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    “Common Core: Indoctrination, not Education”


    decease times;”>Thursday, Nov. 20 to hear:  “Common Core: Indoctrination, not Education”
    by Bob Lee and Mike Anderson

    Come hear the facts about Common Core from a Christian perspective.
    Come see a CC textbook for 4th Graders that will totally shock you!!!

    SPEAKER: Michael Anderson has a BS in engineering and MS in systems, is currently in the cyber security business, and has worked in the high technology field his entire life. He has been a teacher for young adults in the 5-8 grades and for men’s groups in his church. Mike recently moved to Thousand Oaks from Orange County.

    SPEAKER: Bob Lee is a Scientist and Engineer. He received his B.S. (With Highest Honors), M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science all from the University of California at Berkeley. Bob has lived in Thousand Oaks since 1980 and has four U.S. patents and one Japanese patent. He also taught Engineering Summer Classes at UCLA.


    Common Core is a PRIVATELY created “Educational Program” that has been forced upon the states (45 OF THE 50 CAPITULATED) and will, in effect, take the final vestiges of state and local control of public education away and vest it with the federal government. Specific details will be given on how Common Core corrupts OUR COUNTRY, OUR FAMILIES, OUR CHILDREN and OUR LAWS. We will present the attendees some examples of disgraceful Common Core books that are approved by the State of California for our children’s classrooms. We will also show many examples of Common Core test questions that lead directly to left wing indoctrination.

    The Common Core was written by a group of giant corporations (Bill Gates – Microsoft and the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation, The Walton Family – Walmart, Pearson Publishing, and Intel etc.) under the guise of helping students.

    The real problem is that Bill Gates, who has put more than $1.2 billion into Common Core, has more influence in public education than his millions of customers. The Walton family has more influence than the 1.4 million Americans who try to scrape together a living working at Walmart. The Broad Foundation carries more weight than the 15,000 elected school boards in this country.

    The huge publishing companies, with Pearson Publishing at the head of the pack, have a very profitable lock on the education system. They write the tests, which favor their own textbooks and package teacher training. They administer and score the hundreds of thousands of tests administered each year. They pour huge amounts of money into the coffers of politicians and so-called “reform” organizations. Through “data mining” that is at the core of the CC system, your public school kids will be tracked from K to past college with intimate details of family dysfunction, mental and physical illness and voting and income records.

    This is, pure and simple, a left-wing and corporate takeover of American public education. The job for the public is to wake up and take back our schools from destructive federal programs like Common Core, No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top.

    If it sounds like doomsday; it could well be if we don’t get busy and change it. We have to recommit at the local level, electing school boards willing to stand up to big money and the state and federal governments when they see policies that damage our children.

    Remember, Common Core is indoctrination, not education. Come and hear the facts.

    A Q&A will follow the presentation.

    Date: Thurs., Nov. 20
    Time: 6:45 p.m. Social time — 7:00 – 9:00 – Meeting
    Place: Calvary Chapel, 2697 Lavery Court, Suite 16 — Newbury Park



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