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    San Fernando Valley Republican Club
    Meeting Notice and Newsletter
    In This Issue
    Speaker: Darly Temkin
    White House 2016!
    SFVRC live streaming
    SFVRC Facebook Page
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    July 29, 2015
    Dear George,

    The next meeting of the
    San Fernando Valley Republican Club
    will be on
    Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at 7:00pm

    Galpin Ford, 2nd Floor Meeting Room
    15555 Roscoe Blvd (just east of the 405)
    North Hills.

    There is a $5.00 event fee, except for first time visitors, and students who may attend at no cost.

    Our Featured speaker this month will be

    Daryl Temkin, Ph.D.

    Featured Speaker – Daryl Temkin
    Learn more about the Middle East and the impact of events in the region on the United States. This is sure to be an informative and powerful presentation entitled:

    “BDS  vs. Israel Start Up Nation – Who’s Winning?”

    Dr. Daryl Temkin received his Ph.D. and Masters Degree from the University of Southern California in Education and Counseling Psychology. His undergraduate degree was accomplished at UCLA and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  He is the founder of which is a California Statewide Counseling Psychology Company.  In addition to his decades of work in counseling psychology, he has also served as a Jewish community leader, educator, writer and a guest lecturer at leading universities, outstanding private schools, religious institutions and national organizations.

    Dr. Temkin founded  the Israel Institute for Education and Innovation. The organization serves to teach pivotal facts about Israel’s existence and world mission as well as Israel’s contributions and concerns for advancing humanity. These are subject that most popular media sources rarely report and often purposefully ignore.

    The Israel Institute presents a wide variety of educational programs with PowerPoint slides to illuminate the dramatic history as well as the contemporary accomplishments and challenges of the Nation of Israel and the Jewish People. The Institute lectures serve to confront the misleading and gross misrepresentations that the often biased media and popular culture frequently assert.

    For the past three decades, Dr. Temkin has lectured on topics of Israel, Judaism and Jewish wisdom. He originated the adult Jewish education program called, Teachings for the Soul, and he created and directed the nation-wide American-Israel Emergency Supply Airlift as a response to the 2005 Gaza disengagement.

    Dr. Temkin has written and published over one hundred articles on critical social, spiritual and political issues affecting Israel, America, and the world. For several years, he wrote the column titled Pivotal Thought which was published in the weekly news magazine, Israel Today. His writings have appeared in multiple print newspapers and many internet blogs including the Times of Israel and Israellycool, Jewish Journal and the Jerusalem Post.

    In addition, Dr. Temkin was a featured speaker at the International Renewable Energy Conference in Eilat, Israel and has been the guest for a number of radio and TV interviews both in Israel and America.

    Dr. Temkin is also a Board Member of the Israel-Christian Nexus and has been actively involved with educating Christians to advance their understanding and support of Israel as a Jewish State. Dr. Temkin is a founding member and executive leader of AMCHA’s UCLA Alumni for confronting anti-Semitism and the BDS movements on the university campus.  Recently, Dr. Temkin was invited to join the Board of  Directors for the UCLA Jewish Studies Department.

    Dr. Temkin is the recipient of the “Shma Yisrael” National Leadership Award from Israel Bonds, the North American Leadership Award from National Young Israel and the B’nai Zion Medical Center, Education and Leadership Award.

    Dr. Temkin’s major focus is to educate and prepare future generations to stand strong and confront the lies and misrepresentations presented by political leadership and the media concerning Israel and the Jewish people. His additional focus is to teach and spread Jewish values to reveal the leading position that Israel and the Jewish People take in their devotion to improving humanity

    White House 2016
    Please tell the club how you feel about the republican candidates running for the White House in 2016.  The club cannot make and sort of endorsement, however we all want to hear what our club members are doing.  Who are you volunteering for?  Have you recently met any of the candidates or read one of their books.  Please bring your stories and be prepared to share a very brief (2 minutes max) story about your favorite candidate to the club.

    August Meeting To Be Streamed
    In an effort to reach more of our members with the content of our monthly meetings, we will be attempting to stream the meeting live on August 4.  You can view the meeting while the meeting is taking place (7pm) at
    If you can attend in person, please still do so.  But for club members who are ill or out of state you can join with us from your remote location.

    Come to another informative meeting of the San Fernando Valley Republican Club on
    August 4. I look forward to seeing you there!


    David Benning Signature

    David Benning
    San Fernando Valley Republican Club
    [email protected]

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