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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    California State Senator Mike Morrell: “Our pastors are Missing In Action”

    By Michael Hernandez 

    NEWBURY PARK—“Our pastors are Missing In Action (MIA),” said California State Senator Mike Morrell (23-Rep., Rancho Cucamonga) at the Sunday service at Godspeak Calvary Chapel, but “I am confident that God has placed us all, in California, to do His work.   Are we being silent, because we fear man, more than God?   We can no longer be silent, because it gives evil, a green light.”

    Senator Morrell was introduced by Mayor Rob McCoy as one of his two mentors, the other being California State Senator Shannon Grove (16-Rep., Bakersfield).  Morrell, 66, was elected to the California State Assembly in 2010 and won a special election to the State Senate in March 2014.  Prior to serving in the state legislature, he was a real estate broker and has been a small business owner for over 25 years.

     “I wanted to have a big purpose in my life.  We read in Proverbs 13:22: ‘A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.’  We have a responsibility to the next generation to leave them the same opportunities that were given (us).

    “Today, we do not talk about religion and politics (in the church, but these are the) two most important things to talk about.  Daniel and Esther served a nation; Nehemiah built a nation; Jeremiah warned a nation.  Hosea said that a people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

    “Aristotle said that politics was placed above us, to tell us how to live.  In California, we have 40 state senators,” said Senator Morrell who claimed that we can find answers to today’s issues by searching the Bible—whether it be on immigration (God gave 17-20 conditions for immigration) or wealth.   We are told to fear God and obey His commandments.

    Senator Morrell cited the farewell speech of President George Washing who claimed that “morality and religion are indispensable supports.”  The Book of Deuteronomy directs us to “be careful to follow moral laws and decrees and commands to ‘get life’—otherwise our path will lead to death.”

    Senator Morrell quoted from Abraham Lincoln’s “A House Divided” speech given on June 16, 1858 after he had accepted the Illinois Republican Party’s nomination as U.S. Senator.  Lincoln was quoting words of Christ from the Book of Matthew.   The California State Senator also quoted from Lincoln’s initial inaugural speech upon being elected president when he chose “not to blame slave holders for slavery but the people of faith who were silent on the issue.”

    “Both parties read from the same Bible, pray to the same God,” but received God’s judgment against America as the Civil War broke out; and 650,000 Americans died.  I am concerned about God’s possible judgment for the 50-60 million” aborted in California.  “This can effect us and the next generation,” said Senator Morrell.

    Senator Morrell voiced his concerns about the new sex curriculum being adopted by California schools.   “It’s depravity.  God’s judgment can’t sleep forever.  If the church repents, then we can get revival.”

    According to Senator Morrell, In “Democracy in America” (1835), the French historian and political scientist Alexis de Tocqueville gave an account on how America was blessed by “two oceans separating us from our natural enemies and by churches and pulpits that are aflame with righteousness.” Today, we have “user friendly, seeker sensitive pastors that are Missing In Action.  Our pastors are gatekeepers of our souls—27 of our 56 founders studied for the ministry.

    “We are the first nation to have freedom.  We are the first to be governed by consent.   When President Washington was asked about America, he said:  “We have the best of Jerusalem; and the best of Athens (faith intersecting with wisdom).

    President Lincoln said the “constitution limits government’s powers.   The Declaration of Independence (introduced) Christian (thought).  When Justice Clarence Thomas was going through the confirmation process for an appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, he was asked by U.S. Senator Joe Biden how he was going to make his decisions:  ‘According to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God’ (first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence) and yet like Senator Biden, we don’t know what this means.

    “The Jews were slaves in Egypt for 431 years and they began to ‘prefer slavery to being free.’   Today, we want government handouts—this is called socialism—despotism by force.    This never worked in 6,000 years of history—look only at Venezuela, at North Korea, at Cuba.   The top charities (churches and nonprofit) will give 80 cents of the dollar to those who need help; when government tries it is between 30-50 cents out of the dollar.  Today, even Christian colleges want to take government funding.  We have about six Christian colleges in California that need government money, more (than staying true) to mission.

    “God established the executive branch, the judicial branch and the legislative branch.  But the Jews wanted a king—more government.   Today, we can be a bureaucratic state—not a free state and if we continue to go this way—the way of socialism—the government will take and take.  

    “California is the battleground for the soul of the nation.  I am convinced that as California goes, so goes the nation.”

    California State Senator Mike Morrell Photo Credit Michael Hernandez

    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service, founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor.  He has worked 24 years as a middle school teacher.   Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].

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