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    Deliver the Numbers USA report card to the office of California 25th District Representative Steve Knight

    Deliver the Numbers USA report card to the office of California 25th District Representative Steve Knight
    Please join fellow Numbers USA activists on Thursday, January 14, 2016 as we deliver the Numbers USA Report card to the office of California 25th District Representative Steve Knight.
    we will be making our office visit at 11:00 AM .
    26415 Carl Boyer Dr.  Suite 220
    Santa Clarita, CA 91350
    Steve Knight ran for office in 2014, and shortly before the Nov. 2014 election he took the Numbers USA survey, and represented himself on the survey and to voters in the district as a solid opponent of amnesty, and strong advocate for defunding sanctuary cities, limiting foreign worker importation and enforcing US immigration laws..
    Rep. Knight started his first term with an A rating, and now because of his voting record, his rating has plummeted to a D+.
    In 2014 the Republican leadership in Congress promised to de-fund Pres. Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional executive amnesty, yet Rep. Knight voted with every single Democrat and voted to fully fund the executive amnesty in the Omnibus spending bill of 2014.  
    Rep. Knight then voted in June 2015, to allow fast tracking (TPA)  of Pres. Obama’s trade deal the Trans Pacific Partnership, which vastly expands foreign worker visas, and erodes our national sovereignty by transferring aspects of US immigration to a trans national governing body.  Then in December 2015 Knight voted to increase the H2-B foreign worker visa program 400%, which will bring in 264,000 foreign workers per year to take jobs that rightfully belong to American workers.  Rep. Knight pledged his opposition to amnesty, and to limit foreign worker importation, yet directly broke his pledge on both of those issues. as well as others.
    We hope that you can join us at this important office visit.
    Thank you,
    Greg Aprahamian

    *Note:  Rep. Knight became infamous for an outrageous public display of anger while being filmed.  Because of this we request that all participants refrain from handshaking and stay a safe four feet away from Rep. Knight and any staff that we might meet.  Please also bring a video camera, Knight’s actions can be extremely unpredictable and we need to document everything.


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