Sunday, July 21, 2024
83 F

    Goldberg for Supervisor- Coffee with Candidate Event

    Goldberg for Supervisor- Coffee with Candidate Event

    dosage arial, cialis sans-serif;”>press_release_iconPlease join the Goldberg for Supervisor 2016 campaign on April 30 at Rabalai’s Bistro located at 861 E
    viagra 100mg arial, sans-serif;”>Main St in Santa Paula. From 10am to noon, candidate Dan Goldberg will be available to answer any
    questions about his candidacy and to listen about your concerns for the future of Ventura County.
    Coffee and pastries will be served.
    Goldberg says his candidacy is a result of participating in the Ventura County Leadership Academy last
    year. There he learned about issues facing the county in the short and long term. Since graduating from
    the program, he has become more involved in the community and was elected as Board President of the
    Camarillo Community Garden. He hopes to bring a forward thinking approach to governance if elected.
    His campaign platform includes a Healthy Cafeteria Initiative, improving mass transit across the county,
    and preserving our dog parks.
    Goldberg is an independent candidate running a grassroots campaign. For more information about the
    campaign please visit his website for updates.

    Phone: (805)312-0033 • Email: [email protected]

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