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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    COMMUNITY | Interfaith Community Service for the Homeless – January 12 – Oxnard

    Strong communities are built from the inside out, by individuals. The reality is that in this modern age, many people don’t know how to leverage their individual skills, capacities and gifts for the direct betterment of the community. Our faith communities are often uniquely qualified to help build resilience in our cities.

    As leaders in our community, we recognize one of the main challenges facing our city is homelessness. While policymakers debate solutions, our individual faith communities are committed to providing real help. We do so by working with Oxnard’s Housing Authority to identify and assist specific people in need.

    On January 12th @ 3pm @ Plaza Park, a diverse group of Oxnard’s faith leaders are coming together as community leaders to do something positive toward the pressing issue of our time, homelessness.

    Every participating faith group has committed to supporting an individual or a family that is facing homelessness. The commitments that some of these groups are making will be life changing for some of our underprivileged.

    Oxnard Downtown Plaza Park

    Join this opportunity for the community to come together and join in on a historic service to promote peace!


    Publisher’s note:  Regarding:

    “Every participating faith group has committed to supporting an individual or a family that is facing homelessness.”

    We asked Calvary Chapel Oxnard Senior Pastor Lance Ralston: What exactly does that mean? Some people are taking it to mean in its entirety, as in fully supporting. Does that mean moving in, paying rent, or just helping out as we can?

    His response:

    It means “coming alongside” someone in need who’s a real candidate for being transitioned OUT of homelessness into a permanent housing and employment sitch.

    What “coming alongside” means is to provide (at least some) basic material assistance (food, clothing, toiletries) and most importantly, establishing a relationship that allows the “sponsor” to encourage and maybe facilitate their exit from homelessness.

    Is that vague enough for you? Hahahahaha

    George, realistically, that’s going to “look” different for the different faith-groups. As you know CCO is already pretty immersed in this between the food pantry on Fridays and Shelter Care Resources.

    Turns out most of the other groups are working through Corey Branchflower & Shelter Care for their resources with the people they are helping.

    Interfaith Council

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    Citizen Reporter
    4 years ago

    Oxnard Police Dept is also participating in this event,

    Lori Mckinney
    Lori Mckinney
    4 years ago

    Thank you so much Lang and Rafael. I really appreciate it and will look into what you’ve suggested.

    Rafael Stoneman
    Rafael Stoneman
    4 years ago

    St. Vincent DePaul has a church in each city that is able to help pay rent. Find the one in the city you are in and ask them for help with rent.

    Lang Martinez
    Lang Martinez
    4 years ago

    Mrs. McKinney, i don’t quite understand your situation about waiting for your name to come up? You stated that you are a senior and its hard for you to come up with money to pay rent , so that means you are already on a fixed income so you should already be on affordable housing? Ok so what ever it is your waiting on inregards to housing that means that you must have case management or a navigator? I know for a fact that there has been 32 people that have been housed just in the last couple months. You being a senior disabled that means that you are working with some service provider in Ventura County that i know for a fact that who ever they are check on you and know your situation? Im just gonna go by what you said in your comment about needing help financially to help pay your rent , you need to make a call to 805 385 1800 and if they dont answer leave a message in detail with a contact number and they will assist you with help paying your rent. Also you can contact the Salvation Army 805 648 4977 and ask for Denise Adams and tell her your situation. If you live in Oxnard you can go to Saint Anthony’s on a Tuesday or Thursday and besides the help with food sometimes they have monies available depending on what’s available. You can also contact Catholic Charities as well. But i got to be honest with you , i don’t know how long is long that you been waiting and you being a senior and disabled but you would of been one of the indaviduals that would of recieved services first. Good luck and i hope this information has helped you God Bless You ps. George make sure this indavidual gets this information

    Lori Mckinney
    Lori Mckinney
    4 years ago

    I am really praying this will help. Due to medical issues I am scared every month on whether I’ll be able to make my rent. It is really scary when you’re a disabled senior and alone. I’m told that it could be a long time before my name comes up on the housing list so am praying that being there on that day will help. Thank you to all that will be involved. God bless you.

    Lang Martinez
    Lang Martinez
    4 years ago

    My question is , when has there ever been a strong faith based community in Oxnard? To build resilience in our cities? You shouldn’t worry about the other cities, you need to focus on Oxnard. You’re comment about facing the overwhelming situation inregards to homelessness, wow it just hit you that there is a overwhelming problem? As for any faith based even really doing anything or really understanding homelessness is the Oxnard Rescue Mission and Salvation Army when it comes to working with the Oxnard Housing Authority. I personally know because i have worked with Mark Alvarado and taken direction from Emilio Ramirez. When you make a statement working with the Housing Authority what do you excatly mean , by working? Is working with the Housing Authority giving out food or you’re opinions? When you say that you are immersed does that mean handing out food on a Friday to approx 700 homeless indaviduals, now if you were doing that , yes i would call that being immersed. Now if the Oxnard Rescue Mission made that comment, I would say most definitely.
    Now lets go to May 9th , on May 9th the City of Oxnard put on a event Humanizing The Homelessness and i was asked by Mark Alvarado to be on a panel and speak on the issue of Homelessness. Im sure that you all remember, if not let me remind you ?
    I remember it very well because i was only about 9 months sober and new in the Lord. I remember my phone call to Peggy the commissioner of homelessness about being on the panel and she personally was telling me for over 15years she has been trying to get the faith based community involved and she has not been able to? I said Peggy im new in the Lord i can get them to come so i called almost every church in Oxnard and would say im Lang Martinez and i need your support, please because God has saved my life when i should be dead please support me because God needs to be in that room and apart of helping saving lives like he did mine? I will tell you that most of the faith based churches lied and said they would be there? I remember when i asked for the churches to stand up showing there support and only 5 actually showed. I remember after i cried to Peggy and she said Lang i told you so. May 9th was a big opportunity for the community to step up and be apart of this sad situation. Now we have a event happening on January 12 2020 thats a joke to me because now your kinda of a day late and 1.5 million short when you should of been there when the City of Oxnard was trying to do something in July when they brought in Mercy House and there was still $535.000 left that people should of been involved to help direct those monies for outreach thats when you should of been involved. I would like all of you to be aware of what the media in other cities say about Oxnard ? They say that per capita and the most homeless they are a Godless city that comment was made to me by the LA Times. What a joke when you make a comment IMMERSED. Lang Martinez Nobody Knows But Me ” I know”

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