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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Disney Blacklists Actor. Why? He is a Conservative

    By Hailey Sanibel, Blue State Conservative

    Acting like the obstinate children that they are, woke Disney executives hellbent on destroying the decades’-old corporate brand are now engaging in a crusade to destroy the iconic character of Buzz Lightyear. I have never met anyone that disliked the original, and groundbreaking, 1995 film Toy Story, so naturally Disney wanted to set it on fire.

    The gist of the destruction is that woke turd of an actor Chris Evans, who never met a propaganda talking point he didn’t like, was recast as the voice “talent” for Buzz in the spin-off series. Evans is an outspoken mouthpiece for the regime whereas Tim Allen has famously stood up for traditional American values.

    There is also simply the fact that Tim Allen made Buzz Lightyear, is Buzz Lightyear, and replacing him is just a stupid directoral decision. It simply seems unlikely that Allen would have been given the boot if he prostrated himself a bit more in Maoist public struggle sessions.

    The backlash to this announcement has been swift and strong. Patricia Heaton, of Everybody Loves Raymond fame, summarized what we’re all feeling in a powerful tweet attached to the trailer:

    “Saw the trailer for Buzz Lightyear and all I can say is Disney/Pixar made a HUGE mistake in not casting my pal Tim Allen in the role that he originated, the role that he owns,” she wrote. “Tim IS Buzz! Why would they completely castrate this iconic, beloved character?”

    TMN covered this story, reacting to defensive posturing by both the director and new star “actor” of the show:

    “Last week, Lightyear director Angus MacLane explained that casting Evans instead of Allen was intentional on the part of the filmmakers. “Tim’s version of Buzz is a little goofier and is a little dumber, and so he is the comic relief. In this film, Buzz is the action hero,” he told Vanity Fair. “He’s serious and ambitious and funny, but not in a goofy way that would undercut the drama.”

    “Chris Evans has the gravitas and that movie star quality that our character needed to separate him and the movie from Tim’s version of the toy in Toy Story,” MacLane added.”

    Not only did Tim Allen get replaced, but he got insulted too. Goofier and dumber? These people are monsters. TMN continued:

    “Evans himself was quick to praise Allen for his original portrayal of the role, saying that he used “Allen as a guideline”.

    “I’d be a fool not to acknowledge the work he did,” he said. “But I couldn’t just do a shameless impression. I had to somehow create my own understanding of the character, and try to make some fresh tracks in the snow while paying homage to the great work that he did.”

    “Eventually I felt comfortable enough to make my own interpretation, and part of that was lowering the tone of my voice,” Evans continued. “I basically have to lower the register of my voice in everything that I do.””

    I hate these Hollywood types. Evans wants to create his own impression of the character. Look, pal, there is only one impression of Buzz Lightyear, and his name is Tim Allen.

    Here’s hoping the show fails miserably, which given the woke nature already, seems destined. By definition, something woke cannot be good, since it focuses directly away from merit and only on superficial, degrading choices.

    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of Citizens Journal


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    2 years ago

    Proof the Left hates opinions

    mouse mickey
    mouse mickey
    2 years ago

    Old angry homophobic, racist and misogynistic white men posting this crap.

    2 years ago
    Reply to  mouse mickey

    Ha. You obviously don’t know that Citizens Journal is operated by a multi-ethnic team. Yes, with men and women, also !

    Ed Renzuli
    Ed Renzuli
    2 years ago

    and the right wonders why the rest of us think they are dumb…

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Ed Renzuli

    The feeling is mutual.

    Robert M Laine
    Robert M Laine
    2 years ago

    ignorant article posted by an ignorant website— why is anyone surprised at the enormous idiots who run citizens journal…a bunch of racist, sexist homophobic fascist nazis trying to rile up their ignorant base. GFY Citizens Journal!

    2 years ago
    Reply to  Robert M Laine

    But nothing on this page is more ignorant than YOUR comment, Robert. Citizens Journal is operated by a multi-ethnic team.

    2 years ago

    Did an angry 8yr old write this article? So much butthurt.

    2 years ago

    So, the author of the article has zero clue what the movie is about?

    Johanna stop writing before you embarrass yourself further. Tim Allen never was the voice of Buzz Lightyear, he was the voice of a Buzz Lightyear toy doll, patterned from a (at that time) fictional movie.

    Nor, BTW is this a sequel, it is the backstory, of sorts, it is suppose to represent the movie that spawned the toy seen in “Toy Story”. So if anything, it is a distant prequel.

    Michael Weyant
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Jaime

    This article was written by By Hailey Sanibel and reposted here on Citizens Journal. We did NOT write this story. The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of Citizens Journal

    Ed Renzuli
    Ed Renzuli
    2 years ago
    Reply to  Michael Weyant

    lmao, cop out for posting blatant stupidity. it’s on you.

    2 years ago

    This article is a load of crock s%*$. They didn’t hire Allen because Allen is a comedian an brought too much humor to the character. The director is in charge of the casting and he wanted a more serios Buzz for this movie. tat was the real reason for his choice.

    2 years ago

    Written by an idiot who obviously doesn’t know the premise of the film. People like to throw around “woke” a lot, is there a word for morons who turn everything into a political exercise??

    PJ D
    PJ D
    2 years ago

    Tim Allen is not blacklisted. He has a different Disney gig. He’s in a Santa Clause series coming to Disney plus.

    Please stop showing your ignorance and confirmation bias to make your imagined point.

    2 years ago

    Is this article a joke? I was expecting REAL news and instead got this hack opinion piece? No one cares about your opinion, leave that to your diary.

    Ed Renzuli
    Ed Renzuli
    2 years ago
    Reply to  NoOneCares

    news?, lmao, just the ramblings of a stump

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