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    Common Core: War on Kids, Teachers and Parents!


    Thursday, Oct. 15 — 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
    Speaker: Craig Huey

    Mr. Huey has been speaking to many groups about Common Core, bringing them up to speed.

    For us, he will give an “advanced” presentation, beginning with a brief overview of the basics for those new to the subject or wanting a refresher.
    Craig Huey says: Common Core is a massive federal takeover that usurps local and parental control, violates student privacy, lowers academic rigor, and fills curriculum with leftist propaganda.

    A Q&A will follow his presentation.

    “Common Core: War on Kids, Teachers & Parents”

    In a special meeting, Craig Huey reveals 7 shocking education trends which will destroy — or save — our kids.

    You’ll discover in this concise, actionable talk about the surprising but little known impact of Common Core in Thousand Oaks…and across America.

    In the fast-paced overview, you’ll discover:
    • What Common Core is and isn’t…
    • 3 reasons kids & teachers are rejecting Common Core.
    • Which kids succeed…and which don’t.
    • Why more money isn’t working.
    • What parents, grandparents and taxpayers can do.
    • Tenure & predator teachers: why the silence?
    • New lawsuits that can change American education forever.
    • Warning: private & Christian schools…charter schools…and homeschooling…all are in danger…here’s why.
    • The #1 thing to do that will turn education around.
    • 4 confusing myths about Common Core that are destroying kids’ future.
    • 6 shocking realities: The media & educators won’t tell you.
    • Orwellian Invasion of every kid — and parents’ — privacy.
    • 5 surprising new educational trends every parent & taxpayer should know.
    • Little known truth about educational waste & bureaucracy corruption.
    • 4 exciting school choice options.
    • Wow: Presidential candidate on Common Core.

    Craig Huey is an author and small business owner. He is the publisher of the Huey Report, and

    Mr. Huey has spoken nationwide about today’s pressing issues and the elections.

    Your friends and family members are welcome!

    Please RSVP so we’re sure to have enough chairs!

    Date: Thursday, Oct. 15
    Time: 6:45 p.m. Social time —– Meeting time – 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
    Place: 2697 Lavery Court, Suite 16 — Newbury Park (Calvary Chapel)
    Map to 2697 Lavery Court

    (Please look for our American flag standing outside Suite 16 so you won’t disturb another group.)


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