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    AFA Forum on Climate Change

    AFA Forum on Climate Change





    An AFA Forum on Climate Change
    Thursday, February 9th at 6 PM
    Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel


    A number of replies to mylast email made it clear that we’re not all in agreement about Climate Change –  whether it’s a hoax or a crisis, a lie or legitimate science, something to “deny” or over which to be an “alarmist.”  I wrote this piece to address this.

    But regarding our February event:
    For months, we have been trying to stage a debate between those  scientists who speak out in fear of imminent catastrophe (the “alarmists”), and those who are skeptical of the effects we humans have on the climate.

    Sadly, no “alarmist” has chosen to participate in any such debate.  I find this odd – if I were so convinced I’d win a debate, I’d jump in enthusiastically, eager to make my case.  Be that as it may, nobody has been willing to engage in such a conversation, although they are eager to proclaim their views in every other arena.  Watch, for example,  this video shown on the Jimmy Kimmel Show,  to see how proud they are of their alarmism – not to mention how vulgar they can be.

    While we have nobody on “that side,” we are thrilled to have as our keynote speaker Dr. Willie Soon, a foremost expert in this field.   His impressive biography is below.

    We hope that if you are a skeptic, you’ll join us and ask Dr. Soon any questions you have.   And we hope that if you’re not a skeptic, that you’ll be enriched and informed sufficiently to help combat the disinformation that’s out there.

    We are also working on having a speaker on the topic of Governor Brown’s environmental plans for California.  We’ll of course keep you posted as that develops!  In any event, join us, and bring a friend for this important and informative evening.

    February 9th
    6 PM:  Hors D’oeuvres Reception
    7PM:  Forum
    Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel
    (STUDENTS: Email for the Discount Code)

    Dr. Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon,
    Dr. Wei-Hock (Willie) Soon,

    About Willie Soon:

    • Physicist, Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Sciences Division, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
    • Astronomer, Mount Wilson Observatory
    • Chief Science Researcher, Center for Science and Public Policy
    • Chief Science Advisor, Science and Public Policy Institute
    • Senior Scientist, Marshall Institute
    • Science Director, Tech Central Station
    • Global Warming Expert, Heartland Institute
    • Receiving Editor, New Astronomy
    • Member, American Astrophysical Society, American Geophysical Union, and the International Astronomical Union
    • Recipient, Peter Beckman Award, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, 2004
    • Recipient, Graduate Scholastic Award, IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, 1989
    • Recipient, Rockwell Dennis Hunt Scholastic Award for most representative PhD thesis, 1989


    • PhD, Aerospace Engineering, University of Southern California (USC), 1991
    • MS, University of Southern California
    • BS, University of Southern California

    And as we look to 2017 and the various events we have planned, your monthly contribution of $10 (about the price of 2 lattes), $25 (not quite the price of 2 movie tickets) or more helps AFA bring you exceptional events and engage in the important and innovative initiatives that are part of our fight to defend our freedoms. Please click here to donate.  

    Thank you for being part of our AFA community.  

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