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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Calvary Pastor Jack Hibbs challenges U.S. pastors: ‘Open Your Doors’ Oct. 25th; ‘The people of God want to go to their churches’



    By Michael Hernandez

    CHINO HILLS—”Open your doors,” said Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Pastor Jack Hibbs challenging U.S. pastors quoting from Rev. 3:8 during Sunday’s Freedom Service attended by 2,000 and watched nationwide. “The people of God want to go to their churches.

    “We are giving this official declaration tonight from coast to coast that on Oct. 25th every pastor in the United States in unison opens their doors to let the people—the sheep (believers) come in. Jesus said: My sheep hear My voice and it is the shepherd’s responsibility ‘to set before them an open door, (that) no one can shut.’ 

    “Now is the time to stand. Pastors, I plead with you, this is an opportunity to join. We need you to open up. I have a challenge for the pastors of America. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 10:25 ‘not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.’

    “I have received emails from some Christians saying that their church is closed and will not open till Easter or next summer. We need to be like the Church in Philadelphia (the Faithful Church). 

    “How can we be silent and hiding our light under a basket? Are we led by fear? Are we intimidated by fear? Has our faith been strengthened? Or has it crumbled? We know that in the Last Days all things will be shaken. 

    “Is the light of the Gospel shining? The Church of America has been driven underground. We gave it up and allowed our politicians to define a new vision of church. We were told that the church was non-essential. This is unacceptable.

    “According to God, the church is essential. It is supernatural. Perfect love casts out all fear. We have been gripped more by fear than by the love of God. We need to stand up now. Are you going to stay home?

    “If we feared sin, as much as we feared COVID, our nation would be changed. If we feared our kids getting hooked on drugs, we would be different parents. If we feared our communities invaded by violence; we would be a whole different culture. If we feared drug abuse, human trafficking, if we feared our own lies, thoughts, and words more than COVID then we would have revival sweep this nation unlike what the world has ever seen.

    “We are sin positive. God is purifying His church and pulpit. People need to come to Christ. We need to tell the truth and get out in the community and tell people: “If you feared sin as much as you fear COVID, you would come to Christ.

    “Jesus Christ is the only hope. The Church is the only hope for America. It is not the State House or the White House. It is the Church House. That is where we find hope.”

    (Editor’s Note: To see the Freedom Sunday service facilitated by Tony Perkins, Family Research Council President go to:

    Calvary Chapel Chino Hills is releasing a national “Non-Essential” video event with at least eight confirmed speakers on Sunday, Oct. 18 from 5-7 p.m. PST. The theme is: “It’s Time to Fight for Our Essential Freedoms.”)  

    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service; editor of the History Makers Report and founder of History Makers International—a community nonprofit serving youth and families in Ventura County, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. He worked 25 years as a middle school teacher in Monrovia and Los Angeles Unified School Districts. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email at [email protected].

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    Faith Finkes
    Faith Finkes
    3 years ago

    We are open. We still live stream for those who don’t want to come, but we are open. On Tuesdays we hand out a semi truck load of free food to anyone who wants it. In four weeks over 100,000 pounds and average 600 families. We have other churches engaged as well – that’s a lot food to distribute! On Wednesdays we serve a meal and hold free ESL classes for all ages and average over 100 students. We have modified a few things, but we are open to shine the Light of God to our community.

    3 years ago

    We NEVER closed from the start!! We are the solution, not the problem!!

    Jesus and His disciples would not have stayed home or worn masks. They were out laying hands on the lepers, which is much more contagious than any silly virus. Where’s the power, Church?!

    (Yes, I’m the pastor.)

    Damon Poor
    Damon Poor
    3 years ago

    We initially closed and then reopened to outdoors until the temps reached 100 degrees and we went inside. In talking with my pastor we will not close again. Closing physical locations denies many the ability to worship at all because not everyone has internet and services “on-line” can do nothing more than convey the message. There is so much more than the message involved. The church (as it is supposed to be) is a place of healing, place of peace and the release of stress. It is a place where burdens are left and addictions are dealt with. We as humans are not meat to be separated and that is especially true when it comes to worship, yes private worship and reflection is important but corporate worship is that much more important. With the pressure’s of this current day and a lockdown that at times seems as much political as it does medical, I can not see anyone who is a Christ follower not realizing how important and critical meeting in person is. What is allowed and what is not allowed is inconsistent and arbitrary and many have chosen to follow God and not edicts of man. yes the Bible says to be subject the Government but there is a line that if the Government crosses we must obey God.

    Dawn D Frazer
    Dawn D Frazer
    3 years ago

    Perhaps some churches did not close their physical locations out of fear but out of concern for our Communities. It is essential we not be a center for the spread of disease either. And, it seems to have worked. Now that the curve is flattened, we can get back to physically meeting, but make no mistake, our Church did not close. Ever. We have perhaps done more community outreach and ministering to those far from God and reached people across the world than ever before. We have tried to keep Jesus the main message, not a political agenda and I am proud of our leadership.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Dawn D Frazer

    Concern for the Community is an acceptable reason IF the Leadership of a particular Church makes an INDEPENDENT decision to temporarily close. NOT because “the government told us to.” Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church NOT the Civil Government.

    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura Counyy Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura Counyy Sheriff
    3 years ago

    It’s not ‘time” it’s beyond that. The churches should never have closed been order to closed or remained closed. They need to show faith courage and open. I and many others have already chosen to attend the open churches as the others lack courage and faith. I never would have thought that I was a part of a church that would just shut it’s own doors w/o even a whimper…Our Govt ordering the closures is tyranny. The politician who is the sheriff is part of that team of tyranny.

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