Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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    AFA’s Discussion on the History in the News Video Series

    AFA’s Discussion on the History in the News Video Series






    American Freedom Alliance

    AFA’s Discussion on the History in the News Video series
    Thursday June 18th at 6 PM Pacific Time

    Thursday night, June 18th at 6 PM Pacific we’ll be hosting the online discussion based on videos 7 and 8 of the “History in the News” series.    These Freedom Academy videos are lectures by Victor Davis Hanson and they are magnificent. 

    Here are the videos we’ll be discussing this week:Video 7: Is Barack Obama the Ultimate Fruition of Modern American Liberalism?

    Video 8: Reaganism: Its Myths and Realities

    Please be sure to watch them before we get together so we can discuss them. 

    Prior videos in this series are here:

    Video 1: The Long War, 1870 – 2012: Why Germany Finally Won Europe

    Video 2: The 21st American Century Or What an Amazon or Facebook Says About America

    Video 3: Lessons from California: Back to Reagan or Onward to Greece?

    Video 4: What Was the University, And Why Did It Become Illiberal and Unsustainable?

    Video 5: How To Check Western Military Advantage: From 9/11 to Afghanistan and Iraq

    Video 6: Why Do Millions Emigrate To Rather Than From the West? From Ancient Greece to Modern America


    The event fee is $5 and you must pre-register for this event
    click here for event information including the link and the password.


    If you haven’t yet had a chance to watch AFA’s INSIDE LOOK videos, here’s the link to the YouTube playlist.
    Speakers include Heather Mac Donald, Curtis Ellis, Frank Gaffney, Stephen Coughlin and Trevor Loudon.  Each one is exceptional.
    Let us know what you think! 



     AFA has launched our “EVERY BUSINESS IS ESSENTIAL” initiative in response to the destruction of economic freedoms wrought by zealous bureaucrats.  Read our press release here, the rationale here, and sign YOUR support for economic freedom here. Indeed, the current vandalism of businesses across the country and the race-based rioting emphasize the crucial nature of economic activity and how it’s tied to the flourishing of individuals and of our nation as a whole.

    We are taking a stand for economic freedom by asking elected officials and those seeking election to sign a pledge that they take as a fundamental truth that all businesses are essential, and to oppose all efforts and legislation that might designate any business as non-essential.

    In this way we hope to prevent any future cripplings of this great nation’s economy with arbitrary, personal, irrational choices about what is and isn’t essential, and to re-establish stability in the economic arena.

    Never again should bureaucrats make decisions that kill economic freedom, that kill businesses; our aim is to support those who agree with this stance, and to root out those who don’t.  

    Please do sign your support, and help us advance this initiative with your donation.
    Every business is essential, and let’s make sure this kind of economic warfare never happens again

    Best to you, our AFA family,

    Karen Siegemund
    American Freedom Alliance

    With your support, we are able to host the exceptional and world-class events that are our hallmark, and that are fundamental to the preservation of Western Civilization.  As always, it sounds hyperbolic and a bit hysterical… but as events show us day after day, it’s not. 


    When the media, academia and the vast majority of cultural influences do their utmost to create a “reality” that is devoid of, and in fact, in total opposition to the truth, it falls to organizations such as ours to disseminate and support, in every way possible, the actual truth.  Only by shining the light of truth do we stand a chance against the juggernaut of misinformation, and only with your support can we do so. 

    Your tax-deductible donation is vital for our fight for freedom.

    The American Freedom Alliance is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization


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