Sunday, July 21, 2024
66.3 F

    Community Town Hall on Opting Out of Common Core Data Mining



    Community Town Hall on Opting Out of Common Core Data Mining

    Wed., no rx Nov. 6 – 6PM  –  Calvary Chapel  –  2697 Lavery Court, sale Newbury Park
    (400 seat auditorium)


    For the first time since the beginning of public education, pilule states like California will be required by the federal government to capture intrusive personally identifiable data and surrender it to the federal government, other states and private companies that are partners in Common Core.  Student data will be collected on each student from K-12 and aggregated with other massive databases maintained by the federal government and private contractors.  The product of this privacy probing and profiling by the government bureaucracy and corporate interests will shadow the students for the rest of their lives.

    As we know from disclosures about unjustified government and private companies snooping on our phone calls, emails, Facebook entries, social buddy networks and more, that the only safe personal data is data that is not surrender.

    Listen to nationally recognized attorneys and educators and join hundreds opting out of Common Core data mining on this day

    • What is Common Core and Why Opt Out?
    • Legal Rights and Consequences?
    • What if Schools Violate Our Rights?
    • Dr. Walter Chappell, Expert on Common Core and Data Mining
    • Keynote:  Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute

    Pacific Justice Institute is recognized for winning civil right court battles for parents of public, charter, private and home schooled students.

    For more information visit:

    Ask for Tony Dolz at 310 371 7500



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