Thursday, July 11, 2024
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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    CVUSD Is Quietly Hiding Controversial Sex Ed Vote On Tomorrow’s Agenda

    Press Release

    We like to give members of the school board the benefit of the doubt, but it is difficult to see any purpose other than deception for tomorrow’s placement of the approval vote for the super-controversial “Teen Talk” sex education curriculum.

    The vote does not even have its own agenda item where it can be discussed. Instead, it is hidden on the consent agenda (Item 4) which is voted on as a whole with no discussion allowed. The consent agenda is supposed to be reserved for routine business that is NOT controversial and requires no discussion. Burying this critical item on the consent agenda seems like an attempt to quietly pass this new curriculum – which is highly offensive to most of the community – with no dissent from the public.

    Moreover, the deadline to sign up to speak in public comments is today, Memorial Day, at 5:00 pm.  Scheduling the vote for the day after a long weekend certainly appears to be an attempt to slip this vote past the community without the community noticing.

    You can make a public comment tomorrow by showing up in person at the board meeting. Be there before 6 pm and fill out a blue card and give it to the secretary. You may also make a public comment by phone. You need to sign up for that before 5:00 pm today by calling (805) 497-9511, Ext. 1101 and leaving a message – or email [email protected].  Please also request that the Teen Talk agenda item (4N) be removed from the consent agenda so that the community can discuss it as its own agenda item.

    The California Parent Alliance is very troubled by the Teen Talk curriculum. To get up to speed on what the problems are, please review our article: 15 Harmful Elements of the Sex Ed Curriculum Teen Talk . We support the HEART curriculum, which is fully compliant with California law and is much more medically accurate and age-appropriate.


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    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    3 years ago

    I thought things were in the dumpster during my 43 year career with LAUSD, but this is the worse I’ve ever seen. IF you have children in public education get them out before they are brain washed by the system.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    3 years ago

    Elections have consequences, and this is empirical evidence of it.

    Doug Blois
    Doug Blois
    3 years ago

    I did not stay for the entire meeting, but there were about 30 public speakers against the Teen Talk curriculum, and zero speakers in favor of it. What I would like to know is if there were any public hearings on this controversial issue. It seems to me that if all the parents at the meeting were opposed to it, the Board should have not pushed it through on a 5-0 vote. Instead, they should have studied the issue more thoroughly, and gotten more parental input. The feedback that I heard at the meeting was that almost half of the current students in the District are dropping out, in large part because of actions like this. This cannot be good for the District.

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Doug Blois

    You assume this system can fix itself.

    It cannot.

    The center of CVUSD political power is held by union cronies, political 501(c)4 agitators and political operatives under ‘Thousand Oaks Acorn journalist’ cover — all unelected individuals.

    As has been the case for at least four years.

    3 years ago

    This sounds like BAD NEWS in every way! Thanks to Citizens Journal for exposing this questionable move by CVUSB Board!

    Mike Smith
    Mike Smith
    3 years ago

    In 2017 and 2018, when the CVUSD school board had a conservative non-leftist majority, the board caved to Marxist union (UACT) and special interest (Indivisible) agitation on a curriculum perversity just like this one.

    Instead of removing obscene texts, the board compromised with a mere opt-out slip option for parents, and left it at that. Some background:

    Pull your kids out of this unconstitutional, anti-family system!

    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith

    Thank you Mike and Tommy for your voice and stand against this evil force of power upon our children with shameful, horrible lies against TRUTH. This is perverse so-called education which has nothing to do with basic education, does not belong to anything deemed “rights” and warrents no consideration for compromise. It is not the School/Education’s job to impinge upon moral responsibilities which was given to and belongs in the hands of parents who hopefully know the identity and ONLY authority of Truth. If you don’t “seek Him.” (A good start is to read the Gospel of Luke) Our poor children are being raised today to perpetuate evil at every turn. They are being deceived by laws that are made to sway vulnerable minds into believing untruths. It is the job of parents to battle for truth in their childrens’ minds and hearts, every waking moment, to save them from the foils of societal lies leading to inevitable death. Wake up parents! Love your children, they are precious and were entrusted to you as a blessing. This is not just “a” battle to sneer at, it IS war, one that has been going on for generations!

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    3 years ago
    Reply to  Mike Smith

    all good reasons to opt out of public education and demand vouchers.

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