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    The Road to Tyranny by Don Jans

    Court Rules Against and Sanctions City Treasurer Phillip Molina

    OXNARD, Calif. – A superior court judge denied a request from Oxnard City Treasurer Phillip Molina demanding unredacted versions of an investigator’s personnel report into employee complaints against Molina. Molina also sought transcribed statements of witnesses interviewed by the investigator. 

    The judge stated that the information Molina seeks is not discoverable in this action and issued monetary sanctions of $1,050 to be paid by Molina. Molina’s lawsuit challenges the ordinance and resolutions adopted unanimously by the City Council in May of 2020, removing the Treasurer’s administrative duties.

    In early 2020, the investigator released an 83-page report based upon interviews of 41 City employees and a comprehensive review of dozens of documents and emails. The report’s Independent Findings determined that Molina behaved inappropriately by: 

    • Interfering with the investigation by sending emails to staff about the ongoing investigation and inappropriately discussing it with staff members; 

    • Making inappropriate, impermissible comments regarding female employees’ appearance, attire, and role within the workplace; 

    • Accusing and improperly investigating an employee of theft when no theft occurred; 

    • Sending misleading emails to dozens of people to bully City employees and enhance Molina’s image at the expense of employees, and accusing employees of misconduct with no basis in fact; 

    • Acting outside the scope of his duties as the City Treasurer and injecting himself into issues involving both the Finance and Public Works Departments without the authority to do so.


    La Corte se pronuncia en contra y sanciona al tesorero de la ciudad Phillip Molina

    OXNARD, Calif. – Un juez de la corte superior denegó una solicitud del tesorero de la ciudad de Oxnard, Phillip Molina, exigiendo versiones no redactadas del informe personal de un investigador sobre las quejas de los empleados contra Molina. Molina también solicitó declaraciones transcritas de testigos entrevistados por el investigador.

    El juez declaró que la información que busca Molina no se puede descubrir en esta acción y emitió sanciones monetarias de $1,050 a pagar por Molina. La demanda de Molina cuestiona la ordenanza y las resoluciones adoptadas por unanimidad por el Concejo Municipal en mayo de 2020, eliminando las funciones administrativas del tesorero.

    A principios de 2020, el investigador publicó un informe de 83 páginas basado en entrevistas a 41 empleados de la ciudad y una revisión exhaustiva de docenas de documentos y correos electrónicos. Los hallazgos independientes del informe determinaron que Molina se comportó de manera inapropiada al:

    • Interferir con la investigación enviando correos electrónicos al personal sobre la investigación en curso y discutirla de manera inapropiada con los miembros del personal;

    • Hacer comentarios inapropiados e inadmisibles de la apariencia, el atuendo y el rol de las empleadas en el lugar de trabajo; 

    • Acusar e investigar indebidamente a un empleado de robo cuando no ocurrió ningún robo; 

    • Enviar correos electrónicos engañosos a decenas de personas para intimidar a los empleados de la Ciudad y mejorar la imagen de Molina a expensas de los empleados, y acusar a los empleados de mala conducta sin base de hecho

    • Actuar fuera del alcance de sus funciones como Tesorero de la Ciudad e inyectarse en asuntos que involucren a los Departamentos de Finanzas y de Obras Públicas sin la autoridad para hacerlo.

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    Phillip Molina
    Phillip Molina
    3 years ago

    Do either make sense to you?

    1. “during a December 2020 traffic stop, Caron Nazario, a Black and Latino U.S. Army lieutenant, was pepper sprayed, assaulted, and terrorized by police officers. Bodycam footage shows Nazario, who was in uniform, trying to keep his hands in the air as he repeatedly asked the officers to calm down.

    Nazario filed a federal lawsuit alleging that the officers violated his constitutional rights. Both officers claim their actions were protected by “qualified immunity.” Now, despite damning evidence, Nazario has to overcome the doctrine to hold them liable for their actions.”

    2. And during an Oxnard council meeting in May 2020 the city manager claimed a redacted report state I harassed staff. But during my State lawsuit, the City of Oxnard claimed “sovereign immunity” protected the city from presenting the unredacted report to the court.

    Hiding behind the law…..Would you be allowed to do that?

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