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    United States Socialist Republic book by HG Goerner

    Commentary | The Board of Supervisors are PIMPING the people of Ventura County



    By Lorena Saruwatari

    What is the definition of a PIMP​​? A pimp is a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return (Google Online Dictionary).

    Each one of you: Mr. Bennett, Ms. Parks, Ms. Long, Mr. Zaragoza, and Mr. Huber including Dr.. Levin and Mr. Vargas have become a PIMP to the people of Ventura County. You all are taking money from the Governor, which comes from the IMF and the WHO, to destroy our livelihoods, and our physical and emotional well-being. YOU are controlling our lives by your ridiculous guidelines, which a 3-year-old child will figure does not make sense. You all are selling us we the people to the first bidder that flashes money at you. You are taking all our earnings by closing our businesses, our schools, our churches, etc.. You deprive us of oxygen by making us wear masks, that do not work, to protect us from a virus that does not exist (Covid is a franchise not a virus). You have dehumanized us by making us keep 6 feet apart from others so we don’t shed out the suppose virus that is within us because you think we are all asymptomatic carriers. You are destroying our immune system when you make us constantly clean our hands with hand sanitizer and the alike, which contains carcinogens chemicals, at our work places. We no longer can be (according to you ) the social beings that God created us to be. You have turned our lives into a series of deprivations such as: not being able to visit our elderly relatives who live in elderly homes, not being able to bury our loved ones, not being able to celebrate our loved ones’ weddings or birthdays or graduations; not being able to be at our love ones’ bedside when they get hospitalized, not being able to get medical attention when we need it because we may risk the health of health workers.

    And you are putting us in quarantine for 14 days because maybe we were in close proximity with someone who had a false positive Covid test, which I will remind you that Covid does not exit it is just the common flu renamed and there is no such thing as a Covid test but you are putting nano particles in our nose to further damage us. You have taken all of these and more away from us for the easy money offered to you.

    You are acting like a pimp.

    Here is my proof: Proverbs 11:18 “The wicked earns deceptive wages,”

    And you are earning wages by deceiving the people of Ventura County.

    Now since you want us to forget what life is, I will remind you: “THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN JUST THE AVOIDANCE OF DEATH. Life is a drink with a friend. Life is a crowd experience at a football game, a family celebration with children and friends. Life is the opportunity to put an arm around a friend’s shoulders. Life is full of human affection, meaningful relationships, and exhilarating experiences. LIFE IS LAUGHTER OR TEARS SHARED LESS THAN 2 METERS APART.” By Lord Sumption

    Your days as pimps will not last forever, but the day will come when you will not be of any use to those you sold out your souls to, to damage our lives to usher a global agenda. I will remind you that I pray and hope that you desist from your evil deeds, from destroying the economy, killing people (committing suicide because of depression because you brought it about or losing employment and/or not receiving the right medical attention at the right time), lying that the Covid cases are rising and the hospitals are full, etc… REMOVE THE GUIDELINES AND OPEN THE ECONOMY.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

    Lorena Saruwatari is a resident of Camarillo

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    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago

    Many people say they ‘cant believe that…” Choosing not to believe something is true does not make it go away or be untrue. Yet they cant accept reality and that reality can be very evil. People enslave others. They abort/murder unborn babies, and then sell the body parts! They murder. It’s what evil does. Reality. The politicians are men/women who by their very nature we are evil unless we turn away. to think ‘they must be good..” is naivety. That is whatthey are happy that you do. Good men and women learn wisdom to recognize evil. Fight against it. ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Thank you Lorena, we fight on for our liberty and that of all men.

    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago

    nd use wisdom to recognize it. Fight to defeat it. Follow the money and it will lead you to the evil.

    Bonnie Mae Adair
    Bonnie Mae Adair
    3 years ago

    “There is more to life than the avoidance of death” is absolutely true. Our children deserve to grow up in a world where they can play sports, hug their kindergarten teacher, play pat-a-cake with friends, and smile at people in the grocery store while pushing their miniature sized cart. Do you all realize how long 18 months is in the life of a toddler? The evil is thick and trying to swallow them up. Please fight back against masking and lockdowns. Our children deserve better. Don’t make them suffer for a false sense of security for yourself. It is not loving, it is selfish and evil.

    S. Resnick
    S. Resnick
    3 years ago

    I believe in science, the scientific methodology and the integrity of our scientific experts who have spent a lifetime studying these things. The opposition to this is driven by misguided people with an agenda. This article is such garbage, full of lies and misleading and non-scientific information. There is a virus, it can be minimized by practicing wearing masks, safe distancing, avoiding large gatherings and washing hands
    I know this is contrary to the brilliance of the stable genius.

    Bonnie Mae Adair
    Bonnie Mae Adair
    3 years ago
    Reply to  S. Resnick

    Newsom, Fauci and the Pharmaceutical companies don’t have an agenda? Is it only people who don’t agree with the shutdown and forced masking that have an agenda? Our agenda is freedom and the preservation of our civil society. Where is the science that say masks work? I have looked and there isn’t any. If masks worked, we wouldn’t have so many “cases”. If masks worked, we would have figured that out 1000 years ago. Or even one year ago when flu season hit. Nobody said they “work” until Globalists with an agenda figured out that they can use them to make war on us, keep people in fear and “transform” the United States of America.

    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago
    Reply to  S. Resnick

    Science you say? OK Read for example the LA County Heath Dept web site as to masks. They tell you straight up ‘limited evidence that masks are effevtibe” . Why> because a virus is what size??? You dont know? Then how do you know a mask can filter it? Clearly the mask is not airtight, is it? Waterproof? No. So learn the size of a virus the filtering of a ‘mask’ and then you can understand that using a ‘mask” to stop a virus is as using chain link fencing to hold sand! You have been bamboozeled by liars who claim they have ‘science”. Figure it out yourself dont be deceived..

    3 years ago

    Shame on you, Citizens Journal, for putting out this shockingly bad misinformation that is what I call “fake news”. I taught high school science for years because I believe in teaching the masses about listening to facts and using reason. Why are there so many people who fail to see truth when they hear it? To say that Covid does not exist and that masks don’t work is pure fiction and outright lies!

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda

    Folks, Linda is the reason why you owe it your community, children and yourself to boycott/defund your local public government school.

    Scientific facts and reason are credible only when proven beyond the shadow of a doubt (by ethically applying the Scientific Method).

    Which has not been government-used in America since the CCP’s release of the virus (strategic timeline here: https://www.understandingthethreat.com/coronavirus-a-bio-attack/)

    You know which governments have ethically applied the Scientific Method to COVID-19 response?

    The governments of Sweden and the State of South Dakota.

    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    Bruce Boyer candidate for Ventura County Sheriff
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith

    Spot on. There is NO scientific method only indoctrination. The teach ‘man caused global warming” and then dont explain how ‘man” caused the advance and retreats of the ice glaciers oover thousands of miles time and again for hundreds of thousands of years. They must think those Neanderthals has a lot of cars !

    Bonnie Mae Adair
    Bonnie Mae Adair
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda

    First of all, this is called an editorial, which is not news, it is opinion. Unlike CNN and other major “news” networks, Citizens Journal is not taking opinions and calling in “news”. The idea that masks work is a fiction. “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” is a law of propaganda. You have fallen for the propaganda. Pull yourself out of the pit of destruction. The truth will set you free. The masks is not freedom.

    Judy Bruce
    Judy Bruce
    3 years ago

    I commend Citizens Journal for their courage in posting this EXCELLENT open letter. Anyone who has done their homework and knows the true agenda behind this scam Demic, knows that the information contained in this comment is 100% correct. Only the ones that have allowed themselves to be socially engineered by the fear mongering will disagree with me.

    Like George Carlin said: “people can live the American Dream, but they have to be asleep to believe it”. And Mark Twain: “it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. “

    Judy Bruce
    Judy Bruce
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Linda

    WI commend Citizens Journal for their courage in posting this EXCELLENT open letter. Anyone who has done their homework and knows the true agenda behind this scam Demic, knows that the information contained in this comment is 100% correct. Only the ones that have allowed themselves to be socially engineered by the fear mongering will disagree with me.

    Like George Carlin said: “people can live the American Dream, but they have to be asleep to believe it”. And Mark Twain: “it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. “

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