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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Comentary | FoodGate — Not Watergate


    by Dan Reynolds and Naomi Fisher

    It is insidious the way those “in power”, and the “Lobbyists in power” in our Government sold us, the United States Residents, out. They sacrificed our health to make money for Big Pharma, the sugar industry and soda pop companies. I’m not going to get into oil and the rest. This article is about our Personal Health: What we need most to survive in this world. Well, perhaps right up there with clean air and clean water, both of which have already been addressed ad infinitum. 

    What we do not hear enough is how to eat decently to protect our bodies.

    The below video does just that. It is from the University of California San Francisco Television, published on May 2, 2019. Unfortunately it took this long to learn of it.

    The program is in three segments. 1) Dr. Robert Lustig, MD, in “The Break-In”, 2) Cristen Kearns, DDS in “The Cover-Up” and 3)Laura Schmidt, PhD in “The Aftermath”. 

    In the opening, Dr. Lustig briefly refers to Big Pharma lying to our Doctors and us so that we would have to rely on pharmaceuticals to survive.

    It is well worth the watch. One of the most distressing statements is given in the very beginning. Dr. Lustig, states that diabetes used to be a disease for over age 65, but now is impacting our youth at age Eight!

    I fully recommend the whole video. But if you don’t want to sit still that long you might speed up to these different “time stamps”. I believe these to be the most important messages: In the beginning Dr. Lustig explains health and bad liver health problems caused by what we were told was healthy eating. Time Stamp 17:52 is important info on healthy fats, 20:41 the relationship of sugar and dangerous fatty liver, 22:35 shows reduction of sugar and a restored liver, 23:19 danger of high sugar low fiber, refined carbs, 23:33 healthy is low sugar, high fiber = “Real Food”. 

    24:15 Cristen Kearns, DDS, starts “The Cover Up, 24:50 hiding dangers of sugar, 29:00 Sugar Research Foundation study shows tooth decay and diabetes ratio to sugar, 35:00 sugar link to tryglycerides, 39:50 should not eat more than 10% of daily calories from sugar, 40:31 Sugar Association has $6mil year budget to promote sugar.

    41:35 Laura Schmidt, PhD The Aftermath, rising rates of obesity worldwide, result of diet and 36% daily calories from sugary soda and drinks, 45:30 basic public health protection, 47:41 need  publicity and promote tax on sodas, hopefully junk foods, 51:26 U.S. starts decline in soda consumption and diabetes rate, 55:06 Coca Cola has 31% of global world market, 57:40 quote Coca Cola Marketing Exec, 104:31 Summing up. Link:

    After watching the video I became intrigued with what else might be out there informing us of bad things to watch out for in our foods. My finding were enough to make me consider to stop eating! For instance: Number 3 on the below list is Brominated Vegetable Oil which is found in sports drinks and citrus flavored soda. I quote: “The main ingredient is a poisonous chemical…If you’re eating anything on this list, it might be time to rethink your diet.” Link:

    9 American Foods That Have Been Banned In Other Countries – No one else is eating them, why the hell are we?

    I agree with the author. Can we really trust our FDA? If those “ingredients” have been banned in other countries why not here? Could the answer be food manufacturers are concerned only with profit and do not care in the least what they put into our food as long as it makes them money? Do you suppose they are actually trying to destroy U.S. residents health? As the first video, FOODGATE points out, Coca Cola is the World’s largest soft drink manufacturer. Wouldn’t that make their top management and marketing personnel monsters?

    The next article lists bad ingredients, points out hidden dangers in what we might frequently eat and offers healthy alternatives. I found the item about enriched flour interesting: Wheat germ and bran are removed and a metallic iron is put back into the flour. Metallic!

    12 Dangerous And Hidden Food Ingredients In Seemingly Healthy Foods. Link:

    Did you know food coloring contains lead and arsenic? Or that the industrial uses of Propylene glycol alginate used in salad dressings are automotive antifreezes and airport runway de-icers?  

    That’s what U.S. food manufacturers are putting in the food we consume daily! You really need to read these articles, to become aware, to start protecting your health by changing your diets!

    This source is also noteworthy. National Institute of Health (NIH), U.S. Library of Medicine.  “Over the past 50 years, the health of Americans has gotten worse, and now 71% of Americans are overweight or obese—not 66%, which was reported 5 years ago.1 That means a staggering 100 million people in America are obese. Today, eating processed foods and fast foods may kill more people prematurely than cigarette smoking.2″

    At first I was not sure if I wanted to include that article. How could we trust anything from the NIH (National Institute of Health)? Other than spouting some of the rhetoric Dr. Lustig has just disproved the NIH article actually has some good information. I was pleasantly surprised considering Fauci and NIH’s involvement in the Covid Plandemic! See Citizens Journal related article. Link:

    One more on food: Sustainable food profiling models [SFPMs] caught my eye. I’ll warn you, it demands cookies. Still, it’s worth reading: …Suboptimal diets are the leading global cause of morbidity and mortality…We identified ten SFPMs…” › journals › lanplh › article › PIIS2542-5196(21)00231-X › fulltext

    Here is an eye-opening related article explaining who has control over much of the world. Therefore, isn’t it probable these powerful entities also have a lot of control over our food? Link:

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Naomi Fisher and Dan Reynolds are residents of Ventura County

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