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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    CD26 Brownley Trying to Justify Her Impeachment Vote


    By Mark Savalla

    Response to Julia Brownley letter originally published in the Ventura County Star.

    Recently Julia Brownley attempted to explain why she voted to impeach President Trump for the second time. (

    I had to ask myself: why would an elected official have to explain their vote? Was it because there was an outcry against such a vote? Because the impeachment failed by a landslide? Because the impeachment was unconstitutional? Because this impeachment,like the first one, was a lie? Her explanation reads like an exemplar CNN fake news broadcast.

    First, she does not hide her anti-President Trump bias. “But, as with everything related to Donald Trump, the ceremonial, but critically important elements to project a peaceful, democratic transfer of power, were twisted, distorted, and corrupted for personal gain over national interest.”

    She offers zero evidence, no facts to support her claim that he pursued this for personal gain.Based on the economy and international acclaim and respect for the President Trump, it appears that our national interest was his top priority not personal gain.

    Her next string of allegations: “From refusing to concede, despite losing by over seven million votes, to filing and losing over 60 lawsuits, to threatening to bring criminal charges against the Georgia Secretary of State if he didn’t “find more votes,” the president’s attempts to overturn the will of the people was unprecedented. “

    Fine to have an opinion but actions that are “unprecedented” are not illegal. In fact, “unprecedented” actions mirror those actions taken by the Democrat party in several prior elections.

    She admits that the President “Yet, having failed at all of those attempts, he went even further by pressuring Republicans in Congress, who sadly bent to his will once again, to object to the state certifications. The number of Republicans who objected, and the number of states they objected to, was also unprecedented.”

    Again, she substantiates no illegal acts, only a dislike for a President she hates and despises for being so successful.

    Now, she continues with the CNN, Socialistic, Communistic meme of attacking everyone who voted for the President with slanderous, lying, insulting adjectives. Again, she provides no evidence or facts of illegal acts committed by the President or Congress. She admits the President “tried” to have Congress stop Biden from becoming president.  Nothing illegal.

    She continues a diatribe of insults of the President’s supporters: “Unsurprisingly, this wasn’t enough for the President or for some of his enablers in Congress. After repeatedly encouraging, cajoling, and sending dog whistles throughout his presidency to neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and anarchists, he directed them to come to Washington to protest the electoral certification. He tried to stop Congress from declaring Joe Biden president. He tried to stop the important institutional mechanisms for a smooth transfer of power from moving forward.”

    Her most used accurate term “tried” is her only support for her impeachment vote and “tried” is not a crime. 

    Her words: “The groups and individuals, the very ones he told to “stand back and stand by,” headed to the Capitol, with guns, pipe bombs, and zip ties in hand, to “hang Mike Pence,” hunt down Nancy Pelosi, stop the lawful workings of Congress, and wreak havoc on our nation’s Capital. Police were assaulted and beaten, the Vice President, Senators, and members of Congress were hunted, staff were terrorized, and journalists were attacked.  A noose and gallows were erected. Windows were shattered and the hallowed halls of Congress were desecrated. Six people died.”

    Brownley’s summary of events on January 6, 2021 has been debunked by most of the evidence that has been uncovered since the incident. There was damage and there were guns and pipe bombs.  No weapons were discovered inside the Capitol Building. The only person known to have been killed was the young lady shot by security personnel inside the Capitol Building.  Not at all the way Julia Brownley portrays it.

    Where is all the information regarding the failure of the Capitol Police not being supported after asking on several occasions prior to the incident for back-up personnel or the National Guard?

    Brownley continues her biased, skewed, and tortured explanation of her role to impeach.  “The president’s defense, that he told these armed insurrectionists to “protest peacefully” and expected them therefore to do so, lacks even the slightest hint of credibility. What he did, inciting a mob to violently attack the Capitol, is beyond any reasonable doubt the very definition of sedition.”

    Sedition is conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. Telling someone to protest peacefully is not remotely seditious. 

    Julia Brownley makes no case nor does the evidence support a case of impeachment (Impeachment is designed for removal from office upon conviction- but not of a man already out of office).  There were no witnesses called and no hearing held, there was a vote in the House, and it was not supported by a Senate conviction.  The entire impeachment was a sham by the Democratic party (Communists in my opinion) to detract from an obvious unlawful, deeply flawed and fraudulent election.

    Julia Brownley summarizes her limited intellectual abilities of argument by stating: “We could not simply let it slide, knowing he’d be gone in a week. We could not let Trump’s actions go unaccounted. We could not let our democracy take this blow unanswered.”

    Ask yourself why an elected official would have to explain their vote.  Was it because there was an outcry against such a vote, because the impeachment failed by a landslide, because the impeachment was unconstitutional?  Her explanation mirrors a CNN fake news broadcast.

    None of her explanation supports any legal basis for casting a vote for an ill-considered, unlawful impeachment. It was not a vote to defend, preserve, and honor our democracy (actually a republic,  by the way).


    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Mark Savalla is a retired LAPD officer

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    Dennis Mattock
    Dennis Mattock
    3 years ago

    Loved your article and all true. Love to connect with you Mark to discuss how you can help us on the 2022 election cycle and current lawsuit on Californa (& Ventura Count) Voting Machines.

    Mark Savalla
    Mark Savalla
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Dennis Mattock

    Thank you, I am participating in ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT CA. Check it out.

    Hector Moreno
    Hector Moreno
    3 years ago

    Julia Brownley is a pathological liar, everything she accuse president trump, of what she and her corrupt election stealers democrats are guilty of! Brownley must be impeached and kicked out of office, and why are the so called democrats so afraid, that put up all the fencing around the white house to protect themselves of what?, what are they hiding? people that don’t commit crimes are not afraid of noithing, Biden and Harris know very well what they’ve done. We the people know exactly what they’ve done they did a coup against our president Trump and his administration and overthrew them out! they’ll have their day soonner or later.

    C E Voigtsberger
    C E Voigtsberger
    3 years ago

    While I believe the attempts at impeachment were Ill conceived and an incredible waste of taxpayer money and government time, I would take issue with the statement that “tried” is not a criminal offense. Attempted murder is a serious crime no matter how inept the attempt. Attempted robbery is also a serious crime crime. I believe wasting taxpayer money and government employee time to satisfy a fit of pique should also be a serious matter and the members of congress who forced the impeachment dog and pony shows should be tried for waste of same.

    Okay, I will admit that Trump was crass, rude, and not in lock-step with the rest of the denizens of the Swamp. We have had crass, rude, loathsome presidents before and survived. At least he wasn’t seducing white house staff in the oval office. How is that for crass and rude? He wasn’t making phone calls while ensconced on the oval office toilet. How is that for crass and rude.

    He supposedly told a lot of lies. For Liar-in-Chief, I think Lydon Johnson takes the title for late 20th entire Liars-in-Chief, starting with his campaign promises of not sending American boys to fight a war in Southeast Asia when he had already cancelled JFK’s presidential order to draw down our involvement in Vietnam and ordered more “advisors” into that benighted country. Thank God Barry Goldwater wasn’t elected. We might have sent Marines to Vietnam, invaded Cambodia, bombed Hanoi, mind Haiphong Harbor, invaded North Vietnam and who knows what else.

    No, in my opinion the real hate for Donald Trump was the fact that he wasn’t “Establishment” A noted military expert on 4GW (Fourth Generation Warfare) commenting on the Washington Swamp not being able to realize that 2nd Generation Warfare went out in WWI, noted that there is little difference between the two major parties whose only goal in life is to continue to feed at the public trough, Otherwise there is only a difference the thickness of a page of Time magazine between dems and prebulicans.

    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago

    Love the remarks concerning LBJ. IMHO his most famous quip, the one that defines WHO HE WAS and reminds us of political CYNYCISM at it’s zenith is “I’ll have those those N—— voting Democratic for the next 200 years”! Saying this after signing Civil Rights legislation in the mid 1960’s. The problem is he is MOST remembered and admired for this legislation. You don’t get more cynical then that.

    D F Pfeifferstein
    D F Pfeifferstein
    3 years ago

    Nice use of “but-what-about” …

    Justifying one person’s bad deeds by reminding us of others’ bad deeds. Very effective indeed.

    Well done C E!

    Mark Savalla
    Mark Savalla
    3 years ago

    Read the article. The “tried” part is not related to a specific crime.

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    The ‘Brownley effect’ results from states controlled by selfish, urbanite, majority-Democrat communities who hate that the rural areas are where America lives.

    Rural America is called ‘the country’ for a reason!

    3 years ago

    Bravo, Mr. Savalla. You told Brownley like it is, perhaps a little too softly, though. The real criminals are Biden and his corrupt allies who put him there. Her bogus attacks and unconstitutional impeachment vote are a disgrace to our district.

    She votes with the most radical in Congress consistently, so why does CD26 keep putting her back in office. Citizens take a Hard look at her voting record and radical policy statements.

    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago
    Reply to  VCSurfer

    It’s not easy getting entrenched Dems out. Brain dead California voters make common sense…….not so common.

    Last edited 3 years ago by Michael A....
    3 years ago

    Brownly is a typical Socislist/Communist Dummyrat!!!

    3 years ago

    like most deep state politians, they claim to vote their concience never mind what their constituents want. They can’t get over crocked Hillary losing. Vote her out.

    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago

    Along with Gavin Newsom I would love to see her go. She is in that sanctimonious all female ‘dress all in white’ group that acts in unison as Pelosi commands. Has she not a mind of her own? It appears not. Time to retire Ms. Brownley.

    M. Duckett
    M. Duckett
    3 years ago

    What a pathetic response to the Congresswoman! Thank goodness he’s not a police officer anymore. He supports criminals!

    Mark Savalla
    Mark Savalla
    3 years ago
    Reply to  M. Duckett

    Please provide some kind of citation supporting your opinion.

    Greg Totton
    Greg Totton
    3 years ago

    BROWNLEY is a LIAR !! Always a LIAR.

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