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    Goodbye Constitution Freedom America by Don Jans

    Commentary | Stop Lying About the Derek Chauvin Trial


    By Wayne Allyn Root

    Stop lying. Stop insulting our intelligence. I may have been born yesterday, but I wasn’t born in the past 15 minutes. I’m an adult. I know when I’m being conned. Here’s what really happened at the Derek Chauvin Trial…

    A Guilty Man was Railroaded.

    The guilty man I’m referring to is Derek Chauvin. I’m no fan of that former police officer. He’s clearly a bad guy. A bully. At some point with his knee on George Floyd’s neck, he passed the line no cop should ever pass. Nobody should ever keep their knee on anyone’s neck and impede their breathing for 9 minutes and 29 seconds.

    On the other hand, George Floyd was no hero. He was a lifelong criminal, had just committed another crime, was resisting arrest and his body was filled with enough fentanyl to choke a horse. I have no sympathy for criminals, or drug addicts. And I always support cops. I appreciate the courage it takes to do their job. I think cops are heroes. So, it pains me to say it, but Derek Chauvin went too far that day.

    But stop lying. Stop saying “justice was done.” Stop calling it a “fair trial.” It was more like a Soviet “show trial.” There was nothing “fair” about it. The outcome was predetermined by BLM and the liberal media before the trial ever started. It wasn’t based on justice, it was based on “mob justice.”

    That jury was always going to convict Derek Chauvin of all charges. Because it was THEIR lives on the line. They all knew if they acquitted Chauvin, or convicted him of lesser charges, they may have never made it home. That courthouse may have burned with them inside it. Or they’d have to leave that courthouse wearing bullet proof vests, escorted home by SWAT and National Guard.

    By the time they made it home, their names and addresses would have been leaked by BLM, Antifa, or Maxine Waters. An outraged President Biden would have made it clear they were all evil people, racists, and “white supremacists.” LeBron James would have tweeted out their photos. Angry, violent mobs would have surrounded their homes.

    And of course, America would have burned. Minneapolis would look like Hiroshima right now. So would New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and most major cities. The jurors would be blamed. They’re lives would effectively be over.

    At a best-case scenario, none of these jurors would ever work again. No company could afford to keep them employed. Their children’s lives at school would be ruined. They’d need police cars stationed outside their homes, day and night. They’d never be safe again.

    Sorry, but that’s not a “fair trial.” Derek Chauvin, bully or not, bad guy or not, guilty or not, never had a fair shot.

    If all of that wasn’t enough to poison the well, Congresswoman Maxine Waters made sure everyone knew the country would be burned down with her approval. Then President Biden all but announced he was praying for a guilty verdict. Not too much pressure on the jurors, huh?

    No folks, those jurors were not basing the verdict on “evidence” or “justice.” They were fighting for their survival. They were trying to avoid tar and feather and the third rail.

    And even though Chauvin should now have the best grounds in history for appeal and overturning his conviction, it will never happen. No judge will ever overturn his conviction for the exact same reasons. No judge wants to face a violent BLM mob, or threats to their family, or the whole country burning because of their decision.

    This is America 2021. Mob justice rules. Police can’t do their jobs anymore. They’ve got to be paralyzed with fear. They’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t. They must be afraid to get out of their cars. It’s no surprise they’re retiring and quitting in record numbers. They know no police officer can ever get a fair trial ever again.

    The next time you call police in an emergency, understand why they may not be coming. There may not be any policemen left.



    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

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    Darcy Koch
    Darcy Koch
    3 years ago

    So true!! The biggest sham of a trial ever. He will walk one of these days–wait and see.

    Randy Johnson
    Randy Johnson
    3 years ago

    I think the verdict and conviction should be decided by a judge and jury ,NOT the media and BLM.

    Veteran R.Murray
    Veteran R.Murray
    3 years ago

    First of all you made a decent overview of the situation but you put too much into the black lives matter mob s*** and what I want to know is how many times in the past have you ever mentioned when a black man was mobbed or murdered. The only reason there is a black lives matter is because you let KKK roam freely see if that s*** would have been stopped when it should have been stopped we wouldn’t have these problems today we are here because it is the collective silence of white people with innocent people were being murdered yes you’re correct it’s swung the other way maybe too far but it’s still a direct result of you’re not addressing the problem years ago this is what happens. There are so many issues here that are being overlooked you’ve got heavily armed white people that get arrested and unarmed black people get murdered there’s a big f****** problem! in Iowa if three black children are eating breakfast in kindergarten one of them has to go to prison statistically and the times I seen officers shoot black men what they’re not saying is what I can see and they’re scared they’re f****** scared they shoot out of fear and being scared of the black man. This is everybody’s fault that could have done something back then and didn’t and now you’re reaping what you sowed. I was convicted of a crime I did not commit. A us veteran in a courthouse on the top ceiling of the top floor says for white men only a jury of my peers is a f****** joke there’s one person of color she was Oriental and she could barely speak English get the f*** out of here man get the f*** out of here with your poor expression of juries we face juries worse than that predetermine sentences we were guilty before it even started problem isn’t the police the problem is the police’s bosses the judicial system that machine and it’s not really black and white it’s about the 1% controlling the rest of us so our dumbasses fall into color categories we’re all being pimped the police are being pimped the military is being pimped you’re being pimped and I’m being pimped. Until you and I and others have the heart to sit down and listen to each other and figure the puzzle out ain’t nothing going to change.

    Sheldon Thomas
    Sheldon Thomas
    3 years ago

    Sorry, sir. I disagree. The jury would have made it home. Their guilty verdict was just. No raiding the courthouse or white house would have taken place either way. Most time people of color don’t act like the Raiders of the Whitehouse. We have peaceful intent. “Justice”. Yes, Floyd was a poor “type of guy”. But no officer should go as far as Chauvin. No man that is high, mental or not, should have been choked as long as Floyd was. The other officers should have done & said more. They punked up while they allowed the bully to continue. No way I could stand by. I am in the security field. Chauvin went overboard.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Sheldon Thomas

    Sorry but the knee on the shoulder was in their training. George Floyd was in the Car but yelled to be pulled out, and he was and should not have been. He had a LETHAL amount of Fentanyl and Meth in his system. THAT IS REASONABLE DOUBT. The knee on him did not kill him. The drugs in his system surely did.

    3 years ago

    Right, but they won’t be afraid to convict the jackasses that stormed the capital will they? They were breaking the law and nobody put a knee on their neck. Guess it only counts if your a black criminal huh?

    3 years ago

    Spot on. I’ve couldn’t have said it better. Maxie pad waters for sure would have leaked ALL necessary details to ensure the jurist were punished.

    Michael A....
    Michael A....
    3 years ago

    Chauvin was convicted by mob rule. On the other hand, George Floyd led a crappy life and he died a crappy death.
    Bleeding hearts out there need to cuddle up to people leading crappy lives and help them lead better lives.

    3 years ago

    At last the truth has been told! Americans better prepare to protect themself and their family’s, the way it is going now america will have no police officers willing to step up to protect you or your city and towns, they can not afford to because of this fake trial! Doing anything but just watching crimes and murders take place is a police officers only choice today due to this sham trial and who can blame them! The best option left today is for our police officers to retire or quit their jobs as they know any and every jury will vote to convict a officer to protect themself from being put in jail! America has truly passed away ! I for one will stand up with our officers trying to due their duty, but with what has happened with this trial will cause nothing but crime to soar because officers cannot do their jobs! I know we have a few bad apples but the fine officers I know willing put their lives on the line with ever shift they work! Next time you see a officer shake his hand and thank him for the selfless job they do for our community every day while you still can, tomorrow there most likely will be no one on your streets but thugs, criminals and murderers!

    3 years ago

    DEREK CHAUVIN can never have a fair trial in the current political climate. Full Pardon for Derek Chauvin – Sign the Petition! via @Change

    Sheldon Thomas
    Sheldon Thomas
    3 years ago
    Reply to  mimi_feels

    Please. Replace Floyd and put a white man under the knee. What’s your position then? This is not about race. This about abuse of power and a means for peers to intercede.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Sheldon Thomas

    Please Replace white man under the knee and put black man with Lethal Fentanyl in his system. It could be any man with LETHAL Fentanyl in his system.

    Ray Blattel
    Ray Blattel
    3 years ago

    So, what are your suggested options to this “unfair” trial? What were the alternatives?

    3 years ago

    The author of this is has clearly never understood the definition of murder. Watch the video; it’s a graphic demonstration. Chauvin wasn’t railroaded; he was convicted of the crime he committed. That Floyd wasn’t a Saint is of no moment; we don’t get to murder someone because they aren’t perfect. Or the author of this article would be next.

    J Heger
    J Heger
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Allan

    If he had followed the orders he was given by the police he would be alive today .

    3 years ago
    Reply to  J Heger

    He may have been dead because of the Lethal Fentanyl and Meth.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Allan

    It was one video that pulled on those emotional strings, but we must consider facts and whole evidence. I personally welcome manslaughter charges because there is evidence that supports it, but it’s also clear to me that the verdict has already been decided the very day that video made by a bystander was posted. Chauvin will never have a fair trial, as per US constitution, not what people feel fair means. It could have all gone and ended differently, if we didn’t have cowards in the leadership.

    Sheldon Thomas
    Sheldon Thomas
    3 years ago
    Reply to  mimi_feels

    His trial was fair. His defense tried to get just one to have reasonable doubt. Couldn’t do it. I am glad the jury was a good blend. More than anything this sealed chauvins judged as guilty. More juries need to be a good blend of the community. I was on one jury of a father who touched the thigh of his 16 year old daughter, as both sat at their couch watching t.v.

    While taking a dump, two white potential jurors came in the restroom and chuckled before hearing the case . Both laughed and agreed on intentions to hang another nigger. The case was hung 8-5 with alternate. All the white but one voted guilty. It’s the jury that makes all the difference. I will never miss jury duty again in my life.

    3 years ago

    The incident was recorded and it was obvious that Chauvin is guilty. Any crime committed by Floyd did not deserve the death he died. If Chauvin would have been civil Floyd would have been the guilty one. He is dead thanks to Chauvin and Chauvin got a fair trial because the video made it obvious Chauvin is guilty.

    Last edited 3 years ago by Kathy
    Damion Lampley
    Damion Lampley
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Kathy


    3 years ago
    Reply to  Kathy

    Who else is sick and tired of hearing and reading that thugs name? And he was a thug.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Dspiv

    Chauvin, right.

    J Heger
    J Heger
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Kathy

    You better make sure you have your ass covered in the near future, because it’s not going to be safe for you to walk the streets alone. Everything this person said in this article is true. I said at the very beginning that Chauvin would be found guilty of all charges, only because the jurors feared for there lives.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  J Heger

    I guess this is going to end with having boots on the ground and a curfew. Before then, we might have thugs commit crimes in the broad daylight because police won’t be able to do anything about it. The government has failed to address this problem in a proactive way, such as Florida is doing right now with the anti-riot law. They basically outlawed rioting and written into the law harsher consequences for rioters. Which will NEVER happen in NY. I am not a fan of Florida, but I think I will be moving there.

    3 years ago
    Reply to  mimi_feels

    Your absolutely right,this will only get worse for everyone we won’t be safe in our own neighborhoods and law enforcement will not help the victims. Justice must prevail!!!

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Kathy

    I agree Chauvin was doing his job as he had been trained and George Floyd created the whole situation because he didn’t want to go back to jail,I agree that George was a thug.

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