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    Californians For Trump plan President’s Day Meet and Greet in Simi Valley


    By Michael Hernandez

    SIMI VALLEY–The Simi Valley Museum of Military History, 1555 Simi Town Center, #220, Simi Valley, CA 93065 will be the host site of a Make Ventura County Great Again President’s Day Meet and Greet from 6-8 p.m. Monday, 2-20-17.   Networking begins at 5:30 p.m. announced Lea Williams, former 2016 Deputy Central California Field Director for the Trump Campaign and Ventura County Captain for Californians for Trump.

    The President’s Day Program has three meeting components:

    • Setting The Stage for President Donald J. Trump with special speakers including: Matt Valenzuela (Assistant Director of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10049 Museum of  Military History) speaking on “Remembering War Heroes”; Eric Zehnder of Huntington Beach (faculty, John Wooden Course and creator of the Love Meme Highway) speaking on “The Communication War” and George Miller, co-founder of the Citizens Journal speaking on “Citizens Journalism;”


    • What’s Happening in Ventura County with mini-reports from organizational spokepersons from throughout Ventura County as well as an update on the planned Spirit of America rallies in Simi Valley (Feb. 25 from 1-3 p.m. on Cochran and Sycamore) and in Ventura (March 4 from 1-3 p.m. on Main and Mills).


    • The Formation of Three Ventura County Action Groups with meet and greet participants breaking up into Action Groups for East Ventura County (Simi Valley and Moorpark); Mid-Ventura County (Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park and Camarillo); and West Ventura County (Port Hueneme, Oxnard and Ventura).

    For more information on the President’s Day Make Ventura Great Again Meet and Greet on Monday, Feb. 20th from 6-8 p.m. text Lea Williams at (805) 304-9371 or email her at:  [email protected].

    (Editor’s Note:  Mr. Hernandez is dedicating himself to advance the 13 spheres; developing an interactive California citizens news platform as an alternative to mainstream media; while building local school-community partnerships.)

    Michael Hernandez, Co-Founder of the Citizens Journal—Ventura County’s online news service, founder of History Makers International, is a former Southern California daily newspaper journalist and religion and news editor. Mr. Hernandez can be contacted by email: [email protected]. 

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    1. Speech text

      George Miller, co-founder of the Citizens Journal speaking on “Citizens Journalism” At Californians For Trump plan President’s Day Meet and Greet in Simi Valley, 2-20-17

      I’m here today to talk about the relatively new genre of Citizen Journalism.

      Are you frustrated by the inaccuracies, distortions and outright lies of the so-called “Mainstream Media” and their proven “FAKE News?” Do you marvel at their utter arrogance, sloppiness, lack of ethics & apparent collusion among themselves to bring you their alternate reality every “news cycle?” As local Simi patriot Marc Langsam says, they’re “anti-semantic.”

      Do you wonder why they continue to do this, even as we can now bring it back on video and text- it never dies on the Internet- so they can be exposed as the liars they are?

      But NOW we also have “alternative media” – such as Breitbart, Daily Caller, New American, and super aggregators such as the Drudge Report. We’re grateful for outlets like Fox News, but they have their own distortions, too, even if not as bad as the rest of MainStream Media.

      The Advent of Citizen Journalism

      In recent years, increasing frustration of Citizens with the so-called 4th Estate, as well as the technology of the Internet, live streaming, cell phone technology and increasingly sophisticated members of the public, have given rise to what we call Citizen Journalism, which fits somewhere between alternative media and blogs. What we have here are members of the public taking it upon themselves to move into journalism because so many of the so-called professionals have failed us so badly.

      Back when I was trying to reform the Republican Party, I was at a County Party meeting, known as “The Central Committee”- doesn’t that sound vaguely “Soviet”? Well, I won’t get into that, but one night, we were lamenting the simply awful, biased coverage of our candidates and policies by the Ventra County Star. For some reason, I was inspired to ask the group if any of them were interested in starting our own newspaper. Of 50-60 people in the room, just three raised their hands. I chatted with them briefly and collected their contact information. That was sometime in 2011.

      Starting up Citizens Journal- Ventura County

      It wasn’t until later in 2012, December actually, in another organization, American Freedom Partnership, when we finally voted on project priorities and starting a newspaper came out as Priority #1- with a unanimous vote.

      It was harder than we thought. It took us six months of brainstorming, research, prototyping and development to get it off the ground. We decided against doing a Conservative journal to preach to the choir and decided instead to do more objective news, with not so objective columns and let the marketplace of ideas take its course- and readers make up their own minds. What resulted is something unique in Ventura County.

      We finally printed our first edition on 6-21-13. Yes, I said printed- as in hard copy. We created about 1800 16 page copies- 4 pages per sheet- on 2 large page HP printers, stapled them together and gave them out to everyone who would take them.

      We quickly found out why newspapers are mostly going broke. It costs a fortune to layout, print and distribute newspapers. Fortunately, we had set up a bare bones, but surprising attractive and serviceable web site, with chewing gum, baling wire and some help from a nonprofit called History Makers.

      We almost immediately dropped the print edition, because it’s way cheaper to do it online. We also noticed that we were selling hardly any $52 annual subscriptions. We quickly learned that people don’t want to pay for an unknown online publication. We now finance, as we call it, solely through ads and donations, which we greatly encourage YOU to make. They were mostly our own ads and donations, but now we have more and more others coming in. We are volunteer-operated. Maybe someday we can change that.

      We’re always looking for more Citizen Journalists, advertisers, donors and promoters for our publication. (Introduce CJ people at the event)

      We encourage you to check us out online and sign-up free: on the web; CitizensJournal/VC on Facebook.


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