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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Operation Planned for Ventura

    Ventura Police Department will take part in a bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement operation aimed at educating bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians on traffic laws, rules and responsibilities.

    During the months of December 2019 January 2020 officers will be looking for violations made by bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians that put roadway users at risk. These violations include drivers speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, failing to stop for signs and signals or any other dangerous violation.

    Officers will also look for pedestrians who cross the street illegally or fail to yield to drivers who have the right of way. Bike riders will be stopped when riding on the wrong side of the road, not complying with stop signs and signals, or other violation of the same traffic laws that apply to them as drivers.

    Bicycle and pedestrian fatalities are rising at an alarming rate. In 2016, 138 bicyclists and 867 pedestrians were killed on California roads. Pedestrian fatalities are up nearly 33 percent from 2012, and the number of bicyclists killed are up nearly 25 percent over the past five years. In 2018, The Ventura Police Department has investigated several recent fatal and injury collisions involving bicyclists and pedestrians.

    “Whether you are on foot, behind the wheel or on a bike, you play a part in roadway safety,” Cpl. A. Gomez said. “Understanding the rules of the road using all modes of transportation helps ensure we all get to our destination safely.”

    People walking should only cross the street using crosswalks or intersections, preferably with a stop sign or signal. People on foot should also look for cars backing up and avoid darting between parked cars, make eye contact with drivers and wear bright clothing during the day and reflective materials or use a flashlight at night.

    Drivers should wait for pedestrians to cross the street, avoid distractions like using a cell phone, and be courteous and patient. All bike riders are reminded to always wear a helmet; helmets are required by law for those under 18. Bicyclists must travel in the same direction of traffic and have the same requirements as any slow moving vehicle.

    The Ventura Police Department supports the new OTS public awareness campaign, “Go Safely, California.” To find out more about ways to go safely, visit

    Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    City of Ventura Police Department

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    Chris flores
    Chris flores
    4 years ago

    I’ve been hit by cars six times in this city. All but one we’re hitting run drivers. It’s frustrating riding these streets. Until the recently bike most routes we’re unpainted and no safety cones in place. Now I noticed them popping up mostly downtown where revenue is created or high-speed areas around Kimball Park. These unmarked and unnoticed bikeways make it difficult to merge in with traffic when no one’s paying attention to you and you’re riding at slower speeds. I ride my bike for both Recreation and work. On my rides to work I’ve seen other cyclists mostly following the rules in the daytime except for what I assume are drug users or homeless people constantly wandering out into traffic for no reason crossing the street whenever they feel like. But for every random pedestrian or cyclist Crossing I have six or seven impatient drivers or drivers just clearly not paying attention had way too many close calls that were totally unnecessary and most of the time been blamed by the driver who was clearly in the wrong. I’ve had everything from people pumping to me pulling into the 76 station across from the government center to being hit downtown from someone trying illegal U-turn to park for their hair appointment. This city needs to worry about creating a safe space for cyclists to use before they go about trying to educate through enforcement Plus on top of that half of the PD I’ve met have been more of a harassment than a help

    Ron Willis
    Ron Willis
    4 years ago

    I don’t think this is working. I have seen people riding bikes, running stop signs, as well as red lights with police officers sitting at the red light and not stopping the offender or pedestrians crossing the street in the middle of the street (happened today 12/23/19 on Main Street, downtown), with an officer who stopped to let them cross. So if you think we believe you about enforcing the law by officers, forget it, it’s not going to fly.

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