Monday, July 15, 2024
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    Camarillo Republican Women to host expert on Political Islam on November 10th


    viagra arial, abortion sans-serif;”>The Camarillo Republican Women will meet on November 10th at Spanish Hills Country Club, 999 Crestview Ave. Camarillo. Guest speaker will be Mr. Jim Horn, expert on Politician Islam, and an update on ISIS. He received the highest civilian award for Valor in Cambodia. Doors open at 10:30 AM.

    For reservations call Kaye Feller, 604-1798.

    Checks must be made out to Camarillo Republican Women Federated, and the cost of the luncheon is $28.00.


    hornA veteran and author James E. (Jim) Horn, served abroad as a career diplomat for thirty years, ten in the Middle East where he came to know and understand the true Islam. Jim worked in many capacities, including service as a Counter-Terrorism expert. He was specially selected, and was available world-wide as a hostage negotiator. He held TOP SECRET security clearances with code word access to Sensitive Compartmentalized Intelligence (SCI); and has received a number of awards, including one of the Nation’s highest civilian awards – for Valor, in 1975. Since 9/11, Jim has devoted himself to making America safer from terrorism, both violent acts of destruction, and the much more dangerous, insidious, growing subliminal actions of Islamic stealth jihad, domination, and control of our way of life. His efforts include working to expose the danger posed by the true, honest but very insidious Islam that is adversely affecting our great nation in many ways. Jim is active in counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence activities within his local community: He is a member of the FBI’s Infragard network; with the law enforcement intelligence community Terror Early Warning Group, and the Private Sector Terrorist Readiness and Response group as a subject matter expert on Islam. He also works and participates with some private organizations that are actively pursuing Islamists.


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