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    Two Visions of America by Don Jans

    Education Conference Delivers Broadside to Public School Sex-Ed (“Gender”) and Other Curricula, Presents PS Alternatives.

    By George Miller

    Newbury Park, CA 

    Conejo Valley opponents blasted increasingly radicalized sex-ed in public/charter schools and presented alternatives at a conference-“Local, Private and Homeschool Alternatives to Public School”  in Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks), CA on August 10, 2019. The conference addressed why they thought alternatives were needed in the first place and what they are. Parental rights were stressed. Alternatives cited were changes to public schools, opt-out, private schools, private charter homeschools and individual homeschooling. 


    Too many parents blindly send their children to public school, unaware of the changes that have occurred since they were children. It was good to see the community becoming more aware of the new sex ed curriculum and the rights of students and parents. – Conference attendee Gina Harden

    The audience of about 150 seemed overwhelmingly opposed to public school changes made in sex education, the recent hot school topic. Some we spoke to or observed appeared to be just looking for information and guidance. A few known people apparently in opposition to the conference aims included a media representative from the Thousand Oaks Acorn and Conejo Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) School Board Trustee Jenny Fitzgerald. Speaker and CVUSD Board Trustee Sandee Everett specifically called out the Acorn as biased against them on the subject. We were told that several Conejo Valley public school teachers attended. (watch the event video when it comes out- we will link it here).


    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>L R Laurie Gourley Director of LOMSAA Sandy Everett CVUSD Board Member Mike Dunn former board member Photo George MillerCitizensJournalus<span>


    The event was hosted by Calvary Chapel Godspeak (Newbury Park) and Chaired by Bob Lee. Two panels discussed primarily 1)- Instructional change issues- especially sex-ed (the current hot button target) and 2)- Homeschooling. 3)-Two lobbies were filled with private/homeschooling/support provider exhibitors. This conference was designed to oppose the changes and present altrenatives, not as a balanced evaluation and discussion.

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Conference Co Chair Bob Lee PhD put together a comprehensive relevant program rather quickly Photo Mike HernandezCitizensJournalus<span>

    When we later asked who organized the event, Pastor Craig Linquist, host who introduced the conference co-chair, said it was an informal affiliation of homeschool and education industry people mostly associated with the church, that did it.


    The consensus of speakers was that public schools have been increasingly providing instruction which is inappropriate, outside of their legitimate charter and interferes with parental views. This is legislation, court and NGO-driven. Sex-Ed was the speakers’ main target, but they had other concerns as well, including an alleged strong bias towards imprinting young minds with a “secular progressive atheistic worldview,” which is a de facto “religion” replacing a previous Judeo-Christian worldview.  This, they said, directly contradicts their own views which they want to inculcate their offspring with.


    Pastor Craig Linquist, in his opening prayer, mentioned:

    • Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
    • 100% free choice (presumably referring to school choice) is freedom.


    Organizers presented two panels of speakers covering:

    1. Instructional changes in public schools: Mike Dunn, Former Conejo Valley Unified School District Trustee; Sandee Everett, Current Conejo Valley Unified School District Trustee; Laurie Gourley, Director of LOMSAA.
    2. Public School Alternatives, including homeschooling and private schooling:Barbara Richert, Felice Fauston, Rebecca Harrington, Jessica Sherk


    Mike Dunn led off with the first presentation. He is an ex-firefighter, including years on the prestigious “Hotshot” CalFire team, which is said to be the “Seal Team” of firefighting and has a degree in Forestry from Humboldt U. He was a CVUSD trustee for 14 years, much of it as the sole Conservative on the board.


    A girl student could leave school for medical advice/treatment, which can include abortion, without parental consent or even notification.- Mike Dunn

    Dunn led off with the remark that a girl student could leave school for medical advice/treatment, which can include abortion, without parental consent or even notification.


    He told the audience that Christian education is an alternative to public school. He highlighted recent objectionable changes in public school education, stated his opposition case and proposed alternatives. 


    He summarized what he said are harmful/detrimental changes in public schools, namely:

    • Abortion- advocated and facilitated by schools.
    • AB325- California Healthy Kids Act. CA sex-ed tells children what to believe and is based upon secular humanist moral relativism.  This is not about health education, it is about ideology/belief systems. (the California Healthy Youth Act (AB329) which is the Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Act that “authorizes school districts to provide comprehensive sexual health education, consisting of age-appropriate instruction, in any of kindergarten and grades 1-12.”)
    • “Health” Classes- Teach that “marriage is a union of partners.”
    • Common Core- Forced on schools. Results so far are poor.
    • English literature selections- Allegedly pornographic books with objectionable moral messages. Rules on this eliminate 87% of local control. Threatens elimination of federal funding.
    • F.A.I.R. Act (SB 48)- Social science and history books MUST include positive homosexual role models.
    • Sparkle Boy, Heather Has 2 Mommies and other books with objectionable teachings in schools target very young children – grades 1-3 (below)
    • AB453-  Dunn labeled it the “homosexual recruitment and indoctrination law,” promoting LGBT lifestyle. He said it mandates referring kids to LGBT counseling without parental notification or even knowledge. He said it even requires a “political action administrator,” which some have said is reminiscent of the old Soviet political officers in the armed forces. He sees it as inspired/driven by “secular humanist atheism.”


    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Oak Park sex ed they call it gender changes for grades 1 3 L R CVUSD Board Member Sandee Everett and former board member Mike Dunn Photo Mike HernandezCitizensJournalus<span>


    Dunn’s closing remarks:

    The public schools no longer support traditional family values. Christian and conservative students will either submit to the secular humanist agenda or suffer persecution, ridicule and discrimination. The public schools are being used to indoctrinate our children. My grandchildren will not be attending the public schools.’

    -Mike Dunn


    CVUSD Board Member Sandee Everett, Purdue, Masters in Ed, K-12 licensed School Counselor, 5 children, some in Conejo public schools. She played a key role in the creation of the reading materials selection policy,


    In the second volley of the conference’s “broadside” against public school instructional changes, Ms. Everett stated that her opinions here were strictly her own and not official district/board views, then went on to attack some practices strongly.  She immediately stressed parental rights, especially in regard to opting out of sex-ed/gender instruction.


    She remarked that Jenny Fitzgerald, CVUSD board and “Indivisible” group member was present. Fitzgerald posted a caustic attack on Everett on Facebook later in the day, quickly refuted by Pat Lynch for gross inaccuracies: CVUSD Trustee Fitzgerald Blasts Trustee Everett in Deceptive Social Media Rant


    Everett mocked the unproven concept of “an infinite gender spectrum” to be taught. She also questioned the curriculum’s shaky claim as primarily an anti-bullying device, when it actually goes far beyond that to push its (unproven) theories, attempting to undermine belief systems. She claimed that the AB 329 bill behind it was heavily lobbied by Planned Parenthood, California Teachers Association, ACLU and the Gay-Lesbian Student Alliance.


    She also referred to SB 179 California Gender Recognition Act (will enable transgender, intersex and nonbinary people to obtain state-issued identity documents that accurately reflect their gender identity, making California the first state to do so).


    Everett brought up the infamous Oak Park gender ID curriculum sneaked in (see article link below), which starts in …. Kindergarten. It gets progressively more complex and specific and is backed by reading assignments in cute little illustrated books, to set the kiddies at ease. By fifth grade, she warned us, students have to memorize the various genders, which are multiplying every year. While this is accepted as gospel by its advocates, people here were incredulous, indignant, especially as they view it as pseudoscience with no validated peer reviewed research. Yet a state of 40 million people is being used as a test lab.


    She remarked that CVUSD Trustee Bill Gorbach was quoted as saying

    “I like Oak Park’s approach and have always stood for a presentation that states that gender is not binary but individual and not placing judgment in any way.” (“not-binary” is Liberalspeak for there are many genders).



    Everett pointed out that some of the districts which have not implemented the curriculum are being sued by the ACLU to force them to comply. So although parents may opt out, districts evidently cannot. so much for “local control.”


    It wasn’t discussed at the conference, but the Ventura County Grand Jury issued a report that county public school districts were flouting the law in that most did not properly announce the curriculum or parental rights related to it.


    Everett mentioned that AB179 “Gender Recognition Act” (but it only recognizes three genders), was not related to education, but CTA saw fit to push it, suggesting that they have social issues priorities separate from just education.


    She cited these as curricula approved by CDE:

    • FLASH
    • Making Proud Choices! California Edition
    • Positive Prevention PLUS
    • Rights, Respect, Responsibility (3Rs)
    • Teen Talk


    She  said that Positive Prevention Plus, which costs $279 per student, was adopted by Simi and Oak Park and that it has been the only one reviewed by Conejo Valley.  She said that Oaks Park illegally adopted it without a board vote and that the Conejo Valley Superintendent illegally made the gender curriculum opt-out without a board vote.


    She mentioned and strongly objected to PPP pushing the theory that gender and sex are not the same thing, that they are unscientifically based upon feelings and attitudes,- belief rather than science.  They claim that parents jurist guess “gender” at birth.


    “AB493 requires LGBT Materials and Training for Public and Charter School Teachers (Ab2601), also requiring sensitivity training to its certified personnel and teachers in grades 7 to 12 in “support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ)” students.”


    Finally, “schools would also be required to provide “community resources” positively affirming and advocating these lifestyles to youth. The bill is specifically clear that ONLY materials and resources from organizations and groups that positively promote these lifestyles is to be used by public schools and charter schools!!”


    Trustee Everett emphasized that ALL students should be treated with respect and not bullied.


    Supporting her previous allegation that the Acorn newspaper is biased, she cited the following from that publication:


    “Schools would also be required to provide “community resources” positively affirming and advocating these lifestyles to youth. The bill is specifically clear that ONLY materials and resources from organizations and groups that positively promote these lifestyles is (S.I.C.) to be used by public schools and charter schools!!”


    However, that was an editorial and editorials are supposed to be biased, but not the news. She did not cite any biased Acorn news at this session.


    She labeled the public schools as “Sunday School for the Far Left….. forcing teachers to pass along their non-theistic religious dogma to the next generation,” claiming that “Some radical educators have even adopted religious terminology, such as “sacred classroom.””


    Then, Everett upped the ante, asserting that “Forcing a new belief system onto students in the classroom is a violation of the establishment clause of the 1st amendment, since the government is establishing a non-scientific set of beliefs as the state’s official doctrine”– basically saying it is flat-out unconstitutional.


    Ms. Everett post-session comment to

    Many parents, teachers, administrators and community members are not informed about the new sex ed law and its requirements, including the new gender identity theory that will be taught in our schools. It is important for everyone to be well-informed. As a board member, I believe that all curriculum and decisions regarding this matter should be transparent to the parents and community. Some may believe transparency is not important because the material should be taught no matter what the community thinks. State law states that parents and the community should be involved in curriculum decisions. If elected officials don’t agree, the public should vote them out. 


    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Some curriculum reading materials<span>

    Laurie Gourley, Director of LOMSAA (Living Oaks Middle School Assoc., a private Christian school), in education for 30 years- teaching and managing, at LOMSAA, CASA, Grace Brethren High School,  4 children.


    Mrs. (NOT Ms.) Gourley presented The Living Oaks Middle School Association’s approach to a higher standard of education, employing a biblical worldview and some things not usually addressed in almost all schools, not just public schools. For example, logic, discussion, debate, including how to debate false teaching, how to learn, how to retain and learning how to teach are part of their standard curriculum. Teachers build confidence stress hard work, give praise.

    We noted that instead of delivering extensive criticism of what the public schools are doing- or not doing, she focused on what her school does.

    The school offers the traditional subjects, too, but much of the above is built into them. Students are encouraged, to be “Christian, courageous and be world-changers.” They are taught “how to cope with the realities of life and build life skills. Parental involvement is high.

    They take educational and recreational field trips, bring in experts to teach them. For example, their STEM teacher is Bob Lee, this conference’s co-chair, a double PhD.  There is a 5 page spreadsheet of resources, activities, trips.

    Prayer, worship and study are part of the program.  There is much more- too much to list here. Worth contacting- visiting.

    Gourley mentioned that they have informal discussions with “identity” (not gender)-confused students, who have become  more numerous, because they are impacted by the pervasive culture outside the school (media, peers, music, etc.). She told me afterward that they have talked down some kids and are not aware of any who have crossed over. I think she said parents sometimes get involved. As far as I know, no formal counseling programs or outside counselors are engaged in this. She provided a more comprehensive answer to a battery of questions I subsequently sent to her, as follows:


    At LOMSAA we encourage open dialogue about any issue that may confuse our students. Our belief is that God cares about every aspect of our lives, including sexuality.
    We accept every student as a beloved child of God and meet them where they are at—as young people learning to think critically as they grow into adulthood:

    We respect the right of families to determine how and when their child is ready to tackle any and every issue they face. But with our culture being what it is today and the availability of social media, young people are exposed to material that many consider inappropriate for their age. 
    We believe the middle school years present an ideal opportunity to help them think through such issues. If a student wishes to explore any issue in greater depth, we work alongside our parents to engage in sensitive discussion and achieve understanding. We preserve the unity and dignity of the family unit. We do teach traditional family values because it lines up with our Christian beliefs. But we have not seen this approach in any way inhibit a “fully open dialogue”–in fact, we have seen quite the opposite.
    Most of our families tend to come from strong faith-based backgrounds. We have not had any students at this point express that they are confused about their “gender.” We have had some students express confusion about their “identity.”  We would always include parents in our discussion and do recommend counseling for any student deeply struggling with any aspect of their identity.
    LOMSAA is in the process of formalizing a white-paper to specifically answer parents’ questions on gender identity. I’d be happy to send you a copy once it is published!
    Thanks for taking the time to attend the presentation, and for a very thorough and fairly presented article. We appreciate your voice in the community.
    Laurie Gourley

    LOMSAA Director
    (805) 410-4046




    (Left to right):Barbara Richert, Felice Fauston, Rebecca Harrington, Jessica Sherk


    Homeschool and homeschool support people talked about what they are doing and why.  The upcoming video will explain all. If they don’t deliver a video, I’ll add something here from my event notes.


    After the first conference panel, there was a break to reset, refresh, compare notes and examine the lobby exhibitors’ wares for private/homeschools and support services. The second conference panel focused on homeschooling alternatives, which are more than we thought.



    Event Exhibitors


    Two local private schools (Hillcrest and LOMSAA) presented, as well as some Homeschool Support Groups- CASA Camarillo, Trinity Pacific Christian School, and Classical Conversations.  There was lots of interest in the exhibitors and sign-up sheets filled up from some of them. JBS displayed various literature and video DVD’s, including “Rescuing Our Children and the Nation.”, a ballot initiative, was touted there, as was Liberty Counsel, a religious liberties law firm, Christian Educators Association International, Freedom Project Academy  (online instruction), Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), Christian Home Educators (CHEA) and Child Development Resources


    “Petitions” were circulated to promote a school voucher ballot initiative: An initiative hasn’t been approved for ballot inclusion and signatures yet, so the real, legal petitions would follow if that occurs.


    Not exhibiting, but mentioned at the conference:


    Private schools: Carden, Living Oaks, Seventh Day Adventist, Oaks Christian.


    More private schools:

    <span style=font family helvetica arial sans seriffont size 12pt>Source 8 10 19 GCCTO Education Conference<span>

    Charter schools: MATES and Bridges


    Many parents, teachers, administrators and community members are not informed about the new sex ed law and its requirements, including the new gender identity theory that will be taught in our schools. It is important for everyone to be well-informed. As a board member, I believe that all curriculum and decisions regarding this matter should be transparent to the parents and community. Some may believe transparency is not important because the material should be taught no matter what the community thinks. State law states that parents and the community should be involved in curriculum decisions. If elected officials don’t agree, the public should vote them out. – Sandy Everett


    Opposition to conference aims: Read what activist, CVUSD Board Member and attendee Jenny Fitzgerald is saying about the conference and some speakers.We were told that she is with the left-leaning “Indivisible” group.


    Mike Dunn later commented to Citizens Journal: “It is reasonable for parents to demand that parental consent and permission be required before the public schools refer our children to pro homosexual counseling.”


    Read what far left activist “Anonymous Mommy” opined about the conference, before it had even taken place, complete with effusive compliments about Citizens Journal.




    So who is right: those who are forcing the changes in schools while claiming progress & liberation, or parents who resist what they say are immoral, destructive teachings opposed to the laws of God and resulting in degradation of society? The latter point to far higher illegitimate births, destruction of the nuclear family, higher crime, more STD’s, far more abortions, which they say are murder and opponents say are population control, convenience and “a woman’s choice.”


    Advocates of the changes claim it is progress, evolution of society and will better prepare children for “the real world” and will result in fewer unwanted pregnancies and STD’s, as well as less bullying and stress on nonconforming children.  So far the results don’t bear that out- opponents say they are the opposite- during the long march of changes made by reform advocates.


    Opponents say that legislators have gone too far, mandating school teaching and counseling, not merely dealing with bullying, but actively promoting perverted lifestyles. (Advocates call the term perversion a pejorative, but it isn’t: definition: perversion


    On another level, curriculum opponents claim that it is tantamount to teaching a form of religion and that public schools have become “Sunday School for secular humanist progressive atheists.” The courts have given at least some recognition to this:  and,


    Can, or may the state force parents to submit their children to such indoctrination contrary to their fundamental beliefs, which were also the fundamental beliefs of the system and the nation’s Founders in the past?


    The First Amendment of the US Constitution says that there shall be no state religion. Court rulings and politically correct rhetoric have spun that into total separation of church and state, which was never intended by the Founders and is well-documented. But, should the system be instead allowed to support a monopoly of secular progressive atheistic beliefs taught and is that a “religion” (belief system) in itself? An “Indivisible” activist says the changes aren’t anti-Christian. But many actual Christians could readily show why they are.  They changes are not at all neutral.


    The Left accuses Conservatives of being obsessed with such “Social Issues,” yet it is the Left which is always on the march, taking the initiative to tinker with related rules, via legislation, courts rulings and regulations.


    Morality aside, for a moment (and only for a moment), people should also ask: which approach works best? The moral relativity of the secular humanist progressives apparently assumes that morality is situational and there are no absolute, fixed, inviolable moral principles. Many such people deny the authority/veracity of the biblical worldview, as well.  This sets the stage for major conflict, which is clearly now occurring, even as this is written.


    Unstated directly during the conference, but implied, was the question: who “owns” our kids and who should decide how to educate them? What should be done about them? State law makes it very clear that parents have an important role in what is taught (state education Rule 6144), but some legislation conflicts with that and attempts to force action in schools. Does it “take a village” and if so, do parental rights have primacy and if so, what would be valid exceptions?

    “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” – Vladimir Lenin

    Lenin only wanted 4 years. California wants at least 12.

    “Give me a child when he’s 7 and he’s mine forever”- attributed to Adolf Hitler

    California now wants them even earlier.


    Several attendees/speakers/exhibitors told me that the public schools are not now acceptable/safe to send their kids to, even some who are still working to eliminate objectionable things. For example, CVUSD Board Member Sandy Everett says it is unacceptable, but continues to fight for improvements and keep her kids in area public schools.


    The source of these radical changes is something which has been published before in Citizens Journal and will be covered in future articles.


    A mass exodus?


    If all this cannot be resolved, short of civil war, how could it be dealt with? These conflicting ideologies- religions, really, are possibly irreconcilable. It may be possible to have a two track system within the public schools, but it would be very difficult, with integrated curricula.  Dual materials, dual training and staffing., opt-outs, etc. would be needed.


    So, what if parents decided it wasn’t possible, or the schools refused to cooperate? What if they were to take their kids out of government schools en masse over this and other concerns? Parents in general are reluctant to take on tat responsibility and may not even believe they are able to.


    It would also help end the social wars going on in the schools over curricula which are unacceptable to a large number of parents. If all parents knew the extent and nature of the changes, they would assuredly be far more of them and far more upset than they are already.


    Former CVUSD board Trustee Mike Dunn informed me that 26% of school age children in the Conejo Valley already don’t go to public schools- proof that  the world doesn’t end when lots of kids are pulled out. It’s not just because of what was discussed at the conference, but also school safety, emotional well-being, performance and more.


    So massive numbers of Conejo students are already outside the government school system and the trend may grow a lot more with what is going on now. It is not something most parents are enthusiastic about, but may feel forced to consider more over time.  The thought panics school officials and the establishment in general, for financial and social control reasons. Teachers’ unions also feel threatened by this and would fight it tooth and nail. But it is perfectly legal and usually results in a better outcome if students are placed in private schools, good homeschooling programs, or even charter schools 


    We have read that officials fear that the loss of “revenue” (state pays districts based upon daily attendance) from a mass exodus of students would bankrupt the districts. But guess what? School taxes wouldn’t be reduced a bit and school bond funds are still there. In fact, after some adjustments and reallocations, both the state and districts should actually be in BETTER financial shape, since fewer teachers, administrators, staff and new buildings would be needed. Therefore fewer bonds, school taxes and other state funding would be needed and/or more could be spent per child.


    If even $7,000 annual education vouchers were sent to parents of any kid studying outside of the public schools, the state would still be ahead about $5000 per child, a stunning savings.  There is an upcoming ballot issue to address this with $12,000+ vouchers- SchoolChoice2020.


    There weren’t always public schools all over America and the results were arguably better. But it is unlikely that near universal K-12 education could ever have taken place without some public money.


    These were given as references by the event organizer:

    • 1. Focus on the family podcast – James Dobson discusses Public and Private Christian Schools (26 min) –
    • 2. News announcement for new the 2019 California State Board of Education on sex-ed guidelines (4 min) –
    • 3. Movie IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America (Free 30 min version) - or you can buy the full 1.5 hour DVD on Amazon.


    Another attendee comment:

    On the morning of Saturday August 10, 2019 we decided to attend an educational seminar regarding education in the public education sector.   As a result we were enlightened on the many aspects on how the system has changed.   Having said that I was appalled by the difference of curriculum that the children will experience, totally different from what we as parents experienced with two daughters when they went to public school in Ventura County.

    As a master in public health personally I’m very concerned with the development of the health education curriculum and the type of demonstrations used to teach the children about aspects of sex education.   My biggest concern is that there are topics and role modeling of activities that are not physically and emotionally age-appropriate at the age they are starting this curriculum.  The credentials of the authors are not necessarily those that you would look for in the development of these books used at the schools. 

    Have the curriculum developed been certified and analyzed by a group of professionals in health education, mental health professionals i.e. MSW, school counselors (MA),  psychologists (PhD), Child psychologists, pediatric psychiatrists?   I’m appalled that parents are not involved in the decision-making if they want their children to be involved in this type of education.   It is not only involved in the HE curriculum but it is interwoven with all other subjects.   What is the State of California trying to do with our children and our tax money?   Is this becoming an oligarchy system of government that they impose their beliefs without consulting with us the parents and with people that have the appropriate credentials?   This needs to stop!  Parents need to know what their children are learning at school and the level and type of education receiving at the schools.

    This is simply not acceptable to me, as a mother, a grandmother, a professional Master in Public Health and a taxpayer.   We the people must demand change in the use of this material and this curricula that has permeated our school system.   The room in Newbury Park was filled with a  majority of English Speakers. Can you imagine the quandary that other residents in Ventura County that are only monolingual Spanish speakers or from the Asian Communities that are only fluent in Chinese, Tagalog or Vietnamese are in?- total control and total absence of the truth and transparency .   This truly is  disfranchising all the community.  Embarrassing that this occurring here in the USA.   Since when we have become an regime that we the parents don’t have a say in the education of our children?

    Respectfully submitted to Citizen Journal by

    Gloria Massey Chinea, MPH

    Master in Public Health 

    Ventura County Citizen.


    Past relevant articles.

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    JUST THE FACTS | Conejo Valley School Board Proposed Curriculum Policy | BookGate  By Deborah Baber Savalla Here is a FACT opponents of the recently proposed Conejo Valley School Board policy on education curriculum do NOT want you to know: Books including To Kill a Mockingbird, 1984, Empire Falls, Bluest Eye, Lord of the Flies, and Snow Falling On Cedars CAN BE TAUGHT under the Conejo Valley […]

    Round 2: Conejo School Board votes to accept controversial book in curriculum- and next?

    Round 2: Conejo School Board votes to accept controversial book in curriculum- and next?By George Miller Background For months, a controversy has swirled about on whether the Conejo Unified School District (most Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park and vicinity public schools) should accept “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie in its core curriculum for 9th grade students. Books are then selected for the classroom at teachers’ […]


    For a link to the California health education framework go to:  The final version will be posted in fall, 2019

    Oak Park Gender Curriculum


    George Miller is Publisher/Co-Founder of and a “retired” operations management consultant residing in Oxnard and a member of Calvary Chapel Godspeak.


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    Dr Daniel Jordan
    Dr Daniel Jordan
    4 years ago

    Well, there’s some real propaganda for narrow-minded folks on a yacht club page. As a retired public health professional, very aware of the real impact of such bigotry, and also very aware of the positive value of real sexual health education on reducing the spread of disease, actually delaying onset of sexual activity, and reducing it once it starts, as well as helping to reduce rates of suicide among non-straight teens, the bigotry offered here hiding behind the mantle of religion is terribly harmful.

    I can also attest that this religious fellow does not speak for all of religion nor all of Christianity. I am very familiar with another equally fine and faithful church that now has its second married gay pastor. They did not set out on purpose to hire a gay pastor, they simply sought out the most qualified person and it simply turned out to be someone who is happily married to his gay partner. So you do not speak for all of Christendom.

    Remember, the Old Testament has more text condemning left-handed people than saying anything about being gay. So, you should really throw rocks at left-handed people if you want to be true to your version of your bigoted version of faith.

    Yours was not an Education Conference. It was a Bigot’s Conference.

    William Hicks
    William Hicks
    4 years ago

    Ater a 43 year career with The Los Angeles Unified School District I can only say that choice through a voucher program is the ONLY recourse parents and students have to fight against a failing public education system.

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