Thursday, July 11, 2024
61.1 F

    ACT for America’s National Conference

    A Special Message from Brigitte
    Video Link
    Please click on the video above to watch this special message.“… If you are as frustrated as I am, join us in D.C. September 8th and 9th at the largest national security conference in the U.S. Now more than ever, our country needs you. Your presence is an investment in the future of America, in your children and grandchildren – in our security, in our values, and in freedom. ”

    “If our leaders are too spineless to stand up to Iran and implement the right policy to protect our great nation from those vying to kill us, then it is up to us, their employers, to remind them of who put them there and why.”

    “That’s why I need each and every person who views this video to come to ACT for America’s National Conference this September in Washington D.C. We named the organization ACT for America, not hope for America, not wish for America, not pray for America but ACT for America. Because you can do all the above but without taking action nothing happens.

    Our country is calling you, would you answer the call? Is America and its future worth two days of your time? If the answer is yes, then Join us. Click on the link below and let’s rock Capital Hill.

    Join us in Washington! Click here to register!


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