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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Commentary | It Is Not a Vaccine


    By Lorena Saruwatari

    The following is a public comment I submitted for the April 27 Ventura Board of Supervisors meeting and would like to see if you can to publish it in the Citizens Journal as an open letter.

    On Wednesday April 21 Mr. Levin was interview by a local radio station where he moaned at the fact that many people in Ventura County are not taking the Corona virus injection. He blamed it on the misinformation circulating on social media; he even ventured to say that the misinformation is nothing more than a Russian’s conspiracy, then he urged people to take the injection by assuring that it is safe.  

    The only misinformation circulating is from the lying news media, Fauci, Bill Gates, and the government.  The Corona-Covid-19 vaccine is not a vaccine it is an injection that contains the spike protein part of the Zars-cov-2 virus. The spike protein strips the erythrocytes (blood red cells) of the hemoglobin (the hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body). The injection clinically poisons the blood. The spike protein attaches to the receptors of the heart, kidneys, liver, brain, intestine, sperms, etc., eventually causing organ failure and/or infertility. The spike protein is a manmade weapon.

    The makers of the Corona injection purposely created it to harm both those who take it and those that don’t. The vaccinated people are transmitters of the spike protein. People that are exposed to those injected with the Corona-Covid-experimental-shot are reporting severe bleedings, blood cloths, and longer periods of infections. Therefore, the Corona-Covid shot is nothing more than a bio-weapon to depopulate the world. This is not a Russian’s conspiracy taken from social media but logical conjectures done with critical thinking by informed doctors.

    I demand that you stop the promoting of the Corona-Covid-19 bio-weapon of mass destruction.

    I pray and hope that you will desist of your evil deeds, that you will repent and seek Christ.
    Psalm 2:1,4,11
    “Why are the nations in an uproar and the people devising a vain thing?” (You)
    “He who sits in the heavens laughs, (at you)
    “Now therefore you kings ( government officials) show discernment; take warning, O judges of the earth.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Lorena Saruwatari, Camarillo Resident

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    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    Medical questions aside, the national government’s main purpose for the ‘vaccine’ is the same as the masks:

    To habituate the masses into unquestioned compliance so worse denials of liberty can be possible.

    The shame-based stigma over ‘non-vaccination’ is not accidental: it comes from the same tyrants and fools who harass Constitution-abiding citizens for not wearing masks. Some of the tyrants are big business executives.

    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago

    Lorena, you nailed it! Spot on! We are not lab rats to be experimented on! Why subject yourself to an experiment when the ‘China Flu” is of no danger to folks who are not compromised? If it is so ‘dangerous” then why does Taiwan ( pop 24 Mill) have TWELVE C-19 deaths???? It’s NOT! Its a scam for Govt money. Well done Lorena!

    3 years ago

    Taiwan smuggled the antidote out of the China lab that created the China Virus. That’s why they’re surviving and Americans are dying.

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    LOL- good one.

    3 years ago

    Supervisor Carmen Ramirez said, “If other people are discouraging you from getting the vaccine, they are making health decisions for you. Don’t we all want to make our own decisions?” By that same logic, isn’t Levin, Ramirez, et al, trying to make health decisions for us by not only encouraging us to get the vaccine, but pressuring us to get the vaccine, leaving out important information about risk vs benefit, and setting different standards for people who are vaccinated vs those who are not, essentially creating a two tiered class system? The truth is that two of the available vaccines are not vaccines in the traditional sense, they are gene therapy. The truth is that nobody knows what this will do to fertility and the “experts” have admitted as much. Combine that with the fact that these manufacturers use tissue from murdered babies to create and test their concoctions, along with the eco-tyrannical view that people should not be having children or should only be permitted to have a certain number of children, and it isn’t so far fetched to believe that vaccine manufacturers who get funding from the likes of Bill Gates might unleash something on the public that, knowingly or not, will aid in the de-population/population control agenda of the eco-tyrants. Population control is a real thing, it’s not new, and there are extreme views out there about how to accomplish it. It’s not something that the free world will accept if is is done overtly.

    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Bonnie

    Carmen Ramirez should be the one to tell them what health decision to make! Not this cowboy!

    Happy Realist
    Happy Realist
    3 years ago

    Carmen Ramirez should be outed as the socialist, anti-constitution/central planning regional gov’t enabler she is:

    Natasha Wewerka
    Natasha Wewerka
    3 years ago

    This is a story of “fictional” misinformation, it shouldn’t go beyond these

    Kevin Daly
    Kevin Daly
    3 years ago

    Good article . The Democrat party has used the Covid19 vaccine to push through vote by mail to steal the election
    and to move us closure to a global government.

    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Kevin Daly

    You got it !

    3 years ago

    This “editorial” is beyond pathetic.

    Citizen Reporter
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    I didn’t agree with it either, but we don’t do much censorship of opinions here, even your pathetic ones.

    3 years ago

    It’s not censorship to point out when things posted in your “journal” are untrue. It’s called journalism. You should try it some time.

    Stupid Snowflake.

    George Pattone
    George Pattone
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    Who’s the snowflake, sissy boy???

    3 years ago
    Reply to  George Pattone

    You are, George.

    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    Debate strategy tells us that the one who makes personal attacks lacks ”the facts”.

    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer Candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Jesse

    OK so explain how Taiwan pop 24 mill has TWELVE Covid deaths? Explain why Mexico which has done basically ZIP as to ‘protection” has what 4,00 China Flu deaths? While you are at it explain how it is ‘TRUTH” to count accident deaths Drug ODs and suicides as ‘Covid deaths” as we know they have for a fact here in VC. The world waits…

    3 years ago

    Those are good questions.

    Since China created the China Flu in their lab I suspect Taiwan was able to smuggle out a bunch of the antidote and give it to their citizens, explaining their small number of deaths. Or maybe China gave the antidote to Taiwan so they don’t end up with an issue when they re-take the island.

    Mexico I don’t know. All I can guess is the Mexican people are smarter than Americans and have figured out all they need to do is inject bleach in their veins for protection. No fools there who can’t see that the cabal is injecting the masses with a bio-weapon masquerading as a vaccine.

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