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    California Conservative Convention—First Time—September 5!! You Can Participate!!

    California Conservative Convention—First Time—September 5!! You Can Participate!!







    By Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views

    You have to attend.  You have to participate.  You need to show that California has a united conservative activist coalition. 

    Among the sponsors of this event:  California Republican Assembly, California Impact Republicans, California Pro-Life, Los Angeles Hispanic Alliance, Salt and Light Foundation, the Tea Party, Tom Del Beccaro, California Conservative Party, Palomar Homes, California Screaming Eagles and more.

    Join with your conservative friends and participate on September 5 at the California Conservative Convention—CONSERVATIVES UNITE!!

    On September 5, 2020, from 9:00am to 3:00pm, conservatives from all over California are meeting, on ZOOM.  We have speakers like Congressman Tom McClintock, Fresno Sheriff Margaret Mims, Fox Contributor Tom Del Beccaro and more.  Training session on messaging, social media, campaign organization, voter registration, outreach to the Faith community, Millennials and Hispanics.

    Pass this message to your friends, clubs and email lists.  We need pro-lifers, Second Amendment folks, People of Faith, young folks and Hispanics, along with Asians and black Californians to have them participate.

    The cost, for the whole program and to be in at the start of the California Conservative Coalition is $10.  All profits will go to the Recall Gavin 2020 campaign.  We will do something tangible to get rid of Gavin Newsom.

    Hold a ZOOM Party at your home.  Invite a few people over for snacks and to participate, listen, learn and be ready with a strategy for victory in November and in 2022. 

    To get more information, send me an email and I will send the details, web site for registration and more.  It is urgent that conservative activists use the Saturday before Labor Day to be training, bond with other conservatives and to develop a strategy for victory in November, for ALL of our candidates, including President Trump and our legislative candidates.

    Leaders Lead.   Conservatives need to coalesce and organize.  Do not expect others to do it for you. See you at 9:00am on September 5.  Please send me an email and I will send you information on registering for the event.  Email me at [email protected] or call 805-795-1271


    Stephen Frank: Is the the publisher and editor of the California Political News and Views.  Mr. Frank speaks all over California and appears as a guest on several radio shows each week. He has also served as a guest host on radio talk shows and is a full time political consultant.



    The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

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