Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

     COVID-19: Should I Get The New BA-5 Bivalent Booster?

    By Jane Orient, M.D.

    It is easy to get confused about all the COVID-19 boosters.

    New variants of the virus keep popping up, with vaccine makers in hot pursuit. There is not enough time to do the usual human testing before releasing each new one.

    The BA-5 bivalent shot has only been tested in eight mice—no humans. But Dr. Anthony Fauci is not concerned about it. The technology is basically the same as the earlier shots, and we supposedly know that they are “very safe.” After all, we don’t test the new flu shot every year. But vaccine expert Dr. Paul Offit is hesitant because the mRNA technology has only been used in vaccines since 2020.

    But is the benefit of protection against a dread disease worth the risk? As the graphs below show, effectiveness wanes quickly, and becomes negative within 4 to 5 months (red circles).


    Worse still, the vaccines also seem to impair the natural immunity already developed by children who had had COVID before being vaccinated.

    One New York pharmacist is on the video linked above calling the stated lack of testing “fake news.” CDC director Rochelle Walensky states that they are using “trusted messengers” to put out a “simplified message”: “Just get your fall booster.”

    The booster is available under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and informed consent is required. “It’s up to you.”

    Some questions you might ask the vaccine administrator:

    • Could the vaccines impair immunity, accounting for post-vaccine shingles or other infections?
    • Could interference with native immunity increase cancer risk?
    • If I should have an adverse event that later seems to have been linked to the vaccine, could you be liable if you failed to warn me about it?
    • Are there any possible side effects I should be aware of?

    Information on reported “Illness and Death Spikes,” see AAPS News, September 2022, p 2.

    Jane Orient, M.D., Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, [email protected]




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    francis gorden
    francis gorden
    1 year ago

    AAPS is recognized as politically conservative or ultra-conservative group.

    The organization requires its members to sign a “declaration of independence” pledging that they will not work with Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance companies.
    The AAPS opposes gun control and does not recognize handgun violence as a public health problem.

    Guv. Hairdo
    Guv. Hairdo
    1 year ago

    I received the J and J jab back in June of 2021. People told me it was a mistake to do that. I take does of zinc and vitamin B1 daily. I lead a normal life. I eat at various restaurants, my work takes me into lots of offices. I never got covid in any form or strain. I will not get any more shots or boosters, I don’t need them. Also, I am not obese, I think that is important. I think big pharma is pimping the idea we need all these boosters shots to “booster” their bottom line.

    1 year ago

    Progress is when instead of a jab against an extinct virus you can now get a jab against two extinct viruses.
    Which does not prevent you from getting the disease.
    We’re told by the authorities it’s safe and effective and we must not doubt that because that would make us look like this most disgusting bunch of our fellow humans whom we are told we must despise and hate because they don’t believe in science and they’re deplorable and despicable and really we have nothing to do with such people hence we firmly believe that the jab is safe and effective.
    BTW have you heard about this huge increase in all cause mortality since the jab ? Sudden Adult Death Syndrom and Sudden Infant Death Syndrom ? For the first time the first cause of mortality is unidentified…
    Baffling. Probably global warming.

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