American kids are now born outside of wedlock, something that would not be possible if not for our subsidization of slovenly behavior.”



    Kamala Harris applauds Dem attorney generals for taking on pregnancy centers

    JORDAN DIXON-HAMILTON (Sept 23) Breitbart News

    Vice President Kamala Harris applauded Democrat attorneys general for “taking on” pregnancy centers within their states during her speech at the Democrat Attorneys General Association Conference on Thursday.

    Harris told the crowd she previously met with many Democrat attorneys general and “discussed the innovative strategies” they have used “to defend women’s reproductive freedom.”

    Harris said: “You are taking on, rightly, the crisis pregnancy centers; launching public education campaigns because — I don’t think I have it here, but I’ll show you all a map of the United States right now, in terms of the patchwork of different laws in different states on this issue and the confusion it is creating and the need, then, for some of the most trusted elected officials to clarify the state of the law and, in the midst of the vast amount of confusion, the need of you as the truthtellers to sort out fiction from fact and combat misinformation and disinformation, which we all know often creates a situation that is ripe for predatory practices.”




    Our Hope

    ACLJ appeals Ocala, Florida prayer case directly to the U.S. Supreme Court

    Jay Sekulow (Sept. 22) ACLJ.org

    “Today, I am appealing a massive prayer case directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. Angry atheists and anti-Christian extremists are constantly abusing the federal court system, rushing to court claiming to be offended by some public display of prayer or exercise of religious liberty.

    “When a crime spree gripped a local community, a prayer vigil was organized and city officials, police, and chaplains attended the event. Individuals opposed to prayer sued, and a federal judge ruled that public prayer is unconstitutional.

    “Today, we are filing a cert. petition to the Supreme Court in one of our biggest cases in years. Prayer is fundamental. Prayer is constitutional. And anti-Christian radicals have NO RIGHT to bring these suits in the first place.

    The case, City of Ocala v. Rojas, has a lengthy history, and has taken many twists and turns before now arriving at the doorstep of the Supreme Court. It all started with a tragic shooting spree in Ocala, Florida. Community leaders proposed a prayer vigil in response, and the local Chief of Police, in keeping with a long history of public officials calling for prayer in response to crises, encouraged citizens to attend the prayer vigil. Some local atheists got wind of it and didn’t like the idea. But the event went foreward, and a group atheists attended to “observe” what they expected to be, in their opinion, a violation of the “separation of church and state.” After the vigil, the American Humanist Association and four atheists filed suit in a federal district court, claiming a violation of the Establishment Clause and asserting the right to sue as “offended observers.” The ACLJ stepped in to defend the city.

    “We hope the Supreme Court will agree that “offended observer” standing is a bad idea that needs to be corrected. We expect to hear sometime this fall or winter whether the Supreme Court will hear City of Ocala v. Rojas.

    “I’ve been fighting – and WINNING – these cases for decades. Now we have the best opportunity to stop these calculated attacks on prayer and religious liberty once and for all at the Supreme Court.”



    California voters: “Every Life is Valuable” – VOTE NO on Proposition 1 / For more info:



    (Michael Hernandez, co-founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted at [email protected] and is editor of “America: The End and Our Hope”.)





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